The Office 5 Times Michael Scott Really Cared for His Employees (& 5 Times He Treated Them Like Dirt)

The Office: 5 Times Michael Scott Really Cared for His Employees (& 5 Times He Treated Them Like Dirt)


Michael Scott is the most well-known fictional boss ever. As regional manager, sometimes Michael really cared for his employees, and sometimes didn’t.

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The Office 5 Times Michael Scott Really Cared for His Employees (& 5 Times He Treated Them Like Dirt)

Michael Scott is probably the most well-known fictional boss. His role on The Office was one that many people found hilarious but also annoying, or even problematic, at times. As the Regional Manager of Dunder Mifflin Scranton, Michael Scott had many employees.

While he often considered his employees his family, this doesn’t mean he always treated them that way. There were times where he was really caring and a good friend to them as well as many times where he treated them quite poorly.

10 Really Cared: When he tried to support Ryan in his business endeavors

The Office 5 Times Michael Scott Really Cared for His Employees (& 5 Times He Treated Them Like Dirt)

Michael always wanted to be Ryan’s friend, but Ryan mostly just used Michael to achieve his own ends. While Michael could definitely be annoying at times, Ryan grew to be extremely selfish and uncaring of everyone around him. However, Michael did always try to support him in his business ideas and attempts.

He often invested in things, such as WUPH, and believed in Ryan even when he didn’t deserve it.

9 Treated Poorly: When he used Dwight but never really wanted to be his friend

The Office 5 Times Michael Scott Really Cared for His Employees (& 5 Times He Treated Them Like Dirt)

While Michael was always trying to be Ryan’s friend, Dwight was always trying to be Micahel’s friend. Dwight and Micahel had an interesting relationship where they both used the other for certain ends, but it’s clear that Dwight did value Michael’s opinion.

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On the other hand, Micahel mostly thought Dwight was annoying and just wanted to use him as an errand boy. He never really appreciated him.

8 Really Cared: How excited he was for Jim and Pam to get married

The Office 5 Times Michael Scott Really Cared for His Employees (& 5 Times He Treated Them Like Dirt)

One of Michael’s personality flaws was that he wasn’t very good at understanding boundaries or knowing how when he had overstepped. So, while he could sometimes be too involved in his employees’ lives, sometimes it was endearing.

He was clearly very happy for Jim and Pam when they got engaged, and he wanted to be a part of their wedding. While he might have been a bit awkward about it at times, he did truly care about them and wanted their relationship to succeed.

7 Treated Poorly: The way he always harassed Toby

The Office 5 Times Michael Scott Really Cared for His Employees (& 5 Times He Treated Them Like Dirt)

One of the most uncomfortable things about watching The Office was seeing the way that Michael treated Toby. While he didn’t have to like him, the fact that he treated him with such open disdain and dislike was unacceptable.

He would continually harass him and even went so far as to say he would rather shoot Toby over Hitler. While he might have been joking, this kind of thing that went too far happened often, and it was just cruel.

6 Really Cared: When he supported Pam at her art show

The Office 5 Times Michael Scott Really Cared for His Employees (& 5 Times He Treated Them Like Dirt)

While Michael wasn’t always a good boss nor good in social situations, sometimes he could be a good friend. When Pam attended her first art show and invited everyone from the office, Michael was one of the few people who showed up.

While Oscar and his boyfriend came, they were rather condescending and critical about the entire thing. Michael was very supportive of Pam and even bought her painting of the Scranton office and hung it up at work.

5 Treated Poorly: The way he reacted when Phyllis made an oven mitt for his Secret Santa

The Office 5 Times Michael Scott Really Cared for His Employees (& 5 Times He Treated Them Like Dirt)

Another scene that’s really hard to watch is when Michael gets his Secret Santa gift from Phyllis. While the gift might not have been to his taste, it was still something that Phyllis put time and effort into and thought he would like.

Michael instead acted really offended about it and changed the rules so he wouldn’t end up with her gift. This clearly made Phyllis feel awful, and it was extremely selfish of him to do.

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4 Really Cared: He did try to do fun events for his employees

The Office 5 Times Michael Scott Really Cared for His Employees (& 5 Times He Treated Them Like Dirt)

Micahel was someone who waited way too much time messing around and planning things like games and parties and often this would annoy his employees. While he should have been a bit better at balancing fun and work, the fact is that he did want his employees to have a good time.

Some of the things he did for them, such as the Booze Cruise, were actually fun and well-meant. So, while he didn’t always go about things the right way, he did try.

3 Treated Poorly: When he would fake fire people

The Office 5 Times Michael Scott Really Cared for His Employees (& 5 Times He Treated Them Like Dirt)

Michael might have said that his employees were his family, but he also liked to treat them as enemies at times. He really enjoyed messing with them and making them think they were in trouble or going to be fired.

He fake fired people many times in the series such as Erin and Pam. Manipulating people like this, especially when you have power over their livelihoods, is not a good thing to do, and it wasn’t funny to watch.

2 Really Cared: Showing up to be Dwight’s best man

The Office 5 Times Michael Scott Really Cared for His Employees (& 5 Times He Treated Them Like Dirt)

While Michael and Dwight had an interesting relationship filled with many ups and downs, in the end, Michael did care about Dwight.

He came back from Colorado to attend Dwight and Angela’s waiting and to take over as Dwight’s best man. This clearly meant a lot to Dwight, and it was one of the most emotional moments in the series. While Michael wasn’t always good to his employees, it’s clear that he did care about them and was better off as their friend than their boss.

1 Treated Poorly: All the times he was homophobic, racist, and sexist

While Michael did do some good things for the people he worked with, he also did some awful ones. It’s hard to excuse some of the more obtuse and backward things he said and did.

He could be extremely sexist at times, and he also was racially insensitive. Then, there was the time when he learned that Oscar was gay, outed him, and then tried to make himself into the victim. It’s hard to get over how often this kind of behavior happened.

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