The Hunger Games 10 Most Selfless Things Katniss Ever Did

The Hunger Games: 10 Most Selfless Things Katniss Ever Did


Katniss Everdeen is the true hero of Hunger Games. From marrying Peeta to taking her sister’s place, here’s her most heroic & selfless acts.

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The Hunger Games 10 Most Selfless Things Katniss Ever Did

Katniss Everdeen is the face of The Hunger Games franchise, and her angry and sharp-witted personality is what led many to fall for her — both on the screen and outside of it. But even if Katniss is a spitfire more often than not, she’s had plenty of selfless moments, many of which helped inspire the revolution of Panem.

From the moment she volunteers to partake in the Hunger Games in her sister’s place, though, it’s obvious that there’s more to Katniss than first meets the eye. Deep down, she’s a genuinely selfless person who often puts herself before others, and that’s part of why she makes such a good Mockingjay.

Here are 10 of the most selfless things Katniss ever did.

10 Took Over After Her Father Died

The Hunger Games 10 Most Selfless Things Katniss Ever Did

Katniss could have raged at her mother for shutting down after her father died, but she takes on the burden of caring for their family instead. Sure, she presents her choice as be the caretaker or die, but Katniss could have chosen to look out for herself without caring for her mother and younger sister. She also could have forced both of them to do their share.

Instead, Katniss opts to put food on the table for all of them, doing whatever she can to make their lives easier. It says a lot about what sort of person she is and foreshadows more of her selfless moments throughout the trilogy.

9 Volunteered In Her Sister’s Place

The Hunger Games 10 Most Selfless Things Katniss Ever Did

You’d think family members volunteering to partake in the Hunger Games in each other’s place would be a common occurence in this world, but Katniss is the first person to spare her sibling in a long time, if not ever. She doesn’t even think before standing up and shouting, “I volunteer!”

The fact that Katniss immediately reacts this way when Prim’s name is pulled says a lot about her character, and it’s a big part of why the people of Panem become so inspired by her actions.

8 Buried And Paid Tribute To Rue

The Hunger Games 10 Most Selfless Things Katniss Ever Did

While Katniss’ selflessness in regard to her family can be explained away by love, the way she treats Rue shows that she’s even selfless when it comes to strangers. The other girl isn’t just a stranger, either — she’s her opponent in a fight to the death. Yet the two help one another, and after Rue dies, Katniss honors her memory, even if it puts her in danger of being discovered by the other tributes.

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Taking the time to bury Rue beneath flowers and salute District 11 isn’t something most of the other tributes would do. But Katniss respects human life too much not to, especially when it’s the life of someone she respects or cares about.

7 Risked Her Life To Get Peeta Medicine

The Hunger Games 10 Most Selfless Things Katniss Ever Did

Although Katniss and Peeta spend most of their first Hunger Games as allies, there’s no rule saying both of them have to survive. When Peeta comes down with a fever, it might have been in Katniss’ favor to leave him behind and survive on her own — but instead she ventures to the cornucopia to find medicine for him.

Katniss is almost killed by the career pack at the cornucopia too, so she really puts her own life at risk to save Peeta’s. And there’s little benefit at this point in time, except for the fact that she cares about Peeta and doesn’t want to see him die.

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6 Threatened To Eat The Poisoned Berries

The Hunger Games 10 Most Selfless Things Katniss Ever Did

Once again, when it’s announced that only one tribute can live at the end of the Hunger Games, Katniss could easily have killed Peeta and won. Instead, she agrees to go down with him, suggesting they both eat the poisonous berries they found in the arena.

Although this would mean Katniss won’t survive, she puts her integrity and relationship with Peeta before her own life here. It saves them, but she doesn’t know that at the time. It’s a completely selfless move born of her own morals (but we’re still glad it worked out in her favor in the end).

5 Jumped In Front Of A Whip For Gale

The Hunger Games 10 Most Selfless Things Katniss Ever Did

During Catching Fire, Gale almost dies at the hands of a Peacekeeper, and it’s only thanks to Katniss’ interference that he survives the encounter. While he’s being whipped, Katniss jumps in front of him, getting hit herself in the process. But that pain doesn’t deter her from standing back up and placing herself between Gale and the Peacekeeper — a clear sign that she’s willing to die protecting her lifelong friend.

Her selflessness here saves Gale’s life in the end, but again, it could easily have gotten both of them killed.

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4 Agreed To Marry Peeta

The Hunger Games 10 Most Selfless Things Katniss Ever Did

When Katniss initially agrees to a lifelong relationship with Peeta in Catching Fire — we’re talking before the two of them actually fall in love and decide to get married — it’s a reaction to President Snow’s threats to her loved ones. Despite the fact that Katniss doesn’t want to engage in a for-show relationship for the rest of her life, she agrees to do so in order to protect her family and friends.

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Signing up for a relationship you didn’t ask for is no small feat, especially if it will be on display for all of Panem to see. But Katniss does it to save the people she loves, and even if it doesn’t work as planned, that she was willing to speaks volumes about her priorities.

3 Begged Haymitch To Save Peeta In The Quarter Quell

The Hunger Games 10 Most Selfless Things Katniss Ever Did

When it’s announced that the 75th Hunger Games will feature tributes from the existing pool of victors, Katniss knows she’s the only female tribute who can fight for District 12. The male pool, however, consists of Haymitch and Peeta — and even if it takes her a while to process her thoughts, she does eventually beg Haymitch to spare Peeta’s life, either by volunteering himself or by lending him support during the Hunger Games.

Unfortunately, Haymitch goes back on his word to her. But her anger toward Haymitch is a testament to how much she wanted Peeta to survive over her.

2 Became The Symbol Of The Rebellion

The Hunger Games 10 Most Selfless Things Katniss Ever Did

When The Hunger Games trilogy begins, Katniss is primarily concerned with protecting herself and her loved ones. She suggests to Gale several times early on that they should run away from the districts, a sentiment he backs away from during Catching Fire, when he’s more into the idea of a rebellion than Katniss is.

In fact, it takes a lot for Katniss to truly agree to become the Mockingjay — and she puts herself and her family at risk by doing so. Sure, choosing to sit aside while others revolt against the Capitol could be seen as selfish, but it would have spared her the pain and trauma she undergoes trying to help the people of Panem. That she decides to go through so much to create a better future proves that she puts others before herself.

1 Killed President Coin

This is a controversial point, but Katniss’ decision at the very end of Mockingjay – Part 2 can be seen as an act of selflessness. Given her status as a symbol, President Coin would have let Katniss live out her days in peace if she wanted that. Instead, Katniss sees that Coin is on the path to becoming the same type of tyrant as Snow — and she puts her freedom and life at risk to stop it from happening.

It’s true, killing Coin may not have been the most moral solution to the problem at hand, but given Coin’s insistence on punishing the children of the Capitol — and her refusal to compromise or listen to her own people — it’s obvious that Katniss’ actions come from a place of concern about others.

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