The Office 10 Things About Michael Scott That Make No Sense

The Office: 10 Things About Michael Scott That Make No Sense


Michael Scott may have been one of the best parts of The Office, but there’s no denying that there are things about him we don’t understand.

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The Office 10 Things About Michael Scott That Make No Sense

When one talks about some of the most enduring and beloved sitcoms that people still look back on fondly to this day, it goes without saying that The Office would be mentioned at some time or the other. After all, the fact of the matter is that The Office is one of the most watched shows on streaming services for a reason — it’s easy to get into, the characters are endearing, and the comedy is truly unlike anything people had ever seen at that point.

One of the biggest shining jewels of The Office is obviously Michael Scott, which is easily one of Steve Carell’s best roles. The manner in which he serves as the bumbling office manager is truly a joy to watch and the hijinks that he gets into over the course of the show’s seven seasons never gets boring to watch. That being said, there are still some truly explicable things about his character that need to be discussed, since they make absolutely no sense… even in the context of a person like Michael Scott.

10 How Did He Manage To Keep His Job For So Long?

The Office 10 Things About Michael Scott That Make No Sense

If there’s one thing that everyone knows about Michael Scott, it’s the fact that he’s a person who tends to throw common logic out of the window at every step of the way when making a decision.

For a person like this to be employed at Dunder Mifflin without any questions arising pertaining to his managerial aptitude is quite suspect indeed.

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9 Michael Being A Good Salesperson Sounds Extremely Unlikely

The Office 10 Things About Michael Scott That Make No Sense

The main argument that people put forth when it comes to Michael’s lengthy employment is the fact that he’s a brilliant salesperson and his skills allow for people like Dwight and Jim to overperform under his guidance.

However, looking at how socially inept Michael is at every step of the way, one must wonder as to whether this fact is actually true or just serves as a poor excuse to explain why Dunder Mifflin hasn’t fired Michael Scott yet.

8 It’s Weird That He Doesn’t Know His Own Phone Number

The Office 10 Things About Michael Scott That Make No Sense

There’s an episode of The Office where Jim has to leave Michael at a gas station because of an emergency related to his daughter. This leaves Michael stranded, especially since his phone was in Jim’s car and he doesn’t know the number to his own cell.

This fact has always been somewhat odd — what kind of salesman doesn’t remember his own number?

7 How Was The Camera Crew Efficient With Michael Around?

The Office 10 Things About Michael Scott That Make No Sense

The camera crew has done a brilliant job of exploring all the facets of Dunder Mifflin’s Scranton branch, rarely being impeded in their work… which is somewhat suspicious if one thinks long and hard about it.

After all, Michael Scott is notorious for having absolutely no respect for anyone’s privacy and constantly meddles in things that are none of his concern. With this being the case, it is definitely quite possible that he would’ve interrupted the documentary crew at every step of the way. And yet, their footage has come out to be quite well-shot and concise.

6 Is He A Pervert Or Not?

The Office 10 Things About Michael Scott That Make No Sense

For the most part, one will agree that Michael Scott is a person whose heart is always in the right place… regardless of how his behavior might be.

That being said, one can’t deny that his behavior has been highly suspect at times, with his attempts to kiss and flash Pam being especially questionable.

Speaking of which…

5 How Has Pam Not Reported Michael For His Behavior Yet?

The Office 10 Things About Michael Scott That Make No Sense

There’s no way that Pam would be fine with the manner in which Michael has treated her over the course of the series… and yet, there’s been nary a peep from her regarding this situation.

It may be true that she realizes that Michael is a good guy at heart, but that’s no excuse for the kind of stuff he gets away with.

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4 Michael’s Handling Of Money Is Extremely Off-Kilter

The Office 10 Things About Michael Scott That Make No Sense

One thing that Michael should rightfully be questioned for is his handling of Dunder Mifflin’s finances. He’s constantly thrown lavish parties for the office, to the point where he’s even been warned due to the extravagant nature of these celebrations — with one confrontation escalating to a point where he straight up leaves the company.

However, when it comes to employee healthcare, he was more than happy with the cuts that Dwight had set up for the office. This is quite questionable… although, to be honest, it’s not like Michael has been responsible when it comes to his own finances as well.

3 How Is He Not Broke After Falling For So Many Scams?

The Office 10 Things About Michael Scott That Make No Sense

One thing that Michael is notorious for is falling for the first scam or wormhole of money that strikes his fancy. Whether it be the countless Nigerian Princes he’s donated to or the money he’s invested in an unnecessarily extravagant condo, there’s no denying that Michael has wasted a ton of money over the course of the show.

However, not once have we seen Michael in a financial predicament, even after receiving a salary that isn’t even all that high, if Darryl’s jabs are to be taken as fact. It’s certainly quite odd indeed.

And speaking of odd things…

2 Why Did No One From The Office Attend His Marriage With Holly?

The Office 10 Things About Michael Scott That Make No Sense

Steve Carell’s departure from The Office might not have been the smoothest thing around, but there’s no denying that his character was still extremely close to some of his colleagues like Jim, Pam, and Dwight.

Yet, not of these characters even talk about Michael’s marriage with Holly and whether they attended it or not, which could’ve been accomplished with a simple throwaway dialogue. All of this points to another question that needs to be answered.

1 Did Michael And Holly Even Get Married?

Michael makes his final appearance in the series finale, where it’s revealed that he already has kids and has a healthy, functioning relationship with Holly.

However, there’s no mention of whether they’ve even married in the first place, which is quite suspect indeed. If Michael’s proposal was the point where he decided to leave Dunder Mifflin in the first place, then shouldn’t this marriage have been wrapped up a long time ago?

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