The MCU Just Told Thor’s Phase 4 Story Before Love & Thunder

The MCU Just Told Thor’s Phase 4 Story Before Love & Thunder

Marvel already told Thor’s Phase 4 story in the latest episode of What If…? before it can be tackled in Taika Waititi’s Thor: Love and Thunder.

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The MCU Just Told Thor’s Phase 4 Story Before Love & Thunder

Warning: SPOILERS for What If…? episode 2.

After three consecutive live-action shows on Disney+, Marvel Studios is dabbling with animation through What If…? Based on the comic books of the same name from the ’70s, the project re-examines the events of the Infinity Saga and ponders on how one minor change could’ve altered the course of MCU’s history. Jeffrey Wright serves as the narrator, The Watcher, while many actors from the movies voice their respective characters in this new endeavor. Episode 2 titled “What If… T’Challa Became a Star-Lord?” imagines the Wakandan Prince assuming the Star-Lord persona and not Peter Quill.

The God of Thunder didn’t have any presence in the said outing as he’s set to appear in a later episode. It’s also worth noting that the events of What If…? takes place in an entirely different universe than the Sacred Timeline, so they don’t affect the main MCU canon (at least not yet). Despite this, the series’ latest offering has already tackled what was supposed to be Thor’s personal arc in Phase 4. After Thanos’ (Josh Brolin) defeat, the Asgardian Prince has decided to embrace his true nature as an adventurer. He officially relegated ruling duties to Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson) and joined the Guardians of the Galaxy for their next mission. Given the cosmic heroes’ appearance in Thor: Love and Thunder, it’s safe to say that he has stuck with them throughout this whole time until he needed to return to News Asgard for whatever reason. As usual, Marvel Studios has been secretive about what to expect from the Waititi-directed flick, but it’s safe to assume that something happens that ropes Thor back to Earth.

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Essentially, T’Chaka (John Kani) perceived the same conflict with T’Challa in What If…? Early on in the episode, the King of Wakanda talks to his son about having the blood of a king, but the heart of an explorer. This is the reason why Yondu’s (Michael Rooker) Ravagers snagged the wrong kid in the story as T’Challa was out on the fields late at night going on an adventure. The difference here is that his father was able to see right through him at an early age. Meanwhile, Thor had long been groomed to be the ruler of Asgard by Odin (Anthony Hopkins), so much so that at one point, even he was convinced that it was what he wanted to do. His conversation with Frigga (Rene Russo) during Endgame’s time heist finally motivated him to embrace his real self. So, once the problem with Thanos was resolved, he took the opportunity to indulge himself and hitched a ride with the Guardians of the Galaxy.

What’s interesting with T’Challa in What If…? is that, despite leaving Wakanda, he continued to exude leadership qualities. He’s inherently good and pragmatic to the point that he was even able to convince Thanos out of his genocidal plan. For Thor, it would be curious to see how his time as an explorer changed him, if at all, once he returns to New Asgard in Thor: Love and Thunder.

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