The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills 5 Reasons Lisa Vanderpump Is The Shows Biggest Villain (& 5 Reasons Its Kyle Richards)

The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills: 5 Reasons Lisa Vanderpump Is The Show’s Biggest Villain (& 5 Reasons It’s Kyle Richards)


On Bravo’s The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills when the women aren’t living large, they’re knee-deep in drama. But is Lisa or Kyle the true villain?

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The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills 5 Reasons Lisa Vanderpump Is The Shows Biggest Villain (& 5 Reasons Its Kyle Richards)

On The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills when the women aren’t living large, they’re sweating the small stuff. Every season friendships are tested, personalities clash, and constant arguing overshadows all that bling.

Two women who always at the center of scandal and conflict are Kyle Richards and Lisa Vanderpump, who left amidst controversy during season 9. All the Housewives are guilty of bad behavior but the current OG and the former OG have been the catalysts for more drama than any other cast member.

10 Lisa: Supposedly Sold Out Castmates To The Press

The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills 5 Reasons Lisa Vanderpump Is The Shows Biggest Villain (& 5 Reasons Its Kyle Richards)

Adrienne Maloof stated Lisa sold stories to the tabloids during the season 2 reunion, and Lisa vehemently denied the allegation. During season 9’s “Puppy Gate” scandal, the group was convinced Lisa fed a story to Radar Online to exact revenge on Dorit Kemsley.

Lisa Rinna said on camera that Lisa Vanderpump told her if she ever needed to leak a story, the SUR owner knew someone to help her do it. Kyle told the other ladies she had no way to confirm Lisa used the press to sway public opinion in her favor, but she believed her long-time friend had used this strategy more than once.

9 Kyle: Outed Her Sister As An Alcoholic

The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills 5 Reasons Lisa Vanderpump Is The Shows Biggest Villain (& 5 Reasons Its Kyle Richards)

Real Housewives’ finales bring fireworks, and during a vicious argument between the Richards sisters during season 1, Kyle accused her sister of being an alcoholic. The fight may not have been staged, but Kyle’s reaction felt calculated. Whatever her motivation for her actions — most of them not good — Kyle shouldn’t have confronted Kim so publically.

Kim’s increasingly erratic on-camera behavior during season 2 caused speculation among members of the cast except who Kyle who suddenly remained tight-lipped. Kim admitted she was an alcoholic during the season 2 reunion.

8 Lisa: May Have Forgiven But Never Forgot

The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills 5 Reasons Lisa Vanderpump Is The Shows Biggest Villain (& 5 Reasons Its Kyle Richards)

Lisa demanded apologies when she felt she’d been wronged, and she withheld her friendship until she received it. When Kyle didn’t have Lisa’s back during her feud with Adrienne Maloof, Lisa iced her out and lavished her attention on Brandi Glanville instead. Even though Kyle apologized multiple times, Lisa insisted their friendship wouldn’t be the same.

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When Adrienne was remorseful for accusing Lisa of selling stories to the press, Lisa accepted the apology but confessed she’d never forget. When Dorit Kemsley told the other ladies Lisa was needy and jealous, Lisa retaliated with constant jabs. Puppy Gate was the last straw for Lisa who rebuffed Dorit’s attempt to make amends. Lisa showed equally merciless behavior towards Brandi Glanville and Lisa Rinna.

7 Kyle: Bullied Brandi

The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills 5 Reasons Lisa Vanderpump Is The Shows Biggest Villain (& 5 Reasons Its Kyle Richards)

Brandi Glanville made her Housewives debut during season 2. Brandi was brought on as a “friend” of Adrienne Maloof’s, and the two attended a charity event organized by Kyle. The other women took an immediate dislike to Brandi. Kyle claimed the woman’s only claim to fame was being married to a D-list actor who cheated on her with country star LeAnn Rimes.

Kyle continued to be catty, she mom-shamed (because Brandi’s four-year-old peed on the grass during a pool party), scrutinized and judged all of Brandi’s comments, slut-shamed the self-deprecating blonde, and called her her “tacky” and “classless.” Eventually, Brandi fought back, and the women were constantly at odds, but it was Kyle who acted like mean girl who felt threatened by the younger, taller and prettier addition to the cast.

6 Lisa: Questioned Yolanda’s Illness

The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills 5 Reasons Lisa Vanderpump Is The Shows Biggest Villain (& 5 Reasons Its Kyle Richards)

Lisa was at the center of a season 6 controversy when several of the ladies questioned if Yolanda Hadid was as sick as she claimed. Lisa contradicted Yolanda’s revelation that two of her children also have Lyme. It was Lisa Rinna who brought up the possibility that Yolanda suffered from Munchausen syndrome, and even though Lisa Vanderpump insisted she wanted to be left out of the fray, she had no problem throwing Kyle under the bus.

