The Amazing SpiderMan Every Main Characters First & Last Line In The Series

The Amazing Spider-Man: Every Main Character’s First & Last Line In The Series


The Spider-Man reboot may have ended earlier than expected but is still loved by many fans. What are the first and last lines of each major character?

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The Amazing SpiderMan Every Main Characters First & Last Line In The Series

The Amazing Spider-Man series was a reboot of the classic trilogy revolving around Spider-Man, this time with Andrew Garfield in the lead role of Peter Parker. The first movie was released in 2012, also spawning a sequel two years later. Though Sony planned on fashioning an entire Spider-Man cinematic universe, the franchise petered out rather quickly, making way for another reboot in the MCU.

Though the rebooted franchise never fulfilled its full potential, it is beloved by many fans. With several characters confirmed to be returning in December’s Spider-Man: No Way Home, and Garfield himself rumored to be making a comeback as well, now is the time to revisit this series in the form of each character’s first and last lines.

The Rhino

First: “Say Hello To Alexei Sytsevich!”

Last: “Never! I Kill You, I Crush You, I Destroy You! Yes!”

The Amazing SpiderMan Every Main Characters First & Last Line In The Series

Paul Giamatti’s version of the Rhino, appearing in The Amazing Spider-Man 2, was not particularly well-received by fans. Many were disappointed with the mechanized suit that replaced the comic book character’s powers and with the general lack of screentime devoted to the villain overall.

Nevertheless, Rhino rampages onto the screen in the first minutes of the film, incoherently shouting his name at the police officers chasing him. The character closes out the movie too, declaring that he will defeat Spider-Man shortly before it cuts to the credits.

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Norman Osborn

First: “This Is Not How I Imagined I’d Die.”

Last: “Maybe You Can Succeed Where I Failed.”

The Amazing SpiderMan Every Main Characters First & Last Line In The Series

Chris Cooper joins the cast as Norman Osborn, a role originated by Willem Dafoe in the Raimi films. Cooper’s role is significantly smaller than Dafoe’s and never ascends to the heights of Osborn’s comic counterpart, merely appearing in one scene, upon his deathbed.

This version of the character is dying of something called Goblin Disease, something that he has passed on to his son. His first and last lines serve as the catalyst for Harry, who spends the film trying to cure the disease that his father never could, knowing that it will kill him all the same.

George Stacy

First: “No, We Didn’t Catch Him Yet, But We Will.”

Last: “I Want You To Promise Me Something. Leave Gwen Out Of It. Do You Promise Me?”

The Amazing SpiderMan Every Main Characters First & Last Line In The Series

George Stacy, as portrayed by Denis Leary, is a police captain tasked with bringing Spider-Man to justice. He believes fully in his mission against the masked vigilante until he learns of the much bigger threat rising against the city.

Captain Stacy’s first lines frame his motives throughout the film, as he declares that the police would catch Spider-Man, prompting an argument with Peter about the masked man’s motivations. By the end of the film, Stacy has learned Spider-Man’s identity, forcing him to promise to leave Gwen out of his dangerous life.

Dr. Curt Connors

First: “Good Morning, Gwen. Welcome. My Name Is Dr. Curtis Connors. And, Yes, In Case You’re Wondering, I’m A Southpaw.”

Last: “You Should Leave Him Alone!”

The Amazing SpiderMan Every Main Characters First & Last Line In The Series

Dr. Curtis Connors (Rhys Ifans) is a scientist working for Oscorp in pursuit of “a cure for weakness”, studying the regenerative capabilities of lizards to do so. Eventually, his experiments go awry and he transforms himself into the supervillain known as the Lizard.

Despite his villainous turn, Connors himself is portrayed as having good intentions. He is depicted as a generally personable man before becoming the Lizard and seems to have regained that morality after being defeated by Spider-Man. His final words are in defense of the superhero, warning a mysterious visitor not to mess with him.

Ben Parker

First: “These Are My Bowling Trophies.”

Last: “Where Are You Going? Peter, Come Back Here, Please! Peter? Peter!”

The Amazing SpiderMan Every Main Characters First & Last Line In The Series

The iconic role of Ben Parker is played by Martin Sheen, taking on the part after Cliff Robertson from the original trilogy. Sheen’s take on Ben is generally considered to be one of the better parts of the Amazing Spider-Man franchise.

