The Legend Of Korra The Strongest Women In The Series Ranked

The Legend Of Korra: The Strongest Women In The Series, Ranked


All of the women of The Legend of Korra are all incredibly powerful, benders or not. However, some women are even stronger than others.

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The Legend Of Korra The Strongest Women In The Series Ranked

The women of The Legend of Korra are incredibly powerful. The main cast, which is made up of both bending and non-bending women, all have their own skills and abilities that they bring to the show, whether they’re using them for good, or for more nefarious reasons.

While all of these women have their own strengths, some are much stronger than others, and some, viewers just haven’t been able to see their full potential throughout the show’s original run. Additionally, some are just a bit too young to show off how powerful they are – but there’s definitely a chance that they would become more of a threat when older.

10 Ikki

The Legend Of Korra The Strongest Women In The Series Ranked

Ikki, one of Tenzin’s daughters, never got a chance to show off the extent of her airbending abilities. While she went on a few adventures throughout the show, she had very few dangerous missions that required her to show off the extent of her bending. However, she was one of the many airbenders that helped to distract Kuvira during the battle for Republic City. Ikki is a capable airbender, but the extent of her powers is currently unknown.

9 Eska

The Legend Of Korra The Strongest Women In The Series Ranked

Eska is in a similar case to Ikki, the extent of her powers isn’t something that fans have gotten a chance to see. However, she seems to be a strong bender, as she even had a small duel with Korra during which she cut her boat in half. Additionally, she’s also shown off her abilities to essentially act as her own jet ski when she shot across the water to chase her escaping soon-to-be husband, Bolin. Eska is powerful, but to what degree is unknown.

8 Asami

The Legend Of Korra The Strongest Women In The Series Ranked

Asami might not be a bender, but that doesn’t mean that she’s weak, not by any means. In fact, she’s an absolutely brilliant inventor, just like her father. She uses her inventions in order to help the group in any way that she can.

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She uses electrically charged gloves in order to enhance her fighting abilities, and her work on the hummingbird mech suits, along with her father, helped the team defeat Kuvira and take back Republic City. Bender or not, the team was helped by Asami to achieve their goals time and time again.

7 Katara

The Legend Of Korra The Strongest Women In The Series Ranked

By the time that The Legend of Korra rolls around, Katara is very old, which obviously does weaken her abilities to a degree. However, that doesn’t mean that she’s not still incredibly talented.

She is Korra’s waterbending teacher, passing down all the skills that she needs in order to serve the world as the Avatar. She’s also an incredible healer. Katara in her prime could easily rival any of the Legend of Korra ladies.

6 Lin

The Legend Of Korra The Strongest Women In The Series Ranked

Lin Beifong is an incredibly talented earthbender and metalbender, and is able to use both skills in order to protect the streets of Republic City time and time again as the chief of police. She also is able to use her abilities in order to see things that aren’t visible to the eye, like her mother, Toph. Lin was a key ally throughout all seasons of the show, helping to take down Kuvira and helped to take down P’Li with her sister Suyin.

5 Suyin

The Legend Of Korra The Strongest Women In The Series Ranked

Suyin and Lin are both incredibly talented benders who are generally equal to one another in power. Suyin is also incredibly intelligent, leading the city of Zaofu. Her background in dancing also allows her to make swift, clean movements as she bends.

Suyin’s crowning achievement was using her metalbending abilities to wrap metal around P’Li’s head as she used her combustion abilities, which caused the explosion to kill P’Li and save the rest of the group. Along with Lin, she helped to bring down Kuvira’s mech in the battle for Republic City, as well.

4 Toph

The Legend Of Korra The Strongest Women In The Series Ranked

Toph wasn’t present throughout much of The Legend of Korra, but nevertheless, her impact while on the show was incredible. During her stint in the final season of the show, she helped Korra restore her bending abilities, helped the group defend against Kuvira’s forces, and was a key figure in helping release Suyin and her family from Kuvira’s grasp. She did all of this in just a few episodes, showing just how powerful she is.

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3 Jinora

The Legend Of Korra The Strongest Women In The Series Ranked

Jinora has an incredibly strong connection to the mysterious Spirit World that allows her to travel through it freely, something that very few are able to do. Even her father, Tenzin, doesn’t have these abilities. She used this to help Korra defeat the Dark Avatar, something that she wouldn’t have been able to do without the help. Beyond her spirit powers, Jinora has an excellent grasp on airbending that she uses frequently throughout the show.

2 Kuvira

The Legend Of Korra The Strongest Women In The Series Ranked

Kuvira, the powerful villain of season four, is an excellent earthbender and metalbender who uses her abilities to convert the Earth Kingdom into the Earth Empire. While her bending skills are one thing, her ability to lead others is what causes her to ascend the ranks so quickly. Her ruthlessness also allows her to be able to make choices that others couldn’t. Kuvira is strong enough to even have defeated a weakened Avatar Korra in a hand-to-hand battle.

1 Korra

Of course, Korra is the strongest woman in The Legend of Korra, hands down. Korra is the Avatar, which grants her the ability to use earthbending, firebending, waterbending, and airbending. While she originally struggles to grasp airbending, she manages to master it once her other bending abilities are stolen. Korra goes through countless battles, just like every other Avatar before her. However, she has the added challenge of losing her connection to the previous Avatars and not being able to seek their guidance for many tough choices. Despite this, she saves the Spirit World, takes down Kuvira, and even defeats the Red Lotus with the help of her friends, proving that she earned the title of Avatar.

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