The Batman Repeats A Key Part Of Affleck’s Batman Motivation

The Batman Repeats A Key Part Of Affleck’s Batman Motivation

Robert Pattinson’s Batman will be filled with rage, which was a considerable driving force behind Ben Affleck’s version, pushing him over the edge.

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The Batman Repeats A Key Part Of Affleck’s Batman Motivation

The Batman sounds like it will repeat a key part of the motivation behind Ben Affleck’s Dark Knight. Director Matt Reeves’ upcoming film was originally slated to star Affleck, who was also attached as writer and director. Following the Oscar-winner’s unfortunate departure from the role, Robert Pattinson was cast in a completely new project set outside the DCEU’s continuity.

Pattinson will play a younger Bruce Wayne in his second year as Batman. Aiding him in his mission to battle crime in Gotham will be loyal butler Alfred Pennyworth (Andy Serkis) and Commissioner James Gordon (Jeffrey Wright). Meanwhile, The Batman will also introduce a new take on the classic rogues’ gallery, including the Zodiac Killer-inspired Riddler (Paul Dano), Catwoman (Zoë Kravitz), and Penguin (Colin Farrell).

CinemaCon recently unveiled new footage of The Batman, with Pattinson offering new insight to his rendition of the Caped Crusader, one who is consumed with rage. Although Reeves’ film looks to veer closer to a moody noir story than what’s been seen in the DCEU, this sentiment echoes the core idea behind Affleck’s more ferocious Batman. Rage is what led his middle-aged crimefighter astray, suggesting Pattinson’s Batman could face a similar crisis. Speaking on The Batman’s CinemaCon featurette, Pattinson teased, “He’s really working out this rage. All the fights seem very personal.” This was glimpsed in the film’s trailer, showcasing a somber Bruce lacking the suave appearance normally associated with the character.

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The trailer also highlighted his Batman’s ruthless beating of gang members, fist flailing in a shot reminiscent of Ben Affleck’s warehouse fight scene, with the latter sequence being one of the strongest moments in the flawed Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Affleck proved his doubters wrong with a convincing portrayal of an older, broken Dark Knight, albeit one whose merciless actions provoked controversy. It would be easy to simply label this as another of the film’s failings, but this Batman’s barbaric nature was integral to his story. Alfred (Jeremy Irons) makes this clear when he recognizes in Bruce “the fear, the rage, the feeling of powerlessness that turns good men cruel”.

Affleck’s Batman was consumed by his inability to save others, pushing him over the edge and breaking his no-kill rule. Pattinson’s comments imply his Batman is also struggling with this, possibly perceiving the criminals emerging in Gotham as his own failure. Considering he is new to vigilantism, it’s likely Pattinson’s version is still developing his moral compass, attacking criminals with malice. Previous movies have shown Batman to swiftly neutralize threats, whereas Affleck, and now perhaps Pattinson, take some form of pleasure in the violence. Pattinson seems to suggest his Batman cannot yet treat his actions objectively, which is partly why Affleck’s iteration was nearly consumed by darkness. In BvS, the crimefighter treated criminal as if they could be the next to kill his loved ones, still traumatized by Joker’s murder of Robin. This strained his relationship with allies, an idea that could be expanded on in The Batman.

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The trailer teases Pattinson brawling with police, his rage threatening what could be a tense arrangement with the GCPD. The Batman repeating Affleck’s motivation can provide an exciting contrast. Affleck’s Batman sought redemption by forming the Justice League, while Pattinson’s much younger Batman must learn to control his rage and reprioritize protecting Gotham. His fury may hinder his detective skills, but this can and should be explored for him to realize how to properly administer justice and not be controlled by a fetishist desire to head out into the night seeking brutality.

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