The Batman Is Filming A Motorcycle Chase Scene In First Person

The Batman Is Filming A Motorcycle Chase Scene In First Person

An on set photo for Matt Reeves’ upcoming The Batman movie reveals there will be a motorcycle chase shot from a first-person perspective.

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An on set photo for Matt Reeves’ upcoming The Batman reveals there will be a motorcycle chase filmed in first person. The highly anticipated film stands apart from the rest of the DC Extended Universe, with Robert Pattinson playing a younger and less experienced Batman than the one seen in films like Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Justice League. Reeves’ film pits Pattison’s Batman against The Riddler (Paul Dano), who hasn’t been seen on the big screen in live action since Joel Schumacher’s Batman Forever. The film also stars ZoĆ« Kravitz as Catwoman, Jeffrey Wright as James Gordon, and Colin Farrell as The Penguin.

So far, the film has been infamously enigmatic. Besides a short teaser and a handful of photos, many details about its plot remain largely unknown. On top of that, the shoot has been plagued by problems due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Filming was shut down earlier in the year, finally resuming in September. However, soon after production started up again, Pattinson himself tested positive for COVID-19, causing the film to shut down once more. At the beginning of October, Warner Bros. announced The Batman’s release was pushed from October 1, 2021, to March 4, 2022. Due to both the secretive nature of the film and its troubled production history, fans have been chomping at the bit for any information related to The Batman that could give them insight into the movie.

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However, some exciting news has dropped: an on set photo via Laziiner on Twitter reveals the film will feature a first person motorcycle chase scene. The photo shows a camera rig attached to what appears to be Batman’s motorcycle, as seen in other set photos. One point of note is the fake arms attached to the rig’s extended bike handlebars. They don’t appear to be Batman’s, as the hands are bare with some bandages wrapped around them. It’s possible this chase isn’t from Batman’s perspective or perhaps is from a scene featuring Bruce Wayne out of costume.


This isn’t the only image revealing an action set piece for the upcoming film. Recently, some set photos showed either Pattinson or a stuntman standing on top of the Royal Liver Building clocktower in Liverpool, England. The photo depicted Batman apparently ready to take flight, preparing to leap off the building using his cape as a glider of sorts. While these glimpses are small and somewhat vague, they do paint a picture of a film that should be satisfying from an action standpoint.

However, so much information about The Batman’s story remains unknown. There are some interesting and relatively convincing theories, but concrete details are few and far between. But, this photo does prove Reeves and the rest of his team are pushing boundaries. A first person motorcycle chase isn’t something that typically appears in blockbuster superhero action films. This should comfort fans hoping The Batman will be more focused on presenting the vision of its director than fitting the aesthetics of an already existing cinematic universe. As more details trickle in, hopefully audiences get a clearer picture of what type of film The Batman will be.

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