The One SpiderMan Homecoming Easter Egg You Definitely Missed

The One Spider-Man: Homecoming Easter Egg You Definitely Missed

The Spider-Man: Homecoming trailer is packed full of Easter eggs, including one that only the most obsessive of Marvel fans will be able to spot.

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The One SpiderMan Homecoming Easter Egg You Definitely Missed

It’s hard to believe that there’s so much hype for another Spider-Man movie reboot, given the the last reboot was just four years ago, but Tom Holland’s take on the web-slinger secured a special place in Marvel fans’ hearts after his brief but extremely memorable introduction in Captain America: Civil War. Tonight on Jimmy Kimmel Live, those same fans finally got to see the first trailer for Jon Watts’ Spider-Man: Homecoming – the first solo Spider-Man movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Of course, Peter Parker isn’t completely solo. As in Civil War, he’s being mentored by veteran Avenger Tony Stark a.k.a. Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), who has taken the school-aged superhero under his wing (and given him his own wings, for good measure). And while you will soon be able to read a full breakdown of the Spider-Man: Homecoming trailer here on Screen Rant, it’s Tony Stark’s presence that leads to perhaps the best and most obscure Easter egg in the whole trailer.

We can’t take credit for spotting this one. That honor goes to Twitter user @LetsRabbit, who says that they noticed it due to “re-watching IM3 40 times.” In the Spider-Man: Homecoming trailer, Peter is seen wearing a T-shirt with an utterly hilarious science joke on it… and it’s not the first time we’ve seen that T-shirt. Here’s a side-by-side comparison of Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) wearing it in Iron Man 3, and Peter Parker wearing it in Spider-Man: Homecoming. Who wore it best? You decide.

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Pepper and Peter are both science nerds, so it could just be coincidence that they end up buying the same T-shirts – perhaps Tony has the same taste in protégés that he has in girlfriends. The other possibility is that Peter is actually wearing Pepper’s old shirt, perhaps after staying over at the New Avengers HQ (the shirts appear to be different colors, but that could just be the effect of lighting).

Of course, this is just one of many fun details in the trailer; look a little closer and you’ll spot a few familiar faces in the background, including Dr. Bruce Banner (the real one, not a bank robber in a plastic Hulk mask) and Tony Stark’s father, Howard Stark. Let us know in the comments if you spotted any other cool Easter eggs, and don’t forget to check out the trailer if you haven’t done so already!

Hannah has been with Screen Rant since 2013, covering news, features, movie premieres, Comic-Con and more! You can follow her on Twitter @HSW3K

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