The Expanse Theory Drummer Kills Marco Inaros

The Expanse Theory: Drummer Kills Marco Inaros


The Expanse season 5 features Marco Inaros as the overarching antagonist of the entire system, but could he be defeated by Camina Drummer?

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The Expanse Theory Drummer Kills Marco Inaros

Will Drummer be the one to finish off Marco Inaros in The Expanse? 2020 hasn’t exactly been a year to remember, but spare a thought for those in the futuristic era of The Expanse who, since the show began, have faced interplanetary war, an infectious alien bioweapon and economic collapse. Life isn’t looking any brighter in The Expanse season 5 either, with Marco Inaros rising to prominence. The citizens of the Belt have always opposed the dominant forces of Earth and Mars, but thanks to the efforts of the Rocinante, a truce has been struck – officially at least. In practice, many Belters resent the agreement with the Inners, and this ill-feeling has allowed Marco to gain momentum.

Marco Inaros has always sat at the extreme end of the OPA (Outer Planets Alliance), and now finds himself the champion of a “Belt First” agenda. With a charismatic personality and an opportunistic nature, Marco has taken advantage of the chaos in the Sol system to strike against Earth, steal from Mars, and take out any fellow Belter who stands in his way. In the opening three episodes of The Expanse season 5, few realize the threat Marco truly poses, but as Earth is sprinkled with stealth-lined asteroids, the reality has become all too clear.

Before long, the likes of James Holden, Fred Johnson and Chrisjen Avasarala will have their sights trained solely on taking down Inaros, but could a more unexpected hero emerge? First introduced as Fred Johnson’s right-hand woman, Camina Drummer has been an ally to the Rocinante and a proponent for peace, but a deep-rooted passion for the Belt has steered Drummer on a new path when The Expanse season 5 begins. Could she be the savior the system needs, and kill Marco Inaros?

Drummer Feels She Must Atone For Ashford’s Death

The Expanse Theory Drummer Kills Marco Inaros

The biggest reason Drummer could (and maybe should) kill Marco Inaros relates to the death of Klaes Ashford in The Expanse season 4. Ashford and Drummer took custody of Inaros during last season’s exploits, and had a golden opportunity to end his reign of terror while the villain was still relatively small-time. Ashford seemed to foresee the great threat Marco would become and voted to execute him on the spot, but the poll was divided, and Drummer cast the deciding ballot, opting to spare Marco’s life on the condition of forfeit. This decision has not aged well. Since then, Marco has consolidated his power, brokered a deal with Martian rebels, killed Ashford and started a war with Earth. In Drummers own words, Marco “talked his way out” of a death sentence.

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In The Expanse season 5, Drummer is feeling the weight of her merciful vote, as she mourns the loss of Ashford. If Camina had only changed her position, Ashford would still be alive, countless Earthers wouldn’t be dead, and the Belt’s truce would still be more or less intact. With these regrets foremost in her mind, Drummer makes the bold decision to pursue Marco in The Expanse season 5, shocking her crew, who neither understand nor agree. It’s clear that Drummer believes she can find a measure of redemption by killing Marco Inaros – something she should’ve done when given the chance in season 4. Drummer proves she has learned from her mistakes when asked why Marco would leave Klaes Ashford’s disused ship floating through space. She answers “he left it as a message,” which Ashford himself said to Drummer while he was still alive, demonstrating how Cara Gee’s character has now adopted the same outlook.

As the old saying goes, those who seek revenge must prepare to eject two corpses out of the airlock, and dying in the process of taking down Marco would be a fitting end for Drummer’s character in The Expanse. Cara Gee has been nothing short of fantastic as Drummer, and her composite character has integrated seamlessly alongside more faithfully adapted figures from the book series. But as The Expanse heads into its final stretch, killing Marco Inaros presents the best opportunity to bring Drummer’s story to a meaningful resolution.

The Belt Needs To Fix Its Own Problems

The Expanse Theory Drummer Kills Marco Inaros

In the opening episodes of The Expanse season 5, Fred Johnson asserts the importance of the Belt policing itself. For years, Belters have been considered a nuisance by Earth and Mars, and even though a truce has finally been reached, the Outers are still divided into various factions, each with their own philosophies and goals. For this reason, it’s vital that when trouble inevitable arises in the Belt, the OPA can respond without interference or assistance from the inner planets. Without the capacity to patrol its own territory, the Belt can never truly be legitimate, Earth and Mars will always be seen as overbearing, and the likes of Marco Inaros will always attract dangerous zealots.

With this in mind, a Belter must be the one to take down Marco. Sure, the Rocinante could swoop to the rescue and save the day again, or Earth can deploy its Navy and meet Marco’s forces head-on. However, this would only lead to more bloodshed between the Inner and Outer planets, proving Marco’s point that peace is impossible until the Belt is victorious. Even if Fred Johnson was the one to put down Marco, the villain would still become a martyr for the more extreme Belters, and his legacy would endure for years to come.

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The only way to truly eradicate the threat of Marco Inaros is for a true, respected Belter to do the deed, and this is why Camina Drummer is the ideal candidate. Arguably more than any other character, Drummer has acted in the interests of the Belt, paying little heed to political maneuvering, ambition or, until recently, emotion. Drummer stepped away from Fred Johnson when his actions cost Belter lives, and she now operates as a noble pirate. As one of the few Belters who represents both sides of the divide, Drummer killing Marco would contradict his anti-Inner ideology rather than feeding into it.

Drummer Killing Marco Inaros Subverts The Source Material

The Expanse has provided a mostly faithful adaptation of the books so far, making narrative tweaks rather than sweeping changes. Camina Drummer, however, represents one of the more significant alterations made for TV. In the original book series, Drummer doesn’t properly debut until Nemesis Games (the equivalent of season 5), whereas Cara Gee first appeared The Expanse season 2. Live-action Drummer has incorporated elements from different OPA book characters, including Michio Pa, Samara and Bull, and it’s Michio Pa’s story that could lead to a showdown between Drummer and Inaros in The Expanse season 5.

Michio Pa is one of the OPA members who joins Marco Inaros during his rise to power, but she ultimately rebels against her bosmang, sides with Holden, and leads a mass defection from the Free Navy. That story will likely play out differently on Amazon Prime. Drummer’s intense hatred of Inaros renders the notion of her joining the Free Navy all-but impossible, with Ashford a far more sympathetic character on TV than in the books. But Drummer can still broadly follow Michio Pa’s character arc by killing Inaros and drawing his supporters over to her side, maintaining the overall direction of The Expanse, while accommodating the absence of an authentic live-action Michio Pa.

Michio Pa may prove instrumental in the battle against Marco Inaros, but she isn’t the one who finishes him off. Instead, Naomi hatches a plan to overload the Ring Gate as Marco passes through, wiping him from existence. Naomi’s grudge against Marco is, without question, as valid as Drummer’s, but The Expanse season 5 is playing up Drummer’s desire for vengeance more overtly, with Naomi focused solely on rescuing Filip. Perhaps Marco will still be gobbled up by the Ring Gate as per Naomi’s calculations, but Drummer will be the one who makes that happen, satisfying the arcs of both women, and taking advantage of the closer relationship between Naomi and Drummer in The Expanse TV series.

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