The Promised Neverland Season 1 Ending Explained

The Promised Neverland: Season 1 Ending Explained


The Promised Neverland concludes with a dramatic escape from Grace Fields. Here’s everything that transpires and how it sets up season 2.

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The Promised Neverland Season 1 Ending Explained

Here’s a full breakdown of everything that takes place in The Promised Neverland’s season 1 finale. Starting in surprisingly wholesome fashion, it doesn’t take long before the true horror of The Promised Neverland is revealed. The children contained within Grace Field orphanage are actually being bred as meat for an evil race of demons. When a child is taken away for “adoption,” they end up filling the stomachs of the demons outside, and the brainier the brat is, the better they taste. After accidentally uncovering this disturbing secret, Emma, Ray and Norman hatch a plan to leave Grace Field and make their way into the unknown world beyond.

Throughout The Promised Neverland season 1, the three protagonists assembled their great escape, using the very intelligence that makes them so damn tasty. The trio brought other children in on the plot, and began training them under the pretense of playing tag. Emma, Ray and Norman learned more about the home’s Mother, Isabella, and discovered how to disable their trackers, but the planning wasn’t entirely smooth. Norman was taken for adoption several months before the escape, and Ray was outed as a traitor, although he ultimately chose to side with Emma.

Heading into The Promise Neverland’s season 1 finale, the jailbreak was finally put into motion. Ray and Emma set the Grace Field house on fire, giving them a chance to reach the edge of farm and scale the giant wall using stolen sheets, setting up a grand, emotional final chapter.

Norman’s True Escape Plan In The Promised Neverland Season 1

The Promised Neverland Season 1 Ending Explained

Before his departure from Grace Field, Norman was the type to keep his cards close to his chest, and only in The Promised Neverland’s season 1 finale does the true scope of his plan dawn upon a stunned Ray. After the prior reveal that Norman both knew and accounted for his suicide attempt, Ray finds that the children have been secretly plotting their escape in plain sight, eluding the suspicions of himself and Isabella, who were cooperating. Having scouted the cliff beyond the wall in a previous episode, Norman ascertained that the only route out was via the single bridge used by farm staff. Norman pointed this out to Ray, but secretly informed Emma of a place where the children could cross using their linen and coat hangers to make rudimentary zip lines. This stroke of genius takes Isabella by surprise, giving Emma’s group enough time to escape.

Norman’s plan is one of hope. Where Ray was eternally pessimistic that Emma could leave Grace Field with the others in tow, Norman bought fully into Emma’s cheerfulness, and the success of his plan proves her optimism wasn’t misplaced. In The Promised Neverland season 2, expect to see Ray show more faith in Emma after losing this bet with Norman. The importance of Norman in The Promised Neverland is highlighted by Ray’s imaginary conversation, and even as the character’s status in season 2 remains ambiguous, it’s clear that the shadow of Norman will loom large in the stories to come.

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Why Emma Leaves The Young Children Behind

The Promised Neverland Season 1 Ending Explained

Among the many moral debates raised by The Promised Neverland is who gets to escape, and who should stay in Grace Field. Emma, Ray and Norman could elude Isabella easily enough and slip past the farm’s security using their smarts and youthful stamina, but ever since the escape plan was hatched, Emma has remained steadfast in her determination to rescue everyone – even the young babies who even can’t walk, let alone run from pursuers. With the escape finally underway, however, Ray notices that Emma has only absconded with the older children, bringing the total to 15. Orphans aged 4 and under stay behind.

Flashbacks reveal this decision was made after Emma confided in Phil, the most trustworthy of the younger children. Phil proves wise beyond his years in this scene, and his optimistic grit is reminiscent of Emma herself. Convinced that the under-4s are in safe hands with Phil, Emma agrees to leave them behind, but promises to return and rescue everyone before the next harvest. Emma’s calculation is quick, but her full reasoning is as follows: Grace Field harvests children from age 6 upwards. If only those 4 and under are left behind, Emma has 2 years to save Phil and the others. Emma also deduces that since Phil and the other 4-year-olds are clever, they won’t be harvested straight away, as intelligent brains taste better after marinating for a few years. Phil will likely be harvested at the same age as Emma, Norman and Ray, meaning he’s safe at Grace Field… for now.