Uncle Ben’s final words are the ones that are the most haunting, as he shouts for Peter to come back before wandering into the night to find him. Fans will remember that Ben never came home after searching for Peter, but would instead be shot dead in the street just a short time later.

Max Dillon

First: “Excuse Me! There’s More Room On The Sidewalks, Folks, Please! I’ve Got Blueprints Here!”

Last: “Spider-Man, Bet You Never Saw This Coming.”

The Amazing SpiderMan Every Main Characters First & Last Line In The Series

Jamie Foxx’s Max Dillon, AKA Electro, is widely regarded as one of the worst superhero villains put to screen. Nevertheless, the baddie has been confirmed for December’s Spider-Man: No Way Home, making him an interesting character for audiences to revisit in anticipation of the upcoming film.

Dillon begins the film as a “nobody,” screaming just to be heard by anyone around him. After gaining his powers, however, he grows increasingly dangerous and demands further attention, growing quite arrogant, even in the face of the Amazing Spider-Man.

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Harry Osborn

First: “Dad?”

Last: “Good. Start With Him.”

The Amazing SpiderMan Every Main Characters First & Last Line In The Series

Dane DeHaan becomes Harry Osborn in the second film, wherein he gradually grows more and more sinister as the Goblin Disease ravages his body. Eventually, he becomes responsible for the death of Gwen Stacy, the love of Peter Parker’s life.

Harry is first introduced when he visits his father’s bedside, just before he dies. He spends the rest of the film trying to avoid the same fate, losing himself in the process. By the end of the film, he is in prison, plotting the demise of Spider-Man, whom he blames for his position.

May Parker

First: “I’m Making Spaghetti And Meatballs Tonight!”

Last: “I’m Gonna Take One Last Look, And I’m Gonna Put It Where It Belongs.”

The Amazing SpiderMan Every Main Characters First & Last Line In The Series

Sally Field’s May Parker may not have been as memorable as Rosemary Harris was in the original films, but Field certainly injects these films with an extra shot of energy. Her take on the character is often frustrated with Peter, but loving in her corrections.

May always provides for her household, both physically and emotionally. Whether she is making “spaghetti and meatballs” for dinner or providing much-needed words of wisdom to her grieving nephew, she always knows just what to say and when to say it.

Gwen Stacy

First: “Flash! We Still On For After School Today? My House, 3:30? I Hope You’ve Been Doing Your Homework. Last Time, I Was Very Disappointed In You.”

Last: “I Know It Feels Like We’re Saying Goodbye, But We Will Carry A Piece Of Each Other Into Everything We Do Next… To Remind Us Of Who We Are–And Of Who We’re Meant To Be. I’ve Had A Great Four Years With You. I’ll Miss You All Very Much.”

The Amazing SpiderMan Every Main Characters First & Last Line In The Series

Emma Stone appears as Gwen Stacy opposite Andrew Garfield. Stone plays the character with toughness and kindness that cause fans to fall in love with her just as quickly as Parker does. She proves to be Peter’s strength in the many difficulties he faces in his young life.

Stacy is introduced when she defuses a situation between Peter and Flash Thompson in the school courtyard, establishing her as the coolest head in the room. Later, in one of the most memorable scenes of The Amazing Spider-Man 2, she is tragically killed by Harry Osborn’s Green Goblin, but her legacy lives on in the form of a video of her graduation speech, which motivates Peter to keep on fighting after her death.

Peter Parker

First: “Five, Four, Three, Two, One. Ready Or Not, Here I Come!”

Last: “There’s No Place Like Home.”

Peter Parker is first introduced to fans as a child, playing a game of hide-and-seek in his childhood home. The choice to portray Peter from a young age gives viewers an emotional connection with him as they watch the last interaction he will ever have with his parents before their disappearance.

Over the films, Peter grows into the hero Spider-Man and, though he goes through much heartache, he always rises to the occasion. After the death of Gwen Stacy, he returns to superheroism when the Rhino rampages through the city. He swings into battle, marking the last time fans ever saw this version of the character (at least for now).

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