The Crown Vs The Queens Gambit Who Is More Fashionable Diana Or Beth

The Crown Vs The Queen’s Gambit: Who Is More Fashionable, Diana Or Beth?


Beth Harmon of The Queen’s Gambit and Princess Diana in The Crown are both on-screen style icons – but what do they each do best?

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The Crown Vs The Queens Gambit Who Is More Fashionable Diana Or Beth

Netflix is witnessing the ascent of two fashionistas right now, Beth Harmon from The Queen’s Gambit and Princess Diana from Season 4 of The Crown. Though these women have a good thirty years between them, their style philosophy is quite similar. Both Beth and Diana hate blending in, and though trying to fit into their role or their public image was a crucial part of their style, they tried to re-draw their parameters via their wardrobes.

But Diana was undoubtedly the more fearless dresser, easily switching from a hot pink strappy tulle gown to a rather elegant sundress and boater hats. But Beth was the epitome of early ’60s power dressing, a decade before the flower child movement began, she sported strong silhouettes and sophisticated A-line coats. So, who was the most influential fashion icon in the streaming circuit right now? Here’s an exploration:

10 Diana: Sloane Ranger As A Pre-Royal

The Crown Vs The Queens Gambit Who Is More Fashionable Diana Or Beth

Diana was a fashionista even before she had anything to do with the royal family, but her choices weren’t all about expensive couture or high street choices. Diana adhered to the Sloane Ranger style memo that cropped up in the early ‘80s and basically consisted of breezy but classy apparel, the kind that suggests an effortless poshness. The Crown’s Diana went for easy cardigans, waistcoats, pastel overalls, and numbers which are discerning but don’t come across as try-hard. Diana never really dressed to draw attention. So most of her mix-and-matching may come across as really last-minute, however, they’re not casually or poorly chosen, which establishes her as a diligent dresser even as a youngster.

9 Beth: A Classic Dresser

The Crown Vs The Queens Gambit Who Is More Fashionable Diana Or Beth

Beth dressed like someone older, perhaps to be taken more seriously. Her wardrobe is noticeably devoid of prints or peppy patterns, which is interesting because polka dots and romantic florals were a big deal during that time. But Beth steered clear of fussy detailing and would mostly go for muted palettes or solid, deep ones – and of course, those checks.

There’s a very sly aspect to her styling choices, especially when she goes for casual looks, like a white shirt tucked under a dress or a pinafore, which was a corporate styling trend in the early ’60s. But Beth mostly stuck to classic but comfortable fashion.

8 Diana: Made Her Own Styling Rules Even As A Young Royal

The Crown Vs The Queens Gambit Who Is More Fashionable Diana Or Beth

Even when she had just become part of the royal family, Diana was noticeably brave and confident about her fashion choices which is remarkable because she had so much to prove. But her style was indomitably dramatic and polished; Diana was very aware of ’80s trends in real life, and that reflects in Corrin’s depiction as well as she picks subtly sequined dresses, nautical tops, and of course, polka dots. But her styling was noticeably different from popular, mainstream picks because she opted for unusual dresses and styled them in old school ways with broad belts and stockings and dramatic collars were a big part of her early looks which added a very nuanced edge to her looks.

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7 Beth: A Conscious And Empowered Wardrobe

The Crown Vs The Queens Gambit Who Is More Fashionable Diana Or Beth

Unlike Diana, Beth does not ever go breezy with her wardrobe even when she’s just trying to keep a low profile or running errands. Diana loved playing around her comfort zones and trying different ways to style herself, Beth, on the other hand, was a bit of a traditionalist, which makes sense since her story is set three decades before The Crown Season 4.

But Beth always steered towards confident, empowering silhouettes which made her look classy and made it harder for people to spot her as the youngest person in the room. She was a chess prodigy, which was a spectrum dominated by men, most of whom are older, so it’s obvious that Beth ultimately relied on a strong, reliable, and feminine aesthetic.

