The 100 Finally Makes Raven Understand Clarkes Choices

The 100 Finally Makes Raven Understand Clarke’s Choices

Season 7 of The 100 has made Raven understand her morally ambiguous side when having to be a leader, which she held against Clarke before.

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The 100 Finally Makes Raven Understand Clarkes Choices

Season 7, episode 4, “Hesperides,”of The 100 has finally made Raven Reyes (Lindsey Morgan) understand what it’s like to be Clarke Griffin (Eliza Taylor), a leader having to make the really tough decisions. While the previous episode, “False Gods,” was mostly lackluster, it did feature Raven taking a morally dark stand, lying to the Eligius IV prisoners about the danger posed by the melting down reactor, resulting in their deaths.

This is familiar ground for many characters in the show, with Clarke having to make many decisions that ended with someone’s death. From mercy killing in the first few episodes to irradiating Mount Weather to making a list of who should be allowed to survive the radiation wave in season 4, Clarke is no stranger to making these decisions and taking the heat for it. Throughout the series, Raven has been one of Clarke’s sharpest critics, heaping guilt on her for the hard decisions that had to be made.

In the aftermath of ordering the Eligius IV prisoners to their deaths, The 100 has made Raven finally understand what it’s like to make Clarke’s choices. Raven has done things that have caused deaths before, going all the way back to firing the thrusters on the dropship to kill hundreds of attacking Grounders in season 1. In those instances, she always hid behind it being necessary and not having to see the consequences, but that wasn’t the case here.

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While repairing the reactor in “False Gods,” Raven could see the consequences of what she was doing. Seeing Emori suffering from the radiation sickness and how much worse everyone else got sick made her see it differently. She watched the Eligius IV crew die, rather than be at a distance from them. She lied to them to save everyone and immediately saw the consequences of it, with her friends getting sick and people she promised would be fine dying in front of her.

At least for the short term, this seems to have led to Raven giving in further to her dark side. When the people who run the prison on Skyring try to forcibly take Clarke, Raven kills the soldiers to help her friends escape. None of them expected that she could work the protective suits they wear, which include cloaking technology, letting her get the drop on them. She’s clearly affected by literally pulling the trigger, forcing her to see her darker side up close, rather than the plausible deniability she had in the past.

The struggle with the dark side and high cost of leadership has been a theme throughout The 100, mostly with lead character Clarke Griffin. Season 7 has expanded that to Raven Reyes, who now has to deal with making some of the same tough decisions. She’s been critical of Clarke’s leadership since the beginning but now is forced to recognize that she’s capable of just as much morally gray behavior.

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