The Expanse 5 Most Likable Characters (& 5 Fans Cant Stand)

The Expanse: 5 Most Likable Characters (& 5 Fans Can’t Stand)


The Expanse is an epic space opera series filled with tons of memorable characters, though some of them are memorable for all the wrong reasons.

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The Expanse 5 Most Likable Characters (& 5 Fans Cant Stand)

The Expanse is a futuristic sci-fi thriller series that tracks human beings all across the Solar System. With every planet within reach, humans colonize a host of different planets and stars while doing what they do best, dividing the rich from the poor and disturbing the natural ecosystems.

While people who live in the Belt are considered to be below the poverty level, people who live on Mars, now a military-run planet, and Earth are considered well-off. The Expanse mixes space travel with politics to produce some brilliant storylines, driven by some brilliant characters. Here are the five most likable characters in the series, and five fans can’t stand.

10 Can’t Stand: Jules-Pierre

The Expanse 5 Most Likable Characters (& 5 Fans Cant Stand)

Jules-Pierre Mao is one of those people who helped unleash the Protomolecule in the Solar System. In fact, he is the head of that project and colludes with Sadavir to hide the same from the United Nations.

He allows the testing of the deadly molecule on children in order to convert them into some kind of killing machines. His daughter, Julie, dies due to the Protomolecule, and still, he doesn’t stop, which tells you how deluded he really was.

9 Like: Alex

The Expanse 5 Most Likable Characters (& 5 Fans Cant Stand)

Alex Kamal is the pilot of The Rocinante, and, coming from Mars, he is one of the best—if not the best—pilots in the whole Solar System. He has a troubled past, as he left his family, and, now, he cannot move on without—at least, trying to apologize.

He is a very good friend to have, and almost all of the time, his advice is on point. Without Alex, James Holden and his crew might not have got out of some dangerous situations alive.

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8 Can’t Stand: Anderson Dawes

The Expanse 5 Most Likable Characters (& 5 Fans Cant Stand)

A true Belter at heart, Anderson Dawes is the leader of the OPA (Outer Planets Alliance) faction in Ceres. As any leader, he only drives his troops and takes the back seat whenever there’s action to be taken. He is manipulative and only has his interests on his mind. Sometimes, he misuses his power, and that’s when the viewers hate him the most.

7 Like: Naomi

The Expanse 5 Most Likable Characters (& 5 Fans Cant Stand)

Naomi Nagata is another Belter who comes from humble beginnings. But, she is a very talented engineer, one of the best in the Solar System. Her expertise, combined with her intelligence, makes her an indispensable part of the crew.

She is also involved romantically with James, although they both suffer some setbacks along the way. Naomi is a good person at heart, and, while sometimes she can be selfish, most of the time, she is selfless.

6 Can’t Stand: Marco Inaros

The Expanse 5 Most Likable Characters (& 5 Fans Cant Stand)

The charismatic Marco Inaros is an OPA operative who believes in taking the power from Earth and Mars by force. His personality is over the top, which makes him easier to follow. He is a coward who would rather hide behind his followers than face death when it comes knocking.

Marco is also the father of Naomi’s son—that tells you how manipulative Marco was, as he was able to get someone like Naomi under his control. He might also be the villain in season five, though that remains to be seen.

5 Like: Drummer

The Expanse 5 Most Likable Characters (& 5 Fans Cant Stand)

Drummer is first introduced in the series as Fred Johnson’s second-in-command at Tycho Station, but she later gets to tell a story of her own. From a follower, she becomes a leader by heading the Behemoth (OPA’s first War Ship). She is a good friend to Naomi and a very loyal servant to Fred. With Ashford, her relationship is complicated, but it develops in season four when both of them together hunt down Inaros.

4 Can’t Stand: Sadavir

The Expanse 5 Most Likable Characters (& 5 Fans Cant Stand)

A true political monster, Sadavir Errinwright worked as the second most powerful man on Earth, operating as the undersecretary of the United Nations. His demeanor, coupled with his ability to drive any conversation in the direction he wants, make him a fierce political leader.

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Sadavir was caught, in the end, for colluding with Jules-Pierre for hiding the Protomolecule.

3 Like: Amos

The Expanse 5 Most Likable Characters (& 5 Fans Cant Stand)

Amos sees the world like no one else. Coming from a humble background on Earth, he is a survivor who can do anything to keep himself and people he cares about alive. The lack of emotions he shows makes him look like a sociopath, but these kinds of people are needed to get the job done in a hectic space chase. He also adds a little comic relief to the show just because of his ability to say the most awkward thing with a straight face.

2 Can’t Stand: Adolphus

The Expanse 5 Most Likable Characters (& 5 Fans Cant Stand)

Adolphus Murty is the head of security for Royal Charter Energy (RCE) on the Edward Israel, which was tasked to discover the findings by a Belter group at Illus or New Terra (a planet quite similar to Earth). But, when a landing failure occurs, which kills many people, Murty starts holding a grudge against the Belters at Illus. This soon turns into a war, with Murty looking to find the culprits who caused the plane crash.

Just like Amos, Murty also showed a lack of emotional connection, a thing that made him a favorite to survive this battle, but, alas, that didn’t happen.

1 Like: Detective Josephus

By far, the most important character of the show is Detective Josephus Miller, who worked for Star Helix Security at Ceres station. After being assigned with the task to find Julie Mao, he developed an attraction for the girl and became obsessed with finding her.

That, eventually, led him to the Protomolecule, and he played a huge role in wiping it out from the Eros station. Then, in season four, his consciousness guided James Holden to one incredible secret. It was hard not to include James, Chrisjen Avasarala, and Bobby on this list, but that’s what happens when the series has a plethora of good characters.

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