The High Republics Heroes Team Up With The Rarest Type of Jedi

The High Republic’s Heroes Team Up With The Rarest Type of Jedi

In the latest issue of Star Wars: The High Republic, Jedi Knight Keeve Trennis teams up with Orla Jareni, a rare Jedi known as a Wayseeker.

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The High Republics Heroes Team Up With The Rarest Type of Jedi

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Star Wars: The High Republic #7

In the latest issue of Marvel Comics’ The High Republic, the series’ primary hero Keeve Trennis teams up with one of the Jedi Order’s rarest kind of Jedi known as a Wayseeker. Being in a state of crisis with the dark side of the Force closing in, Jedi Knight Trennis could certainly use some backup and support, and it seems as though Jedi Master and Wayseeker Orla Jareni has been called upon to do just that, following the will of the Force as opposed to the Jedi Council.

First seen in the High Republic novel Into the Dark by Claudia Gray, Orla Jareni is a Jedi Wayseeker, which means that she’s determined to follow a path that’s more dictated by the will of the Force as opposed to the directives of the Jedi Council. While some Wayseekers use their freedom to meditate, provide aid to revolutionaries, or even focus on their talents such as becoming a singer on the planet Alderaan in one case, Jareni chose to venture out into the frontier of the Outer Rim, which was still be settled and explored 200 years prior to the Skywalker saga. However, it seems as though the Force has called Jareni to a new mission.

In Star Wars: The High Republic #7 from writer Cavan Scott and artist Georges Jeanty, Keeve is trying to feel useful to her Order despite a lasting trauma that has resulted from her Jedi Mind Touch over the dark forces of the Drengir in previous issues. Continually seeing dark visions and Jareni herself (whom she refers to as a “spooky ghost lady”), Keeve and the Jedi Wayseeker eventually cross paths in real life during an altercation with Nihil marauders, and the Jedi Master reveals that the Force has called her to help a Jedi from losing her way on her path, the Jedi in question clearly being Keeve.

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It’s going to be interesting to see where Keeve and Jareni go from here due to the fact that it seems as though the Drengir have defeated Starlight Beacon’s Jedi Marshall Avar Kriss who had been leading the charge in the war against the plant-based dark side monsters. Given Keeve’s clear and lasting connection to the Drengir, it’s possible that she may hold the key to their defeat and Orla will now be there to pull her back from the darkness when needed.

In any case, Jedi Wayseeker Orla Jareni is a most welcome addition to the comic series, as the concept of Wayseekers seems to be the biggest canon equivalent to Gray Jedi yet. Now, Keeve and Orla seem ready to answer the Jedi Order’s distress call, though who knows if Keeve is truly ready to face the Drengir once more? Fans will have to wait and see when Marvel’s The High Republic continues with future upcoming issues.

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