The 100 One Quote From Each Main Character That Sums Up Their Personality

The 100: One Quote From Each Main Character That Sums Up Their Personality


After being sent to a toxic wasteland, each character of The 100 has to confront who they are. For good or bad, each has a quote that represents them.

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The 100 One Quote From Each Main Character That Sums Up Their Personality

The characters of The 100 have been through more trauma than anyone deserves. One hundred teenagers are sent to Earth to see if it is safe for the rest of their space station to return. This starts a chain reaction that causes Clarke, Bellamy, Octavia, and Raven to confront right and wrong and learn what it takes to survive. This makes the best and the worst traits of each character come out.

Some characters flourish and progress as people while others devolve into chaos. Each character comes into their own in the span of the show and each has one quote that represents them perfectly.

Raven Reyes

“We All Have Battle Scars, Finn. Suck It Up And Build A Brace For Yours.”

The 100 One Quote From Each Main Character That Sums Up Their Personality

Finn only lasted a bit more than one season and for good reason. He was one of the most hated characters on The 100 due to his murder of innocent Grounders. Regardless of what his intentions were, Raven’s words to him are wise. She is intelligent far beyond her years and unfortunately is tortured the most. She is constantly shot, manipulated, and drilled into. Raven’s strength is what defines her.

Even early in the show, Raven never let herself be a victim. Instead, she found solutions to her problems and she always saves the day with her technical know-how and refusal to give up. While she endures more pain than anyone else on the show, she always perseveres and knows that she can survive anything.

Thelonious Jaha

“Sometimes You Have To Sacrifice The Few To Save The Many. Like I Said… Good Can Come Out Of Even The Darkest Acts.”

The 100 One Quote From Each Main Character That Sums Up Their Personality

Though once the pinnacle of morality, Jaha devolves after the death of his son Wells. After he lands on the ground, he becomes obsessed with finding The City of Light. The location of the city is based on nothing but conjecture, but Jaha is sure that it’s real. He is so sure that he is willing to sacrifice anyone to find it.

Jaha believes that he is righteous, which is his biggest problem. His belief that good can come out of dark acts fuels his fanaticism. He encourages people to take the AI chip which turns him and the rest of the camp into emotionless monsters. Jaha is instrumental in allowing A.L.I.E to take over the camp because he believes that it is the right thing to do. Jaha accepts dark acts if he thinks the ends justify the means.

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Octavia Blake

“Get Knocked Down, Get Back Up Again.”

The 100 One Quote From Each Main Character That Sums Up Their Personality

Octavia’s arc from the girl under the floor to the leader of the Grounders is a sight to behold. She is able to do this because of one distinct motto. Octavia’s first love Lincoln teaches her the Trikru term and she holds it close to her heart for the rest of the show. The two are one of the best couples on The 100 and she survives because Lincoln helps her realize that she is strong enough.

Octavia is strong enough to survive as a secret on the Ark and she is strong as a leader. Even when the Grounders doubt her ability to be one of them and thrive, she never lets it deter her.

Abigail Griffin

“I Choose To Make Sure That We Deserve To Stay Alive.”

The 100 One Quote From Each Main Character That Sums Up Their Personality

Abby never strove to obtain the title of Chancellor but accepted the responsibility because she had to. She is shocked to learn after hitting the ground that her daughter Clarke also assumed the mantle of leader. Clarke is constantly confronted with morally compromising situations and Abby always tries to be the moral ideal.

She watches as Kane sacrificed 300 lives to keep the Ark going and she sees what death and destruction do to Clarke. As the leader of Skaikru, she knows that the decisions they make are important. There is no use in surviving if they turn into savages.

Monty Green

“If A War Is The Only Way To Have The Last Survivable Land On Earth, Then Maybe We Don’t Deserve It.”

