The Office Whose Wedding Was Better Phyllis & Bobs Or Jim & Pam’s

The Office: Whose Wedding Was Better, Phyllis & Bob’s Or Jim & Pam’s?


The gang at Dunder Mifflin Scranton knows how to throw a wedding. But which sitcom nuptials were more iconic: Phyllis and Bob’s and Jim and Pam’s?

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The Office Whose Wedding Was Better Phyllis & Bobs Or Jim & Pam’s

Throughout The Office’s nine seasons, viewers found themselves swept up in the progression of Jim and Pam’s up-and-down love story, and these characters became a fan-favorite couple. However, Phyllis’ romance with Bob Vance (of Vance Refrigeration) was also an adorable highlight.

In the third season, Phyllis revealed that she and Bob were engaged, and they got married in “Phyllis’ Wedding.” At that time, Jim and Pam were seeing other people and didn’t get married until season 6 in a two-part episode titled “Niagara: Part 1” and “Niagara: Part 2.” Both weddings were very different from each other and brought their own charm, but which was better?

10 Phyllis & Bob’s: Kevin’s Band

The Office Whose Wedding Was Better Phyllis & Bobs Or Jim & Pam’s

The funny thing about Phyllis and Bob’s wedding is that it was identical to Pam and Roy’s wedding — if they had one. Roy wanted Kevin’s band to perform at their wedding but since they never got married, it looks like Phyllis sniped Kevin for her own nuptials.

Jim and Pam’s reception wasn’t shown, but Phyllis and Bob’s was and it looked awesome. Kevin and his band rocked the house and got everyone on the dance floor. Everyone loves a live band and Kevin jamming out was a fun treat for viewers.

9 Jim And Pam’s: The Epic Walk Down The Aisle

The Office Whose Wedding Was Better Phyllis & Bobs Or Jim & Pam’s

One of the coolest and iconic moments of Jim and Pam’s wedding was the walk down the aisle. It wasn’t traditional in any sense of the word and was a complete surprise to Pam.

Just as she was supposed to walk down the aisle, Chris Brown’s “Forever” began playing over the speakers and all of their colleagues danced down the aisle in pairs. Even Angela participated! It was a memorable and loving moment that included everyone.

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8 Phyllis & Bob’s: Seeing Phyllis’s Dad Walk Her Down

The Office Whose Wedding Was Better Phyllis & Bobs Or Jim & Pam’s

Phyllis and Bob’s wedding was special for a number of reasons. It was fun for viewers to see a different side of Phyllis and get to know her family outside of the office.

Since her father was in a wheelchair, she had Michael push him down the aisle. But her father suddenly stopped Michael from pushing him and stood up himself. It was emotional for both Phyllis and her father as they got to have a truly special father-daughter moment.

7 Jim And Pam’s: Maid Of The Mist

The Office Whose Wedding Was Better Phyllis & Bobs Or Jim & Pam’s

When Pam begins to panic before walking down the aisle, she vents to Jim, who then cuts his own tie to make her feel better. What mattered was that they were getting married. Since Jim knew something like this would occur on their big day — especially after inviting their co-workers — he had a backup plan: the Maid of the Mist.

He and Pam left the church and their guests and got married alone on the Maid of the Mist in front of Niagara Falls. It was a very romantic moment that totally fit their relationship.

6 Phyllis & Bob’s: Dwight As A Bouncer

The Office Whose Wedding Was Better Phyllis & Bobs Or Jim & Pam’s

It doesn’t matter what kind of occasion Jim is attending; he never passes on the opportunity to mess with Dwight. At Phyllis’ wedding, Jim planted the seed that there could be wedding crashers present. With so many people there, who can tell if they were invited by the bride and groom or neither?

Dwight then went on a mission to keep the wedding safe and hunted down possible wedding crashes. He thought he found one when he kicked out Phyllis’ uncle, who sadly had dementia and couldn’t remember who the bride and groom were. Thankfully, Michael unintentionally brought her uncle back to the wedding and Dwight carried on with his job.

5 Jim and Pam’s: The Pre-Wedding Party

The Office Whose Wedding Was Better Phyllis & Bobs Or Jim & Pam’s

With Pam and Jim’s having a destination wedding, everyone was ready to party at the hotel bar. But it didn’t stop there. The Scranton branch took the festivities back to the hotel rooms where they had a dance party. Andy, however, went too hard during a dance-off and ripped his scrotum after doing a split and landing on his car keys… At least everyone was having a great time before the hospital trip.

4 Phyllis & Bob’s: Michael’s Inclusion

The Office Whose Wedding Was Better Phyllis & Bobs Or Jim & Pam’s

It was very kind of Phyllis to include Michael in her big day. However, this wasn’t a charitable decision. She didn’t have anyone else to push her father down the aisle, so Michael was her only option.

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Michael, on the other hand, saw this opportunity as him giving away the bride. He also told the cameras that since he paid Phyllis’ salary, he was essentially paying for the wedding — which he was “happy to do”. Michael’s one job at Phyllis and Bob’s wedding went to his head and practically ruined the wedding, but it sure did make for fantastic TV.

3 Jim and Pam’s: A Destination Wedding

The Office Whose Wedding Was Better Phyllis & Bobs Or Jim & Pam’s

Pam and Jim had a destination wedding because they didn’t want a lot of people to come. They realized how expensive weddings were and figured those in Scranton, Florida, etc… wouldn’t make the trip to Niagara Falls because it was so far out of the way. Sadly for them, everyone invited came.

But it ended up being for the best. Pam, Jim, and their guests had an amazing time. Even Kevin told the camera crew that it was the best wedding he’d ever been to. And if their wedding was local, Jim and Pam wouldn’t have been able to escape to the Falls to get married alone before heading back to the church.

2 Phyllis & Bob’s: Karaoke At The End Of The Night

The Office Whose Wedding Was Better Phyllis & Bobs Or Jim & Pam’s

As beautiful as Phyllis and Bob’s wedding was, Pam didn’t have the best time. Not only was Roy there, but Phyllis copied all of Pam’s former wedding ideas. Jim also brought Karen as his date and the two of them were having the best time.

By the end of the night, Pam found herself dancing with Roy and left the wedding with him. Jim saw Pam leave with Roy and was immediately relieved he was there with Karen. The cameras zoomed over to the stage and Karen was up there singing with the band as Jim stood waving his cell phone light. One can only imagine who else got on stage to sing after her.

1 Jim and Pam’s: Everyone Was Looking For Love

Dwight, Michael, and Kevin were all on the hunt for love at Jim and Pam’s wedding. Kevin wore his toupée the whole weekend while Michael and Dwight studied the guestlist for single women before leaving Scranton. Michael unexpectedly (and hilariously) fell for Pam’s mom, Helene. And Dwight found himself in the arms of Isabel. It’s not known what woman gave Kevin her number but he was satisfied with the way the weekend went because his tissue box shoes were a “huge conversation starter”.

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