The Incredibles 2 10 Social Commentaries Fans Missed

The Incredibles 2: 10 Social Commentaries Fans Missed


The Incredibles II is a fun animation for kids and adults, but there are social commentaries throughout the film that you might have missed.

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The Incredibles 2 10 Social Commentaries Fans Missed

The Incredibles 2 debuted in 2018, fourteen years after The Incredibles, and the movie did not disappoint both expectations and box office earnings. In combination with an exciting storyline and subplots as well as a return of our favorite characters, the sequel lived up to the fanfare of its long-anticipated release.

In addition, the sequel challenged the notions of masculinity, feminism, and socioeconomic status. Don’t worry, though: if you were too caught up in the movie’s entertainment value alone, here is a list of messages and social commentaries in the movie you might have missed.

10 The Rich Have Power in Society to Change It

The Incredibles 2 10 Social Commentaries Fans Missed

Winston Deavor, along with his sibling Evelyn, inherited a telecommunications company from their father, and use their wealth and power to change the laws in society so that they can bring attention to the problem of supers not having the legal right to use their powers to help society.

Telecommunications is an interesting choice for the source of their wealth, which is symbolic for the communication channels in society. In other words, Winston has the power to bring attention to a social problem with his wealth and garner the attention of the media, something the supers, even with all of their power, could not do on their own. They needed the help of the wealthy to bring it all to fruition.

9 Unlike the Rich, the Middle Class Must Worry About Slipping Into Poverty

The Incredibles 2 10 Social Commentaries Fans Missed

The position of the rich is juxtaposed with the middle class more strongly in this movie. Before Winston invites Elastigirl to be the center of his new PR campaign to change society’s views on the supers, things are not going well for the Parrs. After the Underminer’s attack, Bob and Helen Parr wonder if they can even obtain work and a new place to live after their time at the motel runs out. The government program is shut down, and they will have to find their own jobs and home.

Even with their powers, they cannot overcome the challenges of their social class, middle-class America.

8 The Rich Use Everyone Else and Can Avoid Consequences Most People Would Have to Pay

The Incredibles 2 10 Social Commentaries Fans Missed

The One Percenters, the people who possess most of the world’s wealth, take a beating in both Incredibles movies. Beginning with Syndrome, a rich corporate owner lures the supers to their death. In the second movie, this theme is explored more fully. Evelyn Deavor turns out to be the real Screen Slaver, who overpowers people’s minds and wills and uses them as her puppets to do her bidding.

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In addition, she most likely will never pay for her evil conduct. First, she frames a poor pizza delivery guy as the Screen Slaver. Even when she is caught, Violet comments on how Evelyn probably won’t really do any jail time and just receive a slap on the wrist due to her wealth, influence, and power in society.

7 Women Possess an Intelligence Men Do Not

The Incredibles 2 10 Social Commentaries Fans Missed

Winston Deavor chooses Elastigirl over Frozone and Mr. Incredible for one reason: she is a PR dream and her husband a PR nightmare. Because of his brute strength, he has the potential to create more damage to public property, and he does. Meanwhile, Elastigirl is more flexible in more ways than one. She can get the job done too, using her own strengths, in her own way.

In this way, Mr. and Mrs. Incredible represent archetypes for the strength and weakness of both males and females, and then these archetypes are challenged with role reversal. Bob, who has trouble expressing his emotions, must somehow develop enough emotional intelligence in a short time in order to help his children through their days. Meanwhile, Helen is depicted as navigating through all of her tasks with ease, from saving a trainload of people to handling gatherings with the media without any trouble. Helen does great. Bob, on the other hand, has trouble adapting but pulls through at the end.

6 Women Sometimes Make Better Employees

The Incredibles 2 10 Social Commentaries Fans Missed

Because women balance emotional intelligence with logic, Helen is depicted as an ideal person to have in the workforce, a person who can remain calm, think on her feet, and capable, rather than a person who uses force to conquer situations.

She’s the ultimate team player and unconcerned with recognition for her achievements, unlike her husband, who stews in a pot of jealousy when he hears of her achievements.

5 Children Are Always Underestimated for Their Possible Contributions

The Incredibles 2 10 Social Commentaries Fans Missed

In this one, the kids save the day. If it weren’t for Violet and Dash racing to save their parents aboard the ship, the parents would have carried out Evelyn Deavor’s plan to embarrass both the supers and her brother by controlling them with special glasses and making them do evil acts against their will.

Jack-Jack, as incorrigible as he is with superpowers he can’t understand or control, also has no understanding or worry of danger and knocks the glasses off of his mother’s face that was controlling her to do Evelyn’s evil bidding. Jack-Jack, Dash, Violet, you’re totally awesome!

4 The Men In Power Want to Keep It That Way

The Incredibles 2 10 Social Commentaries Fans Missed

At the beginning of the movie, Mr. Incredible is taking a lot of heat from the policemen, both for the destruction caused to public property as a result of his attempt to capture the Underminer and for failure to capture the villain. Notice the operative word “men.”

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One has to wonder if they were angrier about the damage to public property or if they simply do not like the supers treading into their territory. The police carry a certain power in society, and they do not want to relinquish that power even to people who want to help them.

3 Corporations Can’t Be Trusted

The Incredibles 2 10 Social Commentaries Fans Missed

It’s funny how the rich in charge of corporations abuse their power in both Incredibles movies. In the first one, Syndrome lures supers to his lavish corporate headquarters on a privately-owned island, and in the second, Evelyn Deavor is partner in the corporation with her brother, who wants to legalized superheroes again, but she works against his plan to end superheroes forever.

Even though Winston is a shining example of a person who uses his wealth and influence for the betterment of society, he even has to battle against Evelyn, his sibling, who uses her talents and influence to destroy all of his good work. So far in the Incredibles universe, the evil corporate heads outnumber the good ones two to one.

2 Families Are What Give People Strength

The Incredibles 2 10 Social Commentaries Fans Missed

Both movies emphasize the theme of the importance of family, how the members of the family are stronger together as a unit rather than separately on their own in the world. Both Mr. and Mrs. Incredible strikeout in the world on their own, but they both get into trouble when they are not working together. Both times, they are able to overcome adversity with the help of their entire family.

Even though Elastigirl does great in her new job as the main representative in Winston’s PR campaign for the supers, she is just as vulnerable to evil influences as her husband was in the first movie. The involvement of her husband and her children allows each person to use their strength to help overcome the super-villain, Screen Slaver.

1 Women Have to Worry About Social Aspects of Working that Men Do Not

While Elastigirl smoothly navigates her way around a swank party, one of the novice supers asks her how she balances work and home life. Also, when Elastigirl was speaking with Evelyn during one of these PR events, Evelyn observes that Elastigirl was overshadowed by her husband and not recognized for her own merits. This is not something that would come up in conversation for men. No one ever says the same to Mr. Incredible, even when he stays home to support his wife’s endeavors.

These scenes tips a hat to women: women are still expected to run the household even when they work full-time. Also, women often live in the shadow of men, especially when they choose family over career. These are two items that never or rarely occur with men.

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