The Magicians Characters Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses

The Magicians Characters Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses


The characters on the TV series The Magicians go to the magic school Brakebills, and we have some fun sorting them into their Hogwarts houses.

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The Magicians Characters Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses

The Magicians, inspired by the Len Grossman book series, has quite the following on SyFy. It’s been described as a more adult Harry Potter. The series even has its own magical school called Brakebills. In the series, university students take a magical aptitude test before finding out if they have what it takes to study at Brakebills. They don’t get sorted into houses according to personality, but they do learn all kinds of spells and go on numerous quests. Recent seasons of the series have even found magic disappearing and ancient beings coming back to life.

If Brakebills was a bit more like Hogwarts, the main cast of characters would have found themselves sorted into specific houses instead of labeled for their magical aptitudes. At Hogwarts, they would have had the option of Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, or Slytherin. Gryffindor is for the leaders and those motivated by morality and bravery. Ravenclaw is for those with curious minds, the magicians who like to know how things work and create their own magic. Hufflepuff is for those who are hardworking and loyal. Slytherin is for the ambitious and the sneaky, the ones who will do whatever it takes. Here are the characters from The Magicians, sorted into Hogwarts houses.

10 Quentin: Gryffindor

The Magicians Characters Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses

Though Quentin has nearly encyclopedic knowledge of Fillory, and he’s got a great aptitude for magic, he’s not a Ravenclaw. Quentin only wants to learn new things when he needs to pass a class or gain a new weapon.

As a character who always believes himself to be the center of the story, and is always ready to take a magical crisis head-on, he’s a Gryffindor. Quentin isn’t always the most capable or confident. What he lacks in skills though, he makes up for in sheer force of will. The Gryffindor in him keeps him coming back to save the day over and over again.

9 Alice: Ravenclaw

The Magicians Characters Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses

Unlike Quentin, Alice never met a magic spell she didn’t want to know more about. Alice wasn’t interested in magic because of a childhood fantasy. She grew up with it all around her. Alice wanted to prove herself better than those that came before her.

That thirst for magical knowledge caught up with Alice in a big way. She went so far in her quest that she became a magical being called a Niffin at one point. A Niffin is a creature that is all magical power and no human soul. Despite living without a soul for a long time, Alice still craves learning new things. Just like a Ravenclaw to not let a little soulless magic stop you.

8 Fen: Hufflepuff

The Magicians Characters Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses

Leaving your family to marry a guy you don’t even know, taking the throne of a country when your husband vanishes, and traveling to a whole new world all take a lot of guts. That’s why some might think Fen belongs in Gryffindor. All of Fen’s actions, however, are born out of a deep loyalty to her home and her family.

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Despite all of the problems in Fillory, Fen genuinely loves the magical land. She also loves her husband, even though she knows she’s not his first choice for a partner. That love translates into a sense of loyalty that gives her the bravery to lead a coup against Margot and do what’s best for Fillory. This Hufflepuff will have her work cut out for her as the ruler of the nation she loves.

7 Kady: Slytherin

The Magicians Characters Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses

Raised around Hedge witches who had to do anything they could to survive, it’s no wonder that Kady developed an instinct for saving her own skin. Kady will use any tool in her arsenal to make sure that she and her friends can keep going, making her a real Slytherin.

Though Kady is a Slytherin, fans shouldn’t think that equates with being a villain. Instead, that means Kady can think outside of the box. Season four of The Magicians revealed that she wants to make a difference in the world, and her natural cunning can help her do that, if only her own self-loathing doesn’t get in the way.

6 Penny: Gryffindor

The Magicians Characters Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses

There are now multiple Pennies on the show. The original Penny sacrificed himself, though not really on purpose, in order for his friends to complete a quest. The newer Penny, from Timeline 23, is a lot like the old one.

Both of them try to act as the voice of reason. There’s always an attempt to talk their friends out of doing things that might not work out. Ultimately though, Penny, no matter which timeline, seems to be one of the first in the line of fire. He’s a Gryffindor who would likely deny that he was one if anyone asked.

5 Julia: Ravenclaw

The Magicians Characters Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses

Julia and Alice haven’t spent a ton of time together on screen. That’s a shame because the two are actually more alike than they know. While Alice grew up around magic and went to Brakebills, finding a way to focus her curiosity, Julia had the opposite. She didn’t get the chance to attend Brakebills in this timeline, but she still found a way to make herself remember that magic existed.

Julia found her way to the Hedge witches. She also, through horrible circumstances, ended up with the powers of a god. Julia kept pushing forward, learning about who she was, what she was missing, and the things she could do. No matter the circumstances, Julia never stopped learning. She’s a Ravenclaw without the formal magical schooling.

4 Marina: Slytherin

The Magicians Characters Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses

If anyone is the perfect embodiment of a Slytherin, it’s Marina. The leader of a group of Hedge witches, she and Kady have a lot in common. Marina was always willing to do whatever it took to make sure she and her group had access to magic and survival.

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Like Penny, The Magicians introduced more than one Marina in different timelines. Her skills at deception remain in both. She’s also equally ambitious, using her skills to get what she wants, including an expensive apartment that didn’t belong to her that the magicians were able to use as their base of operations.

Where Marina and the other Slytherins on this list differ is that Marina is always interested in saving herself first. The others want to help everyone else.

3 Josh: Hufflepuff

The Magicians Characters Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses

The perennial partier who just wants to be involved, Josh is a hard one to sort. His desire to be involved in quests and help save the day might lean toward Gryffindor. Josh’s obscure knowledge of the magical party scene could make him an unconventional Ravenclaw. Ultimately though, he’s a Hufflepuff. Josh’s hardworking nature simply comes in odd trappings – putting on the perfect party.

His sense of loyalty wasn’t especially evident until season four either. Because he wasn’t involved in very many of the main storylines on the series, it was hard for the audience to get to know him. In season four, however, his storylines with Margo proved that loyalty is the ultimate motivator for him. He wasn’t willing to turn his back on anyone who needed him. Josh also was very careful with his lycanthropic status, not wanting to pass it on to a friend, even if they were willing to take the risk.

2 Margo: Slytherin

The Magicians Characters Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses

Originally presented as a typical mean girl in The Magicians, it didn’t take more than an episode or two for the audience to realize that Margo wasn’t truly “mean.” Instead, her caustic wit was used as a way to gauge people’s reactions to her and to defend herself against possible judgment. Over the course of the show, Margo evolved into a no-holds-barred leader of her people.

Her thrill at becoming High King of Fillory revealed an ambition we didn’t initially know she had, showcasing more of her Slytherin nature. Margo has a lot of loyalty, but she’s also pragmatic. She knew that when it came down to it, Fen could overthrow her so that she could go on her own quest, and Margo encouraged it. Margo is forever looking for a way to get the job done, no matter what it takes to do it.

1 Eliot: Gryffindor

Given his friendship with Margo, and his own penchant for keeping secrets, Eliot often seems like a Slytherin. He’s much more suited to a sorting in Gryffindor even with his Slytherin sensibilities.

At many times, Eliot is the true hero of the story in The Magicians. Unlike Quentin, he never set out to be a hero; he just wanted a little adventure. It’s Eliot’s willingness to do the hard things, in spite of his own fears, that often saves the lives of his friends. Eliot’s biggest fears are where his personal life is concerned, and by the fourth season of the series, he was even able to bravely face those. There’s no greater Gryffindor in the show than Eliot.

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