6 Diana: Very Vigilant About Colors

The Crown Vs The Queens Gambit Who Is More Fashionable Diana Or Beth

Diana was very conscious about color palettes and about the shades which should be avoided at evening appearances. Her powder blue silk ruffled dress during her Australian tour, for instance, would never work for a day event as the sun would drown out the lovely shade. She loved making a splash, but not in an obvious way; for her outdoor appearances most of her looks consist of shades that are noticeable from a distance. Whereas for formal, black-tie events she usually sticks to elegant picks like cream, black or deep scarlet. But she was definitely a maverick when it came to exploring colors because she chose to wear shades which are very difficult to pull off like her iconic strapless, lavender gown or casual camel coats over pastel dresses.

5 Beth: Goes For A Timely Biba Style Dressing

The Crown Vs The Queens Gambit Who Is More Fashionable Diana Or Beth

The Biba aesthetic was all the rage in the ’60s and The Queen’s Gambit costume designer Gabriele Binder confirms that the styling trend was a huge inspiration for anchoring Beth’s most notable looks. Biba was a high street London apparel store Polish-born Barbara Hulanicki and found a huge resonance amid fashionistas. Biba fashion was all about flowy, distinct separates and dramatic hems and Beth’s style in the latter part of the show did explore this spectrum quite a bit.

“For the New York looks, I had Edie Sedgwick in mind. Later in the series, I incorporated references to the rise of Biba style through the eyes of someone who is an outsider — an interesting person who is going her own way,” Binder revealed in a recent Vogue interview.

4 Diana: An Occasional Power Dresser

The Crown Vs The Queens Gambit Who Is More Fashionable Diana Or Beth

It’s important to note that unlike Meghan Markle, who went for power dressing almost all the time when she was an active royal, Diana was a sporadic power dresser. She didn’t always go for shoulder pads, high waisted trousers, or double-breasted blazers which dominated the ’80s style circuit but only did so occasionally; and Diana’s sense of power dressing wasn’t just about masculine styling or long, imposing silhouettes but she made a statement with blocky prints, sturdy gingham or checks. “It’s interesting, when you look at Diana everybody thinks of—glamorous, gorgeous—how very little pattern [she wears]. It’s blocky colors. It’s all a bit naff at the beginning and then the middle bits are still a bit naff, but more expensively done. Then at the end, it’s clearer where she’s gonna go,” notes costume designer Amy Roberts.

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3 Beth: A Cheeky Fashionista

The Crown Vs The Queens Gambit Who Is More Fashionable Diana Or Beth

Beth’s chess-themed clothing drew a lot of attention on the show and drew attention to how self-aware she was about the impact of her fashion choices. In fact, she was spotted wearing an A-line checkered white coat after her Moscow tournament which was actually an important statement on her relevance. “The checked coat that she wears to leave the tournament in Moscow was a beautiful vintage piece that we found, which I believe was designed by André Courrèges for an American designer as part of a collaboration. This was a very self-confident piece, we wanted the visuals of a strong decision referenced by the checks,” Binder says in the same interview.

2 Diana: Had A Lot Of Fun With Her Clothes

The Crown Vs The Queens Gambit Who Is More Fashionable Diana Or Beth

On the show as well as in real life, Diana tried to find her footing as a royal through her fashion; since there were only so many ways she could express herself publicly, her wardrobe became a language for her. So some of her flashier choices were actually her trying to find herself as an icon. As she grew older and more confident about her royal role, she became really fearless about edgy dressing and the show does a good job of documenting how Diana grew into her own as a Princess in just a few years. It also became a part of The Crown’s narrative; a good example would be the dramatic power blocked red and blue ensemble she wears during a fight she has with Charles over Camilla. It’s confident, it’s audacious, and it depicts Diana as someone who knows what she wants.

1 Beth: A Monochrome Loyalist

The Crown Vs The Queens Gambit Who Is More Fashionable Diana Or Beth

Beth loves going for tried-and-tested palates, and it actually really works for her. Her auburn hair and complexion are quite a contrast and solid colors only complement her edginess. Even when she goes for tea-length dresses or skirts, she sticks to muted hues like sand-tones shades or black-and-whites. Much like Diana, Beth also loves color blocking and does some experimenting with the trend, especially with her casual looks, and pairs some unlikely numbers together. Like moss green pullovers with mango-colored shorts or candy pastels with taupe.

JJ Rankin is a culture and entertainment writer. You can find her work if you want to, you know

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