The Office 5 Funniest Pam Quotes (& 5 Most Heartbreaking)

The Office: 5 Funniest Pam Quotes (& 5 Most Heartbreaking)


Pam Beesly is a fan-favorite character on NBC’s hit comedy series, The Office. Here are her funniest and most emotional quotes from the whole show.

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The Office 5 Funniest Pam Quotes (& 5 Most Heartbreaking)

Pam Beesly is a fan-favorite character on NBC’s hit comedy series, The Office. Pam’s humor is frequently underestimated and she has a lot of great moments throughout the entire series that tend to be overshadowed by Michael’s crazy storylines and Dwight’s latest antics.

Pam makes her audience laugh just as much as she can make them cry. She is also the most relatable character on the show, making her big moments some of the most memorable ones for fans. Whether it be humorous or heartbreaking, Pam always delivers and her quotes seem to still ring true, even today.

10 Heartbreaking: “Jim, I called off my wedding because of you.”

The Office 5 Funniest Pam Quotes (& 5 Most Heartbreaking)

In a season three episode of The Office called, “Beach Games”. Pam is really struggling with how distant she and Jim have been and she confronts him in front of all of their co-workers.

She tells him she called off her wedding for him and then goes on to say, “…now we’re not even friends. And things are just like, weird between us, and that sucks. And I miss you.” Jim and Pam were everyone’s favorite couple but it’s torture for fans having to watch these two not together in early episodes.

9 Funny: “…she was gambling that I wouldn’t smack her.”

The Office 5 Funniest Pam Quotes (& 5 Most Heartbreaking)

Pam can be pretty sassy and when she is, it always gets a laugh. Pam is particularly fiery with co-workers like Angela. Angela and Pam are two very different people and it seems the only way Pam can tolerate her co-worker as much as she does is to sass her behind her back, so it doesn’t come out in a fit of rage to Angela’s face.

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In this particular moment, Pam suggests flipping a coin to make a tough decision, but Angela negates Pam’s idea, explaining that she doesn’t like to gamble.

8 Heartbreaking: “Jim and I are too similar. Maybe one day I’ll find my own Karen.”

The Office 5 Funniest Pam Quotes (& 5 Most Heartbreaking)

After Pam calls off her wedding to Roy, fans expected Jim and Pam to finally get their happily ever after. Pam expected that too. Instead, Jim takes a job in Stamford and starts a new life with a new girlfriend named Karen.

When Pam finds out that Jim is seeing someone, she’s devastated, but does her best not to show it. She puts on a brave face to convince herself and everyone else at work that she is okay with Jim moving on and is even happy for him. Of course, everyone sees right through it.

7 Funny: “I just want to eat, which I realize is a lot to ask, at a dinner party.”

The Office 5 Funniest Pam Quotes (& 5 Most Heartbreaking)

Pam and Jim have successfully dodged Michael and Jan’s dinner invitations for months. In a moment of weakness, Jim accidentally agrees to dinner with the crazy couple and of course, Pam must go with him.

When they get to Michael and Jan’s house, it’s even weirder than they ever anticipated. Jan hasn’t started cooking yet and claims it will take four hours before anything is ready, sending Pam into panic mode knowing she won’t be leaving this bizarre situation anytime soon.

6 Heartbreaking: “I’m sorry, what was the question.”

The Office 5 Funniest Pam Quotes (& 5 Most Heartbreaking)

This quote is heartbreakingly good because it’s what Pam says after Jim asks her out on their first date. At this point in the series, Pam has convinced herself that Jim is not the one for her and she’s telling the cameras that she’ll be fine without him, though it’s clear she is lying in that moment.

Jim interrupts her sadness to ask her to dinner that night. Pam instantly beams and accepts his offer, then turns back to the cameras, forgetting what they were previously talking about.

5 Funny: “…I’d like to see a machine that puts out candy for everyone. Vending machine.”

The Office 5 Funniest Pam Quotes (& 5 Most Heartbreaking)

In season five, Pam’s job as the office’s receptionist is threatened after a new phone system is introduced. The automated system picks up the calls and the caller can choose who to talk to, which completely eliminates 95% of Pam’s job duties and responsibilities.

In trying to defend herself and her place at work, Pam comes up with a list of things she can do that a machine could never do, but she quickly negates her entire list, realizing her job description is obsolete in a time of new technology.

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4 Heartbreaking: “When you’re a kid, you assume your parents are soulmates…”

The Office 5 Funniest Pam Quotes (& 5 Most Heartbreaking)

Another quote that made fans cry happy tears. Watching Jim and Pam’s love story develop is what kept audiences coming back to the show week after week. Once they finally do get together, the payoff for viewers is fantastic because it’s clear this couple was meant to be.

The best part is, both Jim and Pam know they were destined for one another and they aren’t afraid to show it to each other and express it to their viewers. Pam finished this quote by saying, “My kids are gonna be right about that.”

3 Funny: “That fast?”

The Office 5 Funniest Pam Quotes (& 5 Most Heartbreaking)

Michael tells Pam that his mind is “going a mile an hour”, and this is Pam’s response. One of the most fun relationships in the entire show is that of Pam and Michael. Pam knows Michael better than anyone.

She knows him so well that she also knows when she can take a jab at him and it will go unelected because Michael is so caught up in whatever he is saying or doing at the moment. This is one of those times that Pam makes a jab at Michael’s expense, but only fans really pick up on it, making it even funnier.

2 Heartbreaking: “There’s a lot of beauty in ordinary things. Isn’t that kind of the point?

The Office 5 Funniest Pam Quotes (& 5 Most Heartbreaking)

This quote is heartbreaking because it is the last line of the entire series in the series’ finale. After nine seasons, the final episode of The Office aired in May of 2013. The entire cast returned for the finale, including Steve Carrell as Michael Scott, which was a huge surprise for fans.

In the last few minutes of the episode, all of the core cast members get one more interview with the documentary cameras to reflect on their time at Dunder Mifflin and Pam sums up her experience perfectly.

1 Funny: “…he just skipped the Ace Ventura talking butt thing.”

Another moment that shows just how well Pam knows Michael. Michael loves comedy and thinks he’s very good at it, even though he really isn’t. Pam has seen all of Michael’s comedy routines, many times, and knows them all so well that she knows how Michael is feeling based on the routine he chooses to do.

She knows Ace Ventura is his favorite and the fact that he’s skipped over it at this moment means something is very, very wrong.

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