The Last Airbender 10 People Aang Could Have Been With (Other Than Katara)

The Last Airbender: 10 People Aang Could Have Been With (Other Than Katara)


While Katara and Aang make a good pairing in the Avatar series, there are other people in the franchise that Aang could also have ended up with.

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The Last Airbender 10 People Aang Could Have Been With (Other Than Katara)

From the moment that Aang is released from the ice and meets Katara, he seems to develop a crush on her. While he’s only twelve years old when the events of Avatar: The Last Airbender start, he definitely has a close friendship with Katara as well as a crush on her. Over time as these two grow older, they develop a romantic relationship and end up married and having three children together.

While Katara and Aang make a good pairing, there are other people in the franchise that Aang could also have ended up with. These people could have been an option based on things like personality, but it’s worth noting that this is all assuming that these pairings would date if they were older.

10 Jet

The Last Airbender 10 People Aang Could Have Been With (Other Than Katara)

Jet might not seem like the best fit for Aang as far as personality goes, but at least at first, he seems to be united in a common goal. While he turns out to be too much of an extremist who justifies using violence against innocent people, he does come around somewhat when he meets back up with Team Avatar in season two in Ba Sing Se.

However, he’s still the least likely candidate of someone Aang would be with on this list.

9 Ty Lee

The Last Airbender 10 People Aang Could Have Been With (Other Than Katara)

Ty Lee and Aang don’t interact all that much as they are almost always on opposing sides until the very end of the series. While these two don’t have many one on one interactions, on a pure personality level, they wouldn’t be that bad of a pairing.

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Both Aang and Ty Lee have fun sides that can be outgoing and upbeat. While they might have usually been enemies, they might have at least gotten along as friends once Ty Lee became one of the Kyoshi warriors.

8 Teo

The Last Airbender 10 People Aang Could Have Been With (Other Than Katara)

Teo is a rather minor character who doesn’t appear in that many episodes, but he does seem to have a personality that would go well with Aang’s.

While Teo isn’t an air bender, he does enjoy flying with the glider his father made for him. Unlike his father, Teo never supports the Fire Nation, and it seems like these two would at least enjoy flying through the air together and the freedom that doing so offers.

7 Smellerbee

The Last Airbender 10 People Aang Could Have Been With (Other Than Katara)

Smellerbee is a member of the Freedom Fighters, and she eventually becomes the leader of this group. She seems to be closer to Aang in age than many of the other teens in the show, and so they seem better matched in maturity at least when they first meet. Although of course, after reaching adulthood this wouldn’t really factor in as much.

Both Smellerbee and Aang have personalities that go somewhat against the norms of their gender, and Aang would likely be a supportive friend to Smellerbee if they had gotten to know one another better.

6 Sokka

The Last Airbender 10 People Aang Could Have Been With (Other Than Katara)

While this pairing might seem strange given that Aang ends up with Katara, Sokka’s sister, in the canon, if things had gone differently it wouldn’t seem as odd. Of course, there is an age gap here that’s a little larger, so these two likely wouldn’t think about each other romantically until they were older.

However, they are really close friends who support and care for one another, and friendship is usually the best basis for friendship.

5 Kuzon

The Last Airbender 10 People Aang Could Have Been With (Other Than Katara)

Kuzon is a character that is only referenced in the show but never actually shown. He was one of Aang’s friends before he went into the ice, and he was a member of the Fire Nation.

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Of course, this means that Kuzon is no longer alive, but the close friendship these two had means they could easily have dated someday if things hadn’t gone so tragically for Aang and for the rest of the world.

4 Zuko

The Last Airbender 10 People Aang Could Have Been With (Other Than Katara)

This is another pairing that feels a little odd at first given the age gap, so it’s definitely one where you have to imagine these two characters in adulthood. However, Zuko and Aang clearly become close friends and allies, and they even build Republic City together.

This means that as adults they would have continued their friendship and remained close, and this kind of relationship could easily translate to something romantic.

3 On Ji

The Last Airbender 10 People Aang Could Have Been With (Other Than Katara)

Of all the people on this list, On Ji is one character who makes a lot of sense for Aang to date if she wasn’t just a minor character. She is a student at the Fire Nation school that Aang briefly attends. They both seem to have a small crush on one another and to get along well.

However, Aang still cares about Katara more and On Ji doesn’t appear in any other episodes.

2 Koko

The Last Airbender 10 People Aang Could Have Been With (Other Than Katara)

This entry is a little more silly, but there’s no denying that Koko was one of Aang’s biggest fans. She and some of the other girls on Kyoshi Island quickly became Aang’s fangirls, and he was happy to show off his air bending skills to them.

While it’s clear this relationship wasn’t going to go anywhere, Aang at least liked the attention he got.

1 Toph

Toph and Aang are opposites in many ways both in the element they bend and in their personalities, but they do grow to understand each other and become close friends.

While many fans ship Toph with Sokka, others have thought that Aang and Toph would make an interesting and dynamic pair. While Toph and Aang end up just being friends, they wouldn’t make a bad couple.

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