The Mandalorian Season 2 Theories About Boba Fetts Role In The Story

The Mandalorian: Season 2 – Theories About Boba Fett’s Role In The Story


The Mandalorian Season 2 unveiled a big revelation about Boba Fett. Here are some of the theories about what his role will be in the Star Wars show.

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The Mandalorian Season 2 Theories About Boba Fetts Role In The Story

With “Chapter 9 – The Marshal,” the hit Disney+ original Star Wars series, The Mandalorian returned after its year off and after a lot of anticipation from fans. It is safe to say the episode delivered in all aspects. An incredible return to the series, the season premiere delivered an excellent contained story while introducing key aspects for the season ahead and planting the seeds for big things to come, managing to connect to the wider lore in the process.

Undoubtedly the singular most significant reveal pf the episode ended on kind-of a cliffhanger, revealing that none other than Boba Fett is alive and kicking on Tatooine, looking over Mando. This had been rumored for months, but what his overall role will be is yet unknown.

10 He Is Hunting And Will Don His Iconic Armour

The Mandalorian Season 2 Theories About Boba Fetts Role In The Story

Fans who have read the Star Wars books, particularly the Aftermath trilogy, were fully aware that Boba’s armor lived on with Cobb Vanth.

Since Boba survived, it is hard to imagine he has been wallowing on Tatooine deliberately not going after his armor, and it would make sense that he would want it back. He may be on the hunt for it, but may be unable to get it due to the vagueness of Mos Pelgo. Even if he is not necessarily hunting it, it is a safe theory to the believe that he will wear it once more.

9 He Is Hunting Mando & The Child

The Mandalorian Season 2 Theories About Boba Fetts Role In The Story

The evidence seems to point to him having larger priorities than his armor. That is assuming that the mysterious figure from season one was, in fact, the famous bounty hunter himself.

When we meet Boba, he is looking over Mando and the Child. He has lived on Tatooine presumably since he got out of the Sarlacc, and he is a phenomenal bounty hunter, so could have surely found a path to his armor through the Jawas or something else. Given all this, it seems that he is hunting the Child or even Din, but that raises the question of how he even knows they exist.

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8 He Will Wield The Darksaber

The Mandalorian Season 2 Theories About Boba Fetts Role In The Story

The Darksaber is one of the most unique and recognizable lightsabers in Star Wars, and while it’s time in the Star Wars canon has been spent mostly in animation, Moff Gideon brought it into live-action.

It is usually wielded by worthy Mandalorians, previously, as far as the canon timeline tells us, under the ownership of Bo-Katan Kryze. Boba Fett finding his way into the blades possession would be an excellent and iconic sight and one brilliant wrinkle in the whole story.

7 He Will Face-Off With & Possibly Kill Cobb Vanth

The Mandalorian Season 2 Theories About Boba Fetts Role In The Story

Speaking of Boba Fett’s armor, it did not stay with Fett when he got out of the Sarlacc Pit, somehow finding its way to Cobb Vanth. A highlight of season 2 already, he is a character who connects the extended canon of novels and comics more than most before him.

Vanth and Djarin both agree that they hope to see each other again and should this happen, a faceoff between Boba and the man who donned his armor could very well be in the cards, especially if Mando goes after Vanth’s help again.

6 He Will Face-Off With Bo-Katan

The Mandalorian Season 2 Theories About Boba Fetts Role In The Story

With Boba’s return, there are many face-off possibilities that could blow fan’s minds in terms of how epic they could be, and in terms of epic fights, you rarely get better than Mandalorians going at it.

Bo-Katan Kryze has yet to show up in the show, but it seems like a matter of time. These two awesome figures facing off would be a fantastic thread in the idea of what it means to be a Mandalorian, and on top of that, it would be a pretty exhilarating duel with Mando in the mix.

5 He Will Face-Off With Rex &/Or Ahsoka

The Mandalorian Season 2 Theories About Boba Fetts Role In The Story

Of course, Bo-Katan and Boba Fett were not the only rumored characters from this season who could have a viable face-off against Boba, with Ahsoka Tano and Captain Rex heavily rumored to also have a small role.

This is by far the least likely of any Boba battle, but seeing Temura Morrison come face-to-face with himself, with perhaps an exploration of what it is to be a clone like in The Clone Wars. As for Ahsoka, seeing her fight another Mandalorian – perhaps with a lightsaber or darksaber – would be simply outstanding.

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4 The Theme Of What It Means To Be A Clone, Or Mandalorian Will Be Explored Through Fett

The Mandalorian Season 2 Theories About Boba Fetts Role In The Story

Through Din Djarin, fans have gone deeper into the meaning of being a Mandalorian than ever before in the Star Wars canon. It has been brilliant thus far, with no likelihood of slowing down.

With Boba in the mix, a famous non-Mandalorian, it will be interesting to see how Mando and Boba interact with one another and how that theme of what constitutes a true Mandalorian is explored. Mando has fared well without him to this point in the development of thematic structures.

3 Him & Din Work Together (& Possibly Others)

The Mandalorian Season 2 Theories About Boba Fetts Role In The Story

There were no fans who could have solidly predicted the role Cobb Vanth would have in the show, with him teaming and forming a mutual respect with Mando being an excellent use of the character.

There could be a scenario in which Mando and Boba have to work together. This could be against the likes of Moff Gideon and if it were to happen it would most likely be a temporary thing, but could also be great viewing.

2 He Captures The Child

The Mandalorian Season 2 Theories About Boba Fetts Role In The Story

Going back to an earlier point, it seems very likely that Fett is after Mando and the Child for some unknown reason. At the moment, Din is attempting to get the Child back to his people, a journey that is set to have a few bumps in the road.

One such bump could be Boba. Attempting to get back in the bounty hunting game, or for some other reason, Boba could capture the Child, leading to an interesting diversion on the road towards the Child’s home.

1 Din Kills Him

Boba Fett is a character who, canonically and chronologically, has led a pretty full life. Born right before and living through the Clone Wars as well as the Galactic Civil War, and now beyond, it does seem like his time is coming.

The chances of Boba being and dying like a hero are slim to none. What is more likely is that he dies at the hands of Mando, perhaps for the Child, for the darksaber, for the honor of Mandalore, or simply just for being a villain. This very well could go down in a western style duel in the likes of what was teased between Mando and Cobb, or that between Boba and Cad Bane in the unaired Clone Wars episodes.

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