The Legend Of Zelda 5 Reasons Why Nintendo Should Make A Film (& 5 Why They Shouldnt)

The Legend Of Zelda: 5 Reasons Why Nintendo Should Make A Film (& 5 Why They Shouldn’t)


Talks of a Zelda movie have been flaring up for years, but instead of asking if Nintendo will make one, they should be asking if they should.

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The Legend Of Zelda 5 Reasons Why Nintendo Should Make A Film (& 5 Why They Shouldnt)

The Legend of Zelda has been capturing the imaginations of gamers ever since the first game was released in February 1986. With the franchise earning new fans left and right, perhaps now is a good time for The Hero of Time to ride from Nintendo’s consoles and onto the silver screen.

Talks of a Zelda movie have been flaring up for years, but, instead of asking if Nintendo will make one, they should be asking if they should. With all the goodwill the franchise has, is it really a wise decision to try to make a movie based on the games?

10 Should: We’ve All Forgotten The Super Mario Bros. Movie By Now

The Legend Of Zelda 5 Reasons Why Nintendo Should Make A Film (& 5 Why They Shouldnt)

Perhaps the main reason why Nintendo has been reluctant to produce a Zelda movie is due to the failure of Super Mario Bros. The production of the film was a disaster, and the final result was far from critically acclaimed.

Despite this, the film released a long time ago, so enough time has passed since the film’s failure. In that time, productions based on seemingly niche media such as Marvel Comics have proven successful, so perhaps it’s time Nintendo asked for pitches.

9 Shouldn’t: Well… Not All Of Us Have

The Legend Of Zelda 5 Reasons Why Nintendo Should Make A Film (& 5 Why They Shouldnt)

Bob Hoskins wasn’t gentle about his frustrations when he described how much he hated making Super Mario Bros. In his words, the film “had a husband-and-wife team directing, whose arrogance had been mistaken for talent. After so many weeks, their own agent told them to get off the set!”

Although it’s been a long time since Super Mario Bros. bombed at the box office, it seems Hollywood hasn’t learned their lesson since then. With the majority of video game movies being utter garbage, perhaps Nintendo should take this into account before jumping into a Zelda movie.

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8 Should: Box Office Potential

The Legend Of Zelda 5 Reasons Why Nintendo Should Make A Film (& 5 Why They Shouldnt)

Nowadays The Legend of Zelda’s fanbase has expanded substantially, with even the golden children of Hollywood singing the franchise’s praises. With an ever-expanding fan community, the franchise is a shoo-in for box office success.

Even if a Zelda film fails with critics, there is a very good chance that it could be a hit at the box office. Whereas the film would have struggled if it were made in the franchise’s earlier days, the film would have better chances in a post-Marvel Studios world.

7 Shouldn’t: Too Complex

The Legend Of Zelda 5 Reasons Why Nintendo Should Make A Film (& 5 Why They Shouldnt)

Zelda has always been a series with non-linear narratives, but that may hurt the franchise’s chances of getting a film. With multiple dungeons, locations, enemies, and even timelines comprising its sprawling canon, Zelda may be too complex to make into a movie.

Stripping the narrative down could risk the film not feeling like a true Zelda story, a similar issue it would share with other video game adaptations. While its core elements could easily translate, the rest of Zelda’s baggage may be seen as a risk.

6 Should: It Can Work In Either Animation Or Live-Action

The Legend Of Zelda 5 Reasons Why Nintendo Should Make A Film (& 5 Why They Shouldnt)

No matter what direction the film goes in, one thing that Zelda has going for it is how easily it can swap art styles. The games have had hyper-realistic graphics, cartoony graphics, cel-shaded graphics, but all have still felt like Zelda.

A Zelda film could be made in live-action or animation, with both being viable options that could truly showcase the franchise’s upsides. As long as the story maintains what makes Zelda so special, everything will likely fall into place.

5 Shouldn’t: Where Do They Even Start?

The Legend Of Zelda 5 Reasons Why Nintendo Should Make A Film (& 5 Why They Shouldnt)

If The Hyrule Historia proves anything, it’s that the overarching Zelda story is an absolute mess. Zelda’s timeline has more reboots than the Spider-Man franchise at this point, making it frustrating to figure out where to go with a movie.

Not only this, but each game goes in widely different directions in order to tell similar stories, which may explain why Breath of the Wild takes place outside of the timeline. With a nearly endless amount of starting points, there may be a chance that Nintendo won’t choose any of them.

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4 Should: IGN Has Proven It Could Work

The Legend Of Zelda 5 Reasons Why Nintendo Should Make A Film (& 5 Why They Shouldnt)

Epically trolling the Zelda fanbase, IGN released a very convincing trailer for a Legend of Zelda movie as an April first prank. While the trailer was fake, it gives fans a good impression of what the movie could look like.

What the trailer showed off was promising, and it looked truly stunning from a visual standpoint. While the film shouldn’t just copy what the trailer did would almost certainly do its own thing, IGN pretty much gave Nintendo a free blueprint for what a Zelda film could be.

3 Shouldn’t: Where Does It Go After Ganondorf?

The Legend Of Zelda 5 Reasons Why Nintendo Should Make A Film (& 5 Why They Shouldnt)

Ganondorf would more than likely be the villain of a Zelda movie, but his impression damages the series’ franchise potential. Put simply, Ganondorf is the villain of the Zelda franchise, with most of the other main villains being forgettable with only two notable exceptions.

Majora’s Mask would be a good choice to adapt as the film’s sequel, with the game featuring two villains that gave many players nightmares in both Majora’s Mask and The Moon. That said, it’s unlikely Nintendo would settle for a simple duology should they fully commit to filmmaking.

2 Should: The Franchise Has Braved Far Worse

The Legend Of Zelda 5 Reasons Why Nintendo Should Make A Film (& 5 Why They Shouldnt)

The Zelda CDI games aren’t winning awards any time soon, with all three of them being seen as low points in the Zelda franchise. Nonetheless, the franchise didn’t die with The Phillips CDI, still thriving to this day.

Regardless of the fact that the Zelda CDI games are YouTube Poop fodder these days, they prove how thick the franchise’s skin is. The Legend of Zelda would live on even if a film based on the franchise was a failure, as its ability to survive has been proven.

1 Shouldn’t: Link Must Remain Silent

Link is one of the most iconic heroes in gaming, but his portrayal in the Zelda series may be a hurdle that a film may struggle with. Even in Breath of the Wild, where all the characters finally received voices, Link remained mute.

Silent protagonists have a mixed reception in gaming, with some feeling that they aren’t interesting. It’s perhaps a good thing that Link is silent, as both times he has received a voice have been terrible, but it may be impossible for a Zelda movie to make a silent Link compelling to a non-gaming audience.

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