Lisa Rinna’s actions allowed Lisa to be a “sniper from the side.” She struck a blow at Yolanda with whom she wasn’t closed and Kyle, whose years of both perceived slights and legitimate ones, meant a constant cycle of an eye for an eye.

5 Kyle: Constantly Painted Lisa As A Master Manipulator

The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills 5 Reasons Lisa Vanderpump Is The Shows Biggest Villain (& 5 Reasons Its Kyle Richards)

During the season 1 reunion, Kyle likened being friends with Lisa to playing chess with Bobby Fisher. Kyle spent every season reinforcing the fact that Lisa had an agenda, That her ego was out of control, that she preyed on the weak, that she distanced herself from castmates when they lost popularity. Kyle wasn’t the only one who thought Lisa was an undercover pot-stirrer, but Kyle was supposedly not only her oldest friend but her closest one.

Lisa’s motivations weren’t always clear and it was difficult what Lisa had to gain other than a popular spin-off. Maybe this queen bee just liked to sting. Lisa’s supposed Machiavellian scheming was front and center every season, and Kyle stood firm that where there was smoke, there was a fire.

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4 Lisa: Brought Up Eileen’s Infidelity

The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills 5 Reasons Lisa Vanderpump Is The Shows Biggest Villain (& 5 Reasons Its Kyle Richards)

When the women headed to the Hamptons for a getaway, Lisa questioned Eileen about her marriage to Vinny. She was particularly interested in when their affair started. This sensitive and private subject should not have brought up, especially at a dinner party. It’s not the first time Lisa delved into fellow castmate’s marital issues. She made an-off color and inappropriate joke about rumors circulating during season 4 that Mauricio had been unfaithful to Kyle in front of their youngest daughter no less.

When Eileen confronted Lisa about the conversation, Lisa treated it as no big deal, stating Eileen was free to not discuss the subject. When Lisa finally apologized after much prompting by Kyle, she admitted to some of the other ladies out of Eileen’s earshot that she was sorry Eileen was upset but not for what she did.

3 Kyle: Has Issues With New Cast Members

The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills 5 Reasons Lisa Vanderpump Is The Shows Biggest Villain (& 5 Reasons Its Kyle Richards)

Whether it’s dislike at first sight or a slow burn that erupts into a wicked argument, Kyle often clashes with new cast members. She judged Brandi’s parenting and called her “tacky.” Kyle accused Carlton of being anti-Semitic and “disgusting.”

She clashed with Kathryn Edwards over Faye Resnick and called out Dorit for stirring the pot, which caused friction between herself, Lisa Vanderpump, and Erika Girardi. Kyle hasn’t exactly opened season 10 newcomer Garcelle Beauvais whose made it clear she doesn’t consider Kyle to be a friend.

2 Lisa: Pushed Brandi To Interact With Her Ex-Husband’s Mistress

The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills 5 Reasons Lisa Vanderpump Is The Shows Biggest Villain (& 5 Reasons Its Kyle Richards)

Lisa and Brandi were besties by season 3, but their relationship deteriorated when Lisa constantly put Brandi in the path of Vanderpump Rules cast member Scheana Shay who had an affair with Brandi’s ex-husband years earlier. Lisa encouraged Brandi to sit down with Scheana during season 3 to clear the air just as VPR began airing its first season.

During season 4, when Lisa had a party at her house, she asked Brandi to congratulate the newly-engaged Scheana. Lisa’s determination to make her spin-off a hit turned Brandi into collateral damage. She was Team Scheana, not Brandi in this situation.

1 Kyle: Behaving Like A Diva

With Lisa Vanderpump gone, Kyle is the last OG standing, and it has gone to her head. Kyle constantly commanded the attention of the group, something that hasn’t escaped Garcelle Beauvais’ or Denise Richards’ notice. Whereas Lisa Vanderpump would veil her insults with wit and a British accent, Kyle prefers a more direct approach.

She’s called her castmates “a******s” and “FABs” (fake-a** b***ches), collectively questioned their intelligence and authenticness, and told Dorit to “shut the f**k up.” She stated Erika doesn’t have any good friends, and referred to Denise as a “ragamuffin” twice during a BBQ at Denise’s house: a BBQ where Kyle insulted the decor, left abruptly in tears, without saying goodbye to the host or thanking her. Kyle’s meltdowns, tantrums, and a steady stream of insults have overtaken the show.

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