The Penguins Most Wholesome Moments In Comics

The Penguin’s Most Wholesome Moments In Comics


Oswald Cobblepot is considered one of Batman’s most notorious villains. However, some fans might be surprised at how selfless and humane he could be

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The Penguins Most Wholesome Moments In Comics

Some of Batman’s villains aren’t necessarily evil like the Joker. That guy never really seems to care about robbing banks or stealing art. He just wants to watch the world burn and listen to people scream as they die. The Penguin, on the other hand, isn’t as villainous. He just wants to be rich, powerful and respected, but just chose a way to do it that put him in Batman’s path.

What’s interesting about Penguin is that he actually does the right thing on rare occasions, usually because it benefits him financially in some capacity. But make no mistake in that he’s still a bad guy.

10 Changing His Appearance

The Penguins Most Wholesome Moments In Comics

As odd as this sounds given Penguin’s current style choices, he actually somehow used to look less approachable and more like an evil maître d’. Keep in mind that most maître d’s are secretly evil in the first place, so that look worked for him.

The Penguin made big changes to his style when he went from jewel thief to club owner after buying the Iceberg Lounge. He was still a criminal, of course, but he wanted to look the part of the high society types he was mixing with.

9 Absolutely Loves Birds

The Penguins Most Wholesome Moments In Comics

As a general rule, Penguin is not particularly big fan of people. Other kids were quite cruel to him when he was young, tormenting him over his look and general awkwardness.

But Penguin found solace in his love of birds. He learned about them, studying them obsessively and building a love of them that would help him survive to adulthood. That same interest would also help form his criminal identity, so it was a bit of double-edged sword.

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8 Helps Take Down The Secret Six

The Penguins Most Wholesome Moments In Comics

The Secret Six have had a few incarnations over the years. At one point, this nefarious team included a variety of villains like Bane. Eventually, he convinced the team to go to Gotham in an attempt to kill some members of Batman’s family.

Of all the people to step up and stop them, it was Penguin. It was his information that put the Justice Society of America, the Justice League, Birds of Prey, Teen Titans and more heroes in their paths, and ultimately saved the day.

7 Tried To Go Straight

The Penguins Most Wholesome Moments In Comics

There have been times over the years when villains have decided to leave the criminal life behind, and try to do good. Two-Face makes those attempts every few years or so, but it never seemed to take.

Penguin has tried to go straight a couple of times, some more successfully than others. Watching him try to become a good person might not have been permanent but it was gratifying to see him try.

6 Became A Batman Informant

The Penguins Most Wholesome Moments In Comics

As the old saying goes, snitches get stitches. But in Gotham City, there is no honor among thieves. Frankly, there’s barely even tolerance among them. Any partnership between the criminals of Gotham usually ends in blood and death.

Once he became a club owner, Penguin took stabbing his friends in the back to entirely new levels. In order to preserve his spot on the top, he started feeding Batman information. It was a prime example of doing the right thing for the wrong reason.

5 Ran Gotham’s Black Market During “No Man’s Land”

The Penguins Most Wholesome Moments In Comics

Few stories have changed the status quo like “No Man’s Land.” A massive earthquake nearly leveled Gotham, leaving it virtually unrecoverable. The US Government cut it off. The survivors alone were left with the Bat-family and a variety of criminals.

Basic supplies were all but impossible to acquire. Penguin had a connection on the outside, and managed to bring a lot into the city. It turned out that connection was Lex Luthor and Penguin did it all for money and power. Still, he was the only one helping the survivors get by.

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4 Saved Batman From The Man-Bat Virus

The Penguins Most Wholesome Moments In Comics

Comic books are filled with scientists who make big mistakes and become monsters. Hopefully, they use their new powers for good, like the Hulk. But most times they seem to end up like the Lizard or the Man-Bat.

At one point, a virus gets loose in Gotham, which started turning the citizens into Man-Bat like creatures. Of all the people to save Batman from this fate, it was the Penguin. Even he knows that Batman is the best chance for survival in situations like that.

3 Eventually Became A Successful Businessman

The Penguins Most Wholesome Moments In Comics

As far as Gotham villains go, the Penguin actually seems to have the most reasonable goals. A lot of them fall in the category of wanting to eat people’s faces despite their poor nutritional value. And that’s still one of the more rational outcomes to their plans.

On the other hand, Penguin really just wants to be rich, famous, and respected. Opening the Iceberg Lounge put him in a position to be part of the groups he always dreamt of being accepted by, and he reached those goals.

2 Fought Against Emperor Penguin

The Penguins Most Wholesome Moments In Comics

In addition to being a respected club owner, Penguin also became a leader in Gotham’s criminal community. There was a point that he actually had the biggest underground empire around. Then, Emperor Penguin came along.

Formerly Penguin’s right hand man, Emperor Penguin overthrew him and took over everything. But Penguin actually worked with Batman to bring Emperor Penguin down. Again, it was for selfish reasons but he still helped bring a major criminal to justice.

1 Mourning Penny Cobblepot

In 2018, someone named Penny Cobblepot was found dead outside Penguin’s club. She was around 20 years old and obviously meant a lot to him. Penguin was broken up by her loss, though fans were not sure who she was.

Penny could have been an unknown daughter or a secret wife. Instead, it was heavily implied that Penny was a penguin. While fans were left to imagine the depths of his relationship with an animal, Penguin’s emotions were very real.

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