The Legend Of Zelda On Netflix (& 9 Other Nintendo Rumors That Could Actually Be True)

The Legend Of Zelda On Netflix (& 9 Other Nintendo Rumors That Could Actually Be True)


It’s never easy to predict what Nintendo may be doing, and here are 10 crazy rumors which offer some pretty wild speculation concerning their future.

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The Legend Of Zelda On Netflix (& 9 Other Nintendo Rumors That Could Actually Be True)

Leave luck to heaven is just an expression; nothing Nintendo does is by chance. Despite some ups and downs, the company remains a titan in the world of video games, and fans constantly speculate over what Nintendo will release or announce next. There are whole websites dedicated to possible leaks and clues to the next big thing with the Nintendo brand, which goes well beyond console games these days.

Most of the speculation in which fans indulge focus on new video games, but the rumor mill also churns out stories about movies and TV shows. Movie to video game adaptations are one dimension of the media market that Nintendo has some bad experiences with, but some recent, more successful examples are currently on streaming services like Netflix, so maybe Nintendo can get over that whole Mario Bros. thing? Other rumors about Nintendo’s next moves that are likely to come true include whole trilogies based on vintage games, new Nintendo direct downloads, or upcoming sequels to previous games.

10 The Legend of Zelda on Netflix

The Legend Of Zelda On Netflix (& 9 Other Nintendo Rumors That Could Actually Be True)

Netflix has gained some serious recognition for their successes with video game adaptations, and that’s what really put the wheels on this rumor bus. Castlevania is one of the more recent adaptations to impress fans and critics alike, so most of the attention is focused on an animated adaptation of Nintendo’s flagship fantasy-adventure franchise. That might not be the case, however, since the live-action version of The Witcher was also a success. At this point, either is possible.

9 With Tom Holland as Link

The Legend Of Zelda On Netflix (& 9 Other Nintendo Rumors That Could Actually Be True)

As it is with speculation about future productions, should The Legend of Zelda be a live-action production, fans are talking about what actors would fill the lead roles. One name that does keep coming up is Tom Holland, and that isn’t only because of his stellar portrayal of the youthful superhero Spiderman as part of the Marvel universe. He’s also currently starring in the Netflix series The Devil All The Time.

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8 And Produced by Adi Shankar

The Legend Of Zelda On Netflix (& 9 Other Nintendo Rumors That Could Actually Be True)

The subject might start with the actors, but the nuanced players, like the producers and director, will come up eventually. The Castlevania connection is the main reason most fans are speculating that Adi Shankar is a likely choice to head up The Legend of Zelda project on Netflix, as that was also a video game franchise.

Shankar himself got lips flapping when he sent out a non-specific Instagram post in 2016 referencing his upcoming work with “an iconic Japanese video game company” to adopt one of their most popular games into a series. In hindsight, this was more likely a reference to Devil May Cry, but that’s never been confirmed and the rumors keep flying.

7 Smash Ultimate’s Next DLC Fighter

The Legend Of Zelda On Netflix (& 9 Other Nintendo Rumors That Could Actually Be True)

Few places are more fertile ground for the seeds of a rumor than social media. The buzz about when the new DLC fighter for the popular Smash Ultimate will be released started when a Twitter user posted a photo of an advertisement in a Japanese 7-11 store. This follows a pattern that has been set previously when fans would share advertisements from the game that were posted in Japan only days before the official announcement was made. This is DLC content and fans have seen this pattern before, so it might only be days from becoming reality.

6 A New Ninja Gaiden Trilogy

The Legend Of Zelda On Netflix (& 9 Other Nintendo Rumors That Could Actually Be True)

This series is notorious for being one of the most challenging side-scrollers in arcade history, and it’s early ports to the vintage Nintendo systems reflect the same level of difficulty. Gamers love a challenge, so, when the word leaked that a new trilogy was in the works, the whispers spread like wildfire.

A post that appeared temporarily on Reddit listed three games: Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, and Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge on the website for Game Source Entertainment, a large distributor in Hong Kong. The page has since been taken down but this remains a possibility.

5 Breath of the Wild 2, Title and Release Date

The Legend Of Zelda On Netflix (& 9 Other Nintendo Rumors That Could Actually Be True)

Fans got a trailer at E3 in 2019, but there was no name or release date to go along with it. Since then, there’s been a virtual blanket of silence over one of the most anticipated games ever to be released as part of the Zelda franchise, and the fact that E3 2020 was canceled might be part of the continuing secrecy. A possible title, Breath of Evil, appeared on the list of trailers available on Nintendo Direct, driving even more wild speculation.

Considering how fans were looking forward to this, it’s no surprise that there are a lot of rumors flying around to fill the gaps left by Link’s absence. Breath of the Wild is still one of the most popular and profitable games available on the Switch, so it makes sense that Nintendo is taking its time.

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4 A Super Mario RPG Sequel

The Legend Of Zelda On Netflix (& 9 Other Nintendo Rumors That Could Actually Be True)

Considering how successful the original Super Mario RPG was, it was amazing that Nintendo made fans wait this long for a sequel. According to a post on Twitter, however, it’s a definite possibility that it could be on its way.

Sources at Nintendo and Square Enix have let slip that a sequel to Super Mario RPG is currently in the works for Nintendo’s current console. Apparently, Nintendo is waiting for the vintage game to be released for the Switch Online before they make an official announcement.

3 Animal Crossing: Ten Million Downloads

The Legend Of Zelda On Netflix (& 9 Other Nintendo Rumors That Could Actually Be True)

It’s impossible to get the actual number, which is why this remains a point of contention, but it’s a definite possibility. More than 11 million hard copies of Animal Crossing were sold only 12 days after its release, but downloads are much harder to track, especially on a global scale. Nintendo’s fiscal earnings can be used to estimate the number of downloads and the estimate hovers around ten million. Even Nintendo is impressed with how many people bought this game.

2 Resident Evil 4 Remake for the GameCube

The Legend Of Zelda On Netflix (& 9 Other Nintendo Rumors That Could Actually Be True)

Resident Evil isn’t actually a Nintendo franchise; it belongs to Capcom, but the popularity of the series has expanded it to multiple platforms. The fourth installment was available only on the GameCube as a temporary exclusive, and it was one of the most popular games for the console. The previous games in the franchise were given the remake treatment, so it’s a logical step that the fourth would also be on the list.

The question is, will Nintendo be one of the platforms for the next remake? Today, anyone with a Switch can download the original games, but, given the recent history of the company, it isn’t likely that this game’s remake will also be available for Nintendo. That’s more than a bit ironic, but only time will tell.

1 The Next Pokemon Game

It’s a pretty sure thing that another Pokemon game is on the way, the real questions are what will it be, and when will it release. According to Twitter, the next game revisits vintage content rather than creating or add something new, so more like a remastering of an old game instead of a brand new one.

Fans are predicting this blast from the past will be divisive like the not-so-new Mario franchise games were when they got the same treatment.

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