The Office 5 Ways Dunder Mifflin Is The Best Company To Work For (& 5 Ways Its Sabre)

The Office: 5 Ways Dunder Mifflin Is The Best Company To Work For (& 5 Ways It’s Sabre)


In The Office, the documentary showed that the characters worked under two companies – Dunder Mifflin and Sabre. But which was better?

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The Office 5 Ways Dunder Mifflin Is The Best Company To Work For (& 5 Ways Its Sabre)

One of the biggest changes that happened in The Office was when Dunder Mifflin went bankrupt and was bought by the printer giant, Sabre. As any company would in real-life, there were some huge regime changes at the office that took some getting used to, but some of them were for the better.

From giving the employees more opportunities to progress to being more established, Sabre was arguably a better place to work than Dunder Mifflin. However, given that Dunder Mifflin had more family business-like values, there are great arguments to be made for both sides.

10 Dunder Mifflin: More Pride In Its Products

The Office 5 Ways Dunder Mifflin Is The Best Company To Work For (& 5 Ways Its Sabre)

Strangely enough, there was a clear affinity for paper a Dunder Mifflin. It was mostly driven by Michael’s passion too, whether it was starting his own paper company when he was being pushed out, or making a commercial about how paper brings people together. But the same can’t be said for Sabre, as they knowingly sell cheap novelty gadgets and products that overheat and set on fire. Even Robert California, CEO of the company, openly admitted himself that Sabre products are cheap.

9 Sabre: More Innovative

The Office 5 Ways Dunder Mifflin Is The Best Company To Work For (& 5 Ways Its Sabre)

Though there isn’t much care or effort put into its products, Sabre understands trends and it knows how to innovate, even if the new products are a little dysfunctional. Even though Sabre is essentially a printer company, they released the Arrowhead phone, which was part of the Pyramid line, and hilariously opened up an Apple-like store. This is unlike Dunder Mifflin, a company that would never do anything outside of selling paper and stationery, which is part of why it went bankrupt in 2009.

8 Dunder Mifflin: More Level-Headed Management

The Office 5 Ways Dunder Mifflin Is The Best Company To Work For (& 5 Ways Its Sabre)

Though it’s hard to call either company level-headed, in the years of Dunder Mifflin, the management took things much more seriously and went about things in a professional manner.

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The most outrageous moment had to be when Jan tried to sue the company, but even then, the deposition was still a very ethical way of going about things. And with David Wallace as CEO, he ran a tight ship and was way more level-headed than either Jo Bennett or Robert California, as hilarious as they are.

7 Sabre: More Diverse

The Office 5 Ways Dunder Mifflin Is The Best Company To Work For (& 5 Ways Its Sabre)

Sabre has always made a big deal about how diverse the company was. They provided several workers in the office opportunities to improve their position in the company, including Kelly Kapoor, who was offered a place on the minority executive training program.

This is a far cry from Dunder Mifflin, as the company wasn’t diverse in the slightest. Previous managers were quick to insult or make fun of workers who were minorities, including Oscar, Stanley or Kelly.

6 Dunder Mifflin: More Stability

The Office 5 Ways Dunder Mifflin Is The Best Company To Work For (& 5 Ways Its Sabre)

Though it may have been more due to the fact that Steve Carell was leaving, when Michael was replaced as manager, Sabre kept picking the wrong person for the job, which led to a revolving door of managers. Though it led to some hilarious famous actors getting guest spots, the amount of different managers under Sabre was cause for concern.

Dunder Mifflin had Michael as manager for seven straight years, and most people in corporate were there until the very end as well. That can’t be said for Robert California or Jo Bennett, even if they were the reason why the show was still great after Michael left.

5 Sabre: Better Getaways

The Office 5 Ways Dunder Mifflin Is The Best Company To Work For (& 5 Ways Its Sabre)

Sabre allowed half of the office to travel to Florida, and though it was for work, some took more advantage of it than others. Stanley was driving around in convertibles, living the time of his life. Even the more grounded in reality trips were fun, as Andy took the staff to Gettysburg to increase morale.

But the company trips offered by Dunder Mifflin were much more realistic and boring, such as the company picnic and the time when Michael made them all compete for his managerial role at a “beach,” which was basically just a grey looking river.

4 Dunder Mifflin: No Commission Caps

The Office 5 Ways Dunder Mifflin Is The Best Company To Work For (& 5 Ways Its Sabre)

In what’s explained as a new corporate policy, Gabe told Jim that he hit his commission cap for the year, which means he has no incentive to sell. At Dunder Mifflin, there was no commission cap, and Dwight and Jim could compete all year round.

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With the commission cap, every sales agent surely made much less than when they were working for Dunder Mifflin. However, it did free up some of Jim’s time to work on some hilarious pranks, and one of his best yet, as he edited Jo Bennett’s audiobook to make it sound like she was insulting Gabe.

3 Sabre: More Opportunities For Progression

The Office 5 Ways Dunder Mifflin Is The Best Company To Work For (& 5 Ways Its Sabre)

Kelly wasn’t the only longstanding employee to get promoted when Sabre took over, as Pam got promoted to office administrator and Darryl got a promotion to where he oversees all the shipping. Even Robert used his creepy manipulation skills to get promoted to CEO.

But while the company operated as Dunder Mifflin for years, there was very little room for opportunity, and even then, employees were barely even recognised for the great work that they did.

2 Dunder Mifflin: Less Lay-Offs

The Office 5 Ways Dunder Mifflin Is The Best Company To Work For (& 5 Ways Its Sabre)

Sabre is pretty cut throat, as when they acquired Dunder Mifflin, they fired almost everyone in corporate. And even when they needed a fall guy for when the Pyramid line didn’t work, they were so willing to get rid of either Dwight or Todd Packer in an instant. Dunder Mifflin is the exact opposite, as they even rehire the people that were fired, whether it was Michael or Ryan. And in season 1, when Michael is tasked with firing Creed, he doesn’t do it.

But from Sabre’s perspective, it actually makes sense, as all of the employees in the office should have been fired several times over at this point. However, Toby got lucky. As he technically worked in corporate, he should have gotten the chop by Sabre, but much to Michael’s dissatisfaction, the HR rep stayed.

1 Sabre: More Established

Compared to Sabre, Dunder Mifflin is a family business. Sabre is a massive company with fingers in so many different pies, and though their products are far from the best, they are much more well known and very established.

It’s no more obvious than when the former Dunder Mifflin employees are first shown the “Welcome To Sabre” videotape, which features Christian Slater playing himself, talking about how great the company is. As hilariously goofy as the video tape is, Dunder Mifflin could never have afforded a movie star.

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