The 100 One Quote From Each Main Character That Sums Up Their Personality

Monty retains his humanity while others lose it. He suffers the loss of his family and sees how Earth destroyed his best friend. Somehow, he still has to believe in the best in humankind. This includes yet another war occurring on the ground. He wants to believe in the best in people, but this is shaken when Octavia’s war may destroy the only thing that is worth anything.

Survivable land is the only commodity in a post-apocalyptic world and Monty understands that. He knows that if humans are so bloodthirsty that they would destroy it, there is no sense in having it anyway. He retains his optimism, a rare gift in The 100.

John Murphy

“Pain, Hate, Envy. Those Are The ABCs Of Me. Hey, Get Rid Of Them And There’s Nothing Left.”

The 100 One Quote From Each Main Character That Sums Up Their Personality

Murphy is nothing if not self-aware. He is at first the most hated delinquent on the ground. He becomes bitter after almost being lynched and does not earn any goodwill after trying to kill Bellamy because of it. Murphy knows that no one accepts him and becomes accustomed to it. It is even what saves him from the City of Light as he refuses Jaha’s offer because he doesn’t want to lose any part of him, even if those parts may be bad.

In typical Murphy fashion, he does this with flair. He delivers the line with taunting confidence because he understands his lot in life. He may have the potential to be better, but there is no doubt he accepts who he is as a person and he does it with a sense of humor.

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Marcus Kane

“Saving Our People Is About More Than Keeping Them Alive.”

The 100 One Quote From Each Main Character That Sums Up Their Personality

Kane has one of the best character arcs that The 100 has to offer. His stint as Chancellor did not go very well. He becomes so concerned with survival that he does many compromising things, such as sacrificing the lives of 300 people. The culling was one of the worst things Kane ever did.

But it is after becoming a civilian that Kane finds his humanity. Along with Abby, he is the moral compass of the show. After five years in the bunker, Kane realizes that there is more to survival. He becomes concerned with how Octavia is leading their people. Wonkru becomes brutal and loses much of what makes them human. Kane cares about Octavia like a daughter and can’t let her go down that path.


“I Would If I Had Any.”

The 100 One Quote From Each Main Character That Sums Up Their Personality

This quote doesn’t mean much without the context. Emori says it after she is told, “Emori, You Know You Can Correct Your Defects.” Like Murphy, Emori becomes accepting of herself. Being born on the ground amid the radiation, Emori developed a mutated hand that caused the culture of her people to expel her because they thought her bloodline was tainted.

It is a long time coming, but Emori learns to not let it affect her. Her relationship with Murphy allows her to learn that she can accept herself. She becomes confident and without self-loathing, which is important when she takes A.L.I.E.’s chip. In the shared mind of the AI, you can erase anything wrong with you. Emori knows that there is nothing wrong with her and is proud of who she is. Her character development is a reason that makes her death one of the saddest on The 100.

Bellamy Blake

“My Sister, My Responsibility.”

The 100 One Quote From Each Main Character That Sums Up Their Personality

Bellamy’s main motivation was always his sister. Even when he was young, his mother put him in charge of Octavia. This is something that he feels so strongly about that he follows Octavia after she has been dropped to the ground because he needs to fulfill his mother’s wishes and look after her.

More than responsibility, Bellamy feels love for Octavia that often eclipses everything else. His decisions are always to keep her safe even when in the end he knows that she can take care of herself.

Clarke Griffin

“I Bear It So They Don’t Have To.”

Clarke’s struggle with leadership starts from day one that she is on the ground. She can’t help but be in charge and shares this responsibility with Bellamy. But ultimately Clarke is the one to make the difficult decisions with devastating consequences. The decision to pull the lever on Mount Weather shakes Clarke to her core.

Even though Bellamy wants to share that pain and help her shoulder the burden, she doesn’t allow him. Clarke always feels alone and doesn’t let anyone in, even if it would make her feel better. A good leader takes the brunt of the pain to help her people, which is a recurring theme with Clarke that she is never able to let go of.

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