The Princess Diaries 3 10 Rumors & Fan Theories That Might Be True

The Princess Diaries 3: 10 Rumors & Fan Theories That Might Be True


Fans want updates on The Princess Diaries 3. Rumors and fan theories aren’t always accurate, but these will excite any fan of the franchise.

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The Princess Diaries 3 10 Rumors & Fan Theories That Might Be True

The Princess Diaries was a huge part of growing up for many 90s and 2000s kids, and its sequel was just as important. Children weren’t the only ones who loved the films–they captured the hearts of a huge audience. The movies were entertaining for the whole family, and they’re still great two decades later.

Fans are eager to know whether or not a third Princess Diaries movie will ever happen, and they also want to know what the movie would be about. Rumors and fan theories aren’t always accurate, but these will excite any fan of the franchise.

10 Garry Marshall Wanted To Make It

The Princess Diaries 3 10 Rumors & Fan Theories That Might Be True

Before his passing in 2016, Garry Marshall spoke to People about The Princess Diaries 3: “I was with Anne Hathaway a couple weeks ago, it looks like we want to do Princess Diaries 3 in Manhattan… Anne Hathaway is very pregnant, so we have to wait until she has the baby and then I think we’re going to do it.”

Based on his phenomenal work on the first two movies, fans can see that Marshall would have loved to create a theoretical final piece of what would’ve become his signature trilogy.

9 Chris Pine Wants To Play Lord Devereaux Again

The Princess Diaries 3 10 Rumors & Fan Theories That Might Be True

It’s true–Chris Pine would sign on as Lord Nicholas Devereaux. In 2016, the actor agreed to answer some questions via Entertainment Weekly’s Tumblr. A fan asked Chris Pine, “Don’t you pray every night for a Princess Diaries 3??? BECAUSE I DO.” Pine cleverly answered, “Have you been reading my diary??? – Chris Pine.”

Although Nicholas Devereaux was only in the second movie, fans are dying to know what becomes of his and Mia’s romance.

8 Meg Cabot Doesn’t Want The Third Movie To Exist

The Princess Diaries 3 10 Rumors & Fan Theories That Might Be True

Meg Cabot is the mastermind behind The Princess Diaries book series. She keeps a regular blog about all kinds of things, and a February 2019 edition was titled “Princess Diaries Rumor Control.” The author poked fun at the franchise by stating that her readers were asking her “about a possible Third Unauthorized Biopic of Princess Mia’s Life (aka third Princess Diaries Movie).”

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Cabot elaborated on the gossip around the new movie, acknowledging a written script, a willing cast, and Debra Martin Chase (the original producer) collaborating with Disney. Finally, the writer took the liberty of saying that Princess Mia “does NOT want tales from her personal life (however erroneously) being splashed all over the big screen.” Is this her passive-aggressive confirmation that she doesn’t want the third film to exist?

7 A Script Was Already Written… Or Was It?

The Princess Diaries 3 10 Rumors & Fan Theories That Might Be True

Nestled within Cabot’s humorous blog post is the franchise’s biggest news bite of 2019: the script. Anne Hathaway also confirmed the written product on Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen. Most fans have read Hathaway’s sentiments as signalling that she and the rest of the cast only want to do the movie if it’s really right since they all love the films, too.

Even though the written script has been “confirmed,” its contents are so great a mystery that Julie Andrews did not even mention them on The Talk in 2020. This script could also be a draft but, only time will tell if it’s the first or one of many. Perhaps those lines are changing as time goes on.

6 Mia’s Half-Sister Will Be A Part Of The Story

The Princess Diaries 3 10 Rumors & Fan Theories That Might Be True

A fascinating and specific fan theory for The Princess Diaries 3 comes from Tatiana Hullender at The Illuminerdi. The theory is that the film will not center on Mia’s relationship (or potential parenting) with Lord Devereaux. The whole point will be that Mia has a biracial sister who goes to Genovia to live with the royal family. Also, the sudden sister would mean that Mia was never the sole heir to the throne.

Additionally, this half-sister — Olivia Grace Clarisse Mignonette Harrison — actually exists in Meg Cabot’s spin-off book series, From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess.

5 Lorna Clarke Osunsanmi Is Writing The Script

The Princess Diaries 3 10 Rumors & Fan Theories That Might Be True

The Illuminerdi also posited in 2020 that a script was being written by Lorna Clarke Osunsanmi. Osunsanmi is known for writing the CW’s All American. She also worked on Hemlock Grove and The Shield.

The assumption of the writer’s identity seems to have come out of left field, but it’s really anyone’s guess at this point. If she is indeed writing the theorized sequel, though, then it means that the potential finale for Princess Mia is in good hands.

4 It Could Become A Disney+ Series

The Princess Diaries 3 10 Rumors & Fan Theories That Might Be True

Not only are there rumors about a third movie, but there are also some scoops on a potential spin-off Disney+ series. It’s been theorized that the aforementioned half-sister storyline is not for the third Princess Diaries movie — it’s for a spin-off project, instead.

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This separate story would make more sense if it is true that a movie script has been sitting around all this time. While a series could be fun, fans would really like to see a third movie with the original cast on Disney+ or in theaters before the story diverges into new territory with new characters.

3 Michael Moscovitz Could Return

The Princess Diaries 3 10 Rumors & Fan Theories That Might Be True

In 2015, Meg Cabot released her first “adult” Princess Mia story, Royal Wedding. The title is obviously the perfect companion to the sequel, Royal Engagement. The books and movies definitely have diverged, though. In Cabot’s Royal Wedding, Mia and Michael are still together and are planning their nuptials.

Meanwhile, Disney wiped Michael from Mia’s life for the second movie, which opens with the soon-to-be queen saying, “We’re just friends now, as he went off to tour the country with his band.” The line reflected actor Robert Schwartzman’s actual life at the time, as he is a musician known for the band Rooney. Bringing Michael back could really shake things up, so maybe Disney will realize this juicy theory.

2 It’s In Disney’s Hands

The Princess Diaries 3 10 Rumors & Fan Theories That Might Be True

Anne Hathaway’s story changed a bit within a few months after she revealed the existence of a sequel script. By May 2019, Hollywood Life caught the star at the premiere event for The Hustle. When the outlet asked Hathaway about movie number three, she told them that it was “in Disney’s hands.”

This is a much less confident answer than the one she gave earlier in 2019 when a script (draft or otherwise) was at the very least confirmed to be in the works, so no one knows if it’s really a good thing that the movie is in Disney’s hands.

1 Mia Goes To A High School Reunion

In 2017, Mandy Moore gave Elle an inside scoop on a possible direction for her character. She didn’t think it made much sense for Lana the bully to figure into the story, but she did express interest in a cameo. Moore said, “…maybe she could make amends with Mia and apologize for being a bully when she was younger. She was insecure, going through a difficult time in her life and [has now] reflected on why that wasn’t okay.”

Spencer Althouse from Buzzfeed would definitely appreciate Mandy’s take. He tweeted, “Anne Hathaway said they’re working on a Princess Diaries 3 and I swear to god if the plot doesn’t revolve around a 20-year high school reunion that features Mandy Moore and Sandra Oh, I will riot.” Now the question is, should Erik von Detten come back as Josh Bryant, too?

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