The Falcon And The Winter Soldier 5 Ways The Flag Smashers Went Too Far (& 5 Points They Actually Had)

The Falcon And The Winter Soldier: 5 Ways The Flag Smashers Went Too Far (& 5 Points They Actually Had)


The Flag Smashers made for complex antagonists in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, using extreme violent measures to fight for good causes.

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The Falcon And The Winter Soldier 5 Ways The Flag Smashers Went Too Far (& 5 Points They Actually Had)

The MCU Disney+ series The Falcon and the Winter Soldier explores more complicated concepts than the typical heroes and villains. The Flag Smashers are introduced as a group that sees themselves as freedom fighters but are considered by others to be terrorists. The show doesn’t give easy answers to which viewpoint is correct.

In their mission to help overlooked people, the Flag Smashers, led by Karli Morgenthau, do certain things that go too far to maintain sympathy. However, even when they do these terrible things, it is hard to argue with what they are trying to achieve.

10 Too Far: Working With Batroc

The Falcon And The Winter Soldier 5 Ways The Flag Smashers Went Too Far (& 5 Points They Actually Had)

There is an interesting perspective among the Flag Smashers when it comes to Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes. While the world might see these men as heroes, since they are working for the government to put a stop to their mission, Karli and the others see them as villains.

Yet Karli is willing to overlook the crime of Batroc, the known terrorist and mercenary, and join forces with him. It seems that when such people are willing to join their cause, the Flag Smashers should have known they are doing something wrong.

9 Good Point: Sharing Resources

The Falcon And The Winter Soldier 5 Ways The Flag Smashers Went Too Far (& 5 Points They Actually Had)

Karli is presented as something of a Robin Hood figure, taking from those in power and distributing it to those in need. In the first few missions that fans see her on, she is stealing money from government banks and hijacking medicine trucks.

These are all done to help people out who don’t have access to such things. In one instance, Karli and her team find supplies being withheld from needy people in camps. It is the kind of selfless acts that are hard to see as crimes.

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8 Too Far: Blowing Up The Building

The Falcon And The Winter Soldier 5 Ways The Flag Smashers Went Too Far (& 5 Points They Actually Had)

While Karli cannot be blamed for taking the withheld supplies, her way of dealing with those who are responsible is quite horrific. After tying up the guards and other people inside the building, Karli sets off a bomb, killing everyone inside.

While there were surely some who knew the supplies were not being given to those in need, they didn’t deserve to be murdered. Likewise, there were probably people in the building who were totally innocent who Karli kills just to send a message. It is a moment that suggests the Flag Smashers are beyond redemption.

7 Good Point: Helping Displaced People

The Falcon And The Winter Soldier 5 Ways The Flag Smashers Went Too Far (& 5 Points They Actually Had)

Though the heroes’ victory in Avengers: Endgame was a great crowd-pleasing moment, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier shows that there were some very real consequences to half of the population suddenly returning.

With people coming back and returning to their homes, the more open and accepting world during the blip changed and many people were displaced. The Flag Smashers are fighting for the rights of those who now find themselves without a home through no fault of their own. It is a complicated situation and it’s clear someone should be standing up for these people.

6 Too Far: Threatening Sam’s Family

The Falcon And The Winter Soldier 5 Ways The Flag Smashers Went Too Far (& 5 Points They Actually Had)

Though he wants to stop any further bloodshed, Sam can’t help but agree with a lot of what Karli and the Flag Smashers are fighting for. This allows him and Karli to connect on a human level but when he makes mention of his sister Sarah Wilson, Karli uses that information against him.

Karli calls up Sarah and begins by talking about how she may have to kill Sam. If that wasn’t evil enough, she ends the conversation by telling Sarah to convince Sam to leave the Flag Smashers alone or she and her children will be killed.

5 Good Point: Sam Is Fighting For A Government That Doesn’t Care About Him

The Falcon And The Winter Soldier 5 Ways The Flag Smashers Went Too Far (& 5 Points They Actually Had)

Another interesting aspect of the show is the mantel of Captain America once Steve Rogers is gone. Though Steve gave the shield to Sam, he is unsure if he wants it. But along with that, the government doesn’t want Sam as the new Captain America either.

After they take the shield from Sam and give it to John Walker, even Karli knows that Sam is fighting for a team that doesn’t think he belongs. Though he was part of the team that saved the universe, Sam is pushed aside and made to struggle.

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4 Too Far: Killing Lemar

The Falcon And The Winter Soldier 5 Ways The Flag Smashers Went Too Far (& 5 Points They Actually Had)

Though the Flag Smashers battle the heroes many times in the show, it always seems like they are only doing so to avoid getting arrested. It is not like the other supervillains in the MCU who are out to kill the heroes, but that changes with the death of Lemar Hoskins.

As the tension builds between the Flag Smashers and John Walker, it leads to a more brutal battle that ends with Karli punching Lemar and killing him. Though she might not have meant to actually kill him, she failed to consider what she could do with her powers.

3 Good Point: Opening Borders

The Falcon And The Winter Soldier 5 Ways The Flag Smashers Went Too Far (& 5 Points They Actually Had)

When the world lost half of its population in the blip, it seemed to have some positive impacts. The Flag Smashers even believe things were better off for those five years as the world was more open. Their mission is to bring that world order back and make individual nations less important.

Opening borders is a far more complex idea, but the fact that the Flag Smashers think the countries should work together more is an idea worth getting behind. Especially in a world constantly threatened with destruction, more cooperation would be ideal.

2 Too Far: Attempting To Kill The GRC Council

The Falcon And The Winter Soldier 5 Ways The Flag Smashers Went Too Far (& 5 Points They Actually Had)

The finale of the show sees the Flag Smashers carrying out their big plan to attack the Global Repatriation Council (GRC). They take several of the members as hostages and when it looks like they are cornered, they plan to kill them all.

Whatever issues they were fighting for before this, the attack turns the Flag Smashers into a villainous group. Not only are their actions wrong, but they also fail to see how damaging they would be to their cause. Though they have a lot of support around the world, such a public attack would have made them terrorists in the eyes of many people.

1 Good Point: Questioning The GRC

Even though they are targeted in an extreme way by the Flag Smashers, it is hard to feel sorry for the GRC. They might not be a blatantly evil organization like Hydra, but they show they do not care about helping people in need.

They present themselves as an organization that is going to set the world right after the chaos that came before. But it is all empty promises that are more concerned with their image to the world, as in their manipulative commercial, than with actually accomplishing anything.

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