The Death of Superman Was Just Prevented By His Son

The Death of Superman Was Just Prevented By His Son

In the latest issue of Superman, Jon Kent’s fears that the end is coming for his father, though he may have just prolonged the inevitable.

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The Death of Superman Was Just Prevented By His Son

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Action Comics #1029

In the latest issue of DC Comics’ Action Comics, the son of Superman just saved his father’s life… but he may have only prevented the inevitable. The comic is seemingly teasing the next Death of Superman story, seeing the fall of Clark Kent as Jonathan Kent grapples with the idea of one day taking his father’s place as the next Man of Steel. As a result, when the Kryptonian father and son face a deadly invasion from a breach in another dimension, Kent fears for his father’s life, especially considering what he knows from his time in the 31st century.

In the previous Superman #29, Superman and his son were alerted to ongoing incursions in Earth’s orbit, as a breach to another dimension kept unleashing alien monsters. Remarkably, these creatures were strong enough to harm Clark and Jon, making the stakes of the fight much more dire. Furthermore, Jon becomes increasingly concerned for his dad’s safety, not only because he sees Superman bleed, but also because he knows that this battle is one of the last recorded events from the 31st century that feature Superman before his death.

Despite urging his dad to stay away from the next fight, Superman has an obligation to protect the world, and Action Comics #1029 from writer Phillip Kennedy Johnson with art by Phil Hester sees the Man of Steel fighting the monsters once more. Superman took some major hits during this new battle, and it only served to confirm Jon’s fear as the battle continued. However, rather than seeing his father fall, the presence of Superman’s son in the battle alongside him seems to have been the only thing that kept him alive to see the conflict through.

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After the dust settles and the breaches are closed for good, Jon is obviously relieved that Superman is still alive, though he is confused. He was sure that this was supposed to be the beginning of the end. This implies two things: either Jon fighting alongside Superman prevented him from dying in spite of 31st-century records and like Superman himself believes, or Jon has only managed to keep his father around for a little while longer before he inevitably dies as he’s apparently meant to. It’s most likely the latter, as the issue ends with the cosmic villain Mongul secretly monitoring them both. He confirms that Superman is indeed dying, though it’s unclear if it’s the result of this battle with the breaching monsters or something else that has yet to be revealed.

Regardless, had Jon not been there Superman would have most likely died from the alien horde’s relentless onslaught, as they were almost too much for their combined strength. As Superman and his son’s journey continues, here’s hoping Jon can prepare himself for the uncertain future that lies ahead. Though, it does seem as though his evolution into the next Superman will soon happen, as he seems destined to take his father’s place.

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