This compromise is a major moment of character development for Emma. By assuring Phil that she won’t let any more children from Grace Field become demon grub, Emma is remaining true to her principles, but by dropping her insistence that everyone escapes together, Emma grows into a more mature character. This will no doubt prove vital as she leads her group into the unknown. With that said, Norman’s plan was designed to ensure everyone could leave the farm together. By only half carrying out his wish, Emma might feel a modicum of guilt in Norman’s memory. Of course, The Promised Neverland hasn’t officially confirmed Norman is dead, and Emma’s half-broken promise might cause tension should they ever reunite.

What Emma & Isabella’s Final Conversation Means

The Promised Neverland Season 1 Ending Explained

When Isabella finally catches up to Emma, it’s too late to prevent the children leaving, but there is time for a last farewell. Oddly, considering the horrific acts Isabella has committed, Emma says “goodbye Mama” and Isabella follows by wishing her children luck in the outside world, smiling to herself in a final moment of defeat. It’s a surprisingly heartwarming exchange between the protagonist and antagonist pairing.

For Emma’s part, saying goodbye speaks to her emotionally-driven personality. While the likes of Ray, Don and Gilda are happy to leave behind the foreboding death trap that is Grace Field, Emma can’t help but remember the times she was content there, before she knew the truth about farms, demons and Mama. Saying goodbye is Emma’s way of demonstrating her gratitude, even towards Isabella, but defiantly choosing to move on nonetheless.

Similarly, Isabella’s final words to Emma reveal her true feelings towards the children she raised. While the likes of Sister Krone held no special affection towards the farm’s human cattle and could switch off the doting parent act at the drop of a match, Isabella genuinely loved the kids under her care. She can’t help but be at least a little proud that they managed to pull off such an audacious jailbreak, and her hope that Emma and the others thrive on the outside is an expression of these parental feelings. Isabella clearly believes she’ll be killed for her failure, and this liberates her to momentarily be a mother without the responsibility of being a Sister.

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Isabella’s Flashback Explained

The Promised Neverland Season 1 Ending Explained

One of the biggest revelations in The Promised Neverland’s season 1 finale comes via Isabella’s flashback. The anime established previously that Sisters were once top tier farm orphans offered the chance to become staff in exchange for not being harvested. The finale’s montage explores Isabella’s history in more detail, as well as drawing a huge parallel between the villain and Emma.

Before she was a Sister, Isabella had a dear friend called Leslie who would play songs during their time together at Grace Field. When Leslie was taken away, Isabella was distraught, so she ran to the edge of the farm and discovered the wall, the cliff, and the truth about the orphanage’s purpose. She’s then offered the opportunity to become a Sister, and this mirrors Emma’s journey across The Promised Neverland season 1. But where Emma turned down the sinister proposal, Isabella accepted, making Mama the direct counter to The Promised Neverland’s hero.

The flashback also reveals that Isabella was impregnated during her training as a Sister. While the anime doesn’t reveal the nature of her pregnancy, the manga confirms the process was artificial, meaning the child has no obvious biological father. Shockingly, Isabella’s child is actually Ray, although she wasn’t aware of this connection until she heard him singing a song by Leslie. It’s not explained, but Isabella must have hummed the same tune to Ray as a child before he was snatched from her and placed into the farming system.

Finally, The Promised Neverland also discloses Isabella’s overarching motivation, which explains how she’s able to send children to their doom despite loving them. Isabella’s goal is simply to survive longer than anyone else. To her, there’s nothing above the instinct to stay alive in a demonic world where humans have little to hope for. In pursuit of that goal, Isabella will break limbs, conspire with demons, and give up her own child.

How The Promised Neverland’s Finale Sets Up Season 2

The main setup in The Promised Neverland’s season 1 finale is the new adventure Emma and her friends find themselves embarking upon, signified by the sunrise that closes out the episode. The world outside the farm shall be entirely new, both to the children and to the audience, and this would suggest The Promised Neverland season 2 will feel very different compared to the first season, which was mostly restricted to a single setting. The goal of finding out more about William Minerva will be Emma’s immediate priority, but her pledge to come back and save Phil, the other Grace Field children, and every other farm orphan gives a longer-term goal that Emma can work towards in future seasons. Unfortunately, the small army of demons sent to pursue the escaping youngsters in this episode are unlikely to give up.

Isabella might’ve given up hope of being granted mercy after losing 15 children (including 2 prime specimens), but her resolve to survive at all costs could prove a saving grace for the Sister. Although she displayed her maternal feelings briefly during a final goodbye to Emma, Isabella could still be a threat in The Promised Neverland season 2.

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