The 100 10 Greatest Betrayals Ranked

The 100: 10 Greatest Betrayals, Ranked


The 100 was a show where characters had to make difficult decisions. That included betraying others who meant a lot to them in shocking fashion.

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The 100 10 Greatest Betrayals Ranked

The dystopian series, The 100, was often quite darker than the average sci-fi show about teenagers. Whether it was the subject matter or the decisions made by the characters, the tone was often serious. Unlike other science fiction dramas, it covered some really complex and dark themes ranging from brutal battles, cold-blooded murders, cannibalism and basically doing whatever it takes to survive.

This means the characters had to make many tough decisions and while one can argue the logic behind their judgment, it is important to understand that they always chose what they believed to be the best option, including betraying their own confidants.

10 Echo Deceives Bellamy

The 100 10 Greatest Betrayals Ranked

Bellamy and Echo were trapped in the cages at Mount Weather when the two of them met for the first time. At that time, Bellamy saved her life but disappointing as it may be, she doesn’t uphold the same spirit of loyalty for him. On the contrary, Echo deceives him by using his trust in her to wage a war on behalf of the Ice Nation.

She makes up a story about a trap at Lexa’s summit and shifts the focus from Mount Weather, leaving it vulnerable to any attack. This destroys the whole facility, killing hundreds of innocent people and ruining Lexa’s bigger plan of uniting the clans. To consider all these events as a person merely carrying out their patriotic duty would be a gross lie.

9 The Primes Take Advantage Of Clarke

The 100 10 Greatest Betrayals Ranked

The Primes Russell and Simone love their child, but it is horrible how they stoop to exploiting Clarke’s body when presented with an option to either wait for more than fifty years until their daughter’s naming day or use Clarke’s body to get her back right then and there.

While she is paralyzed, they cannot give up the chance of making her a host for their daughter Josephine’s mind drive. In spite of knowing that it is totally against Clarke’s wishes, they still continue with their devious plan. It is not only a betrayal of trust but more importantly a complete disrespect of basic human rights.

8 Clarke and Lexa let the missile bomb drop at Tondc

The 100 10 Greatest Betrayals Ranked

Throughout the series, the two charismatic leaders had to make many tough decisions but when Clarke receives a tip-off from Bellamy regarding a missile aimed at the Grounder’s city in Tondc, she wants to warn the people and order their evacuation. However, Lexa will have none of that.

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She explains how if the people are seen evacuating, the Mountain Men will realize that there’s a spy inside their facility and that would further jeopardize their whole plan. Despite the convincing reasoning and justifications, it is agonizing to watch them abandon those people to their deaths in cold blood.

7 Bellamy Betrays Clarke

The 100 10 Greatest Betrayals Ranked

Although the show later explains that Bellamy truly believed he was doing it for the greater good or was possibly brainwashed, it is obvious that he doesn’t seem very loyal when he gives out the secret that Clarke had just shared in his ears as they reunite after so long.

She reveals to him that she didn’t really have the key and yet they could bluff their way past the Shepherd. But her plan gets compromised when instead of covering for her and their friends, he confesses the trap to Shepherd and betrays Clarke.

6 Abby Electrocutes Raven

The 100 10 Greatest Betrayals Ranked

Raven was the only person that Abby treated like a second daughter. In a sad twist of fate, she takes advantage of her influence over Raven and uses her as a means to acquire more pain medicines under the disguise of medical tech being developed for Diyoza’s crew. She kept telling to everyone that she will soon quit her pain pill addiction but was never really capable of that kind of self restrain.

Eventually, Diyoza gains an upper hand over her when she learns of her weakness. Ultimately, in her desperation as an addict, Abby even turns physically against Raven by electrocuting her when she refuses to help her get away with her addiction problems. That betrayal comes as a gut punch and fans watched helplessly as Raven crumbles to the floor.

5 Murphy Helps The Primes

The 100 10 Greatest Betrayals Ranked

Betraying comes as naturally to Murphy as breathing and it is not a surprise when he acts selfishly or snitches on someone in this series. Several fans of Murphy would fall back on the theory of how the trauma of his near-death experience when he was going to be hanged for a crime he didn’t commit might have affected him psychologically, scarring him permanently.

But helping the Primes to steal the bodies of his friends in exchange for his own immortality was too much even by his standards and that is saying a lot.

4 Clarke Kills Bellamy

The 100 10 Greatest Betrayals Ranked

Perhaps, in one of the most tragic sequences and ill-written episodes, Clarke ends up having to kill Bellamy when he decides to hand over Madi’s sketchbook to the Shepherd. She had no choice but to betray him, as a mother who wants nothing more than to protect her daughter from harm’s way, she had to stop him from delivering the book.

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As she crosses over the bridge through the green portal and joins Octavia, Echo, and the rest of her people, she tells them she tried everything but he wouldn’t listen. They cry along with her and take her into an embrace, as though empathizing with her situation and understanding that it had to be done.

3 Kane Betrays Wonkru

The 100 10 Greatest Betrayals Ranked

Initially, Octavia makes a deal with Bellamy to enter the valley with Wonkru in peace, yet as soon as the prisoners lift everyone out of the bunker, they go back on their word claiming the valley for themselves. This drives Octavia to march to the valley and fight it out. However, when the Wonkru soldiers enter a gorge at the end of the valley, there is no return fire.

They assume they are going to win an easy victory when suddenly they realize they are surrounded by McCreary’s army who were waiting for them. It was actually Kane who had betrayed Wonkru by trusting McCreary and revealing their plans to him. This betrayal would cost him a massive blow to his conscience and the resulting guilt for the rest of his life in being responsible for another mass killing.

2 Bellamy Poisons Octavia

The 100 10 Greatest Betrayals Ranked

From the very beginning of the series, it’s clear how close the two siblings are and after knowing about Octavia’s difficult childhood, one can understand why Bellamy has always been so protective about his baby sister. Yet, in order to safeguard his people and keep the peace between the different groups, he convinced that this is the only way to save Clarke.

Since nothing could stop Octavia from starting a war, Bellamy makes the hard choice of putting down his sister by poisoning her. This scene was particularly heartbreaking to watch.

1 Lexa Betrays Clarke At Mount Weather

Given their intense relationship and mutual understanding, it was totally unexpected when Lexa turns her back on Clarke at Mount Weather and leaves her in front of the door alone. On being confronted by Clarke, she justifies her actions by saying that she did what she had to do to save her people. However, in the later episodes, it is confirmed that this betrayal was in fact one of Lexa’s deepest regrets.

She never truly forgave herself for that decision but fans would argue if she really has a choice. Ever since phase two of the overall plan, which involved freeing the prisoners held in the harvest chamber failed, the whole rescue operation was bound to fail. Being the ruthless leader that she is, she had to break her alliance with Clarke and choose to save her people instead.

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