The Mandalorian Logo Updated With Baby Yoda For Season 2

The Mandalorian Logo Updated With Baby Yoda For Season 2

Baby Yoda might’ve been a major secret in The Mandalorian season 1, but the updated logo for season 2 puts him front and center alongside Mando.

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The Mandalorian Logo Updated With Baby Yoda For Season 2

The Mandalorian updates its logo for season 2, this time by including Baby Yoda. The first Star Wars live-action television show debuted on Disney+ last November and quickly became the streamer’s biggest series. Set in the time after the Empire’s defeat, The Mandalorian follows the titular bounty hunter Din Djarin (Pedro Pascal) as he travels the galaxy taking on odd jobs. Even as the Star Wars films continue to inspire heated debates among fans, The Mandalorian won over audiences with its thoughtful development of the Star Wars universe and its compelling lead character.

Of course, there’s also one major component to The Mandalorian’s success: Baby Yoda. The powerful little tyke was kept a secret in the lead up to The Mandalorian’s premiere, only appearing onscreen in the final moments of the first episode. Baby Yoda played a pivotal part in the first season, and he looks to have a similar role in season 2. Earlier on Wednesday, it was announced that The Mandalorian season 2 will premiere on Disney+ on October 30.

Along with the season 2 premiere date came the reveal of The Mandalorian’s new logo. Aside from the new color palette, this logo keeps with the lone gunslinger theme from the first season, with the Mandalorian walking along a deserted horizon. However, this time he isn’t completely alone, as fans will spot a tiny figure toddling beside him. Yes, Baby Yoda is front and center for The Mandalorian season 2.

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This is already a far cry from The Mandalorian season 1, which went out of its way to keep Baby Yoda out of the marketing. However, now that virtually everyone knows about him, there’s no reason to keep him hidden. In fact, putting the spotlight on Baby Yoda could help bring in new viewers who are more intrigued by the story of a powerful young child under the protection of a stoic bounty hunter. Baby Yoda has already brought Disney+ much success; perhaps he can draw in even more.

Baby Yoda and the Mandalorian’s journey to finding a new home promises to be a key component of season 2. Exactly where the season will find the two remains to be seen, but it does seem certain that they’ll face some major obstacles on the way to wherever they’re going. Season 1 ended with the arrival of big bad Moff Gideon (Giancarlo Esposito), and fans are curious to learn about what his true motivations are. Now that The Mandalorian season 2 has a premiere date, though, fans at least know how much longer they have to wait for their answers.

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