The Rise Of Skywalker 5 Best & 5 Worst Special Effects Moments

The Rise Of Skywalker: 5 Best & 5 Worst Special Effects Moments


The Rise of Skywalkerr had some amazing visuals, but it didn’t always come through in that area.

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The Rise Of Skywalker 5 Best & 5 Worst Special Effects Moments

Any fan of Star Wars knows the special effects in each movie are something to be raving about, in fact, it’s one of the many reasons fans love the saga so much. It’s easy to get lost in the story when it’s convincing in every way visually, from the architectural landscapes to the details in the characters. Star Wars is without a doubt the best example of impressive effects.

The Rise of Skywalker is the final installment in the Skywalker saga and just like all the other films, episode IX is no exception to the stunning effects. However, with movies that rely heavily on digital creations and modifications, there runs the risk of questionable authenticity, which is understandable when we are still advancing technology. We love Star Wars and appreciate the hard work put into creating the universe, so it hurts a little bit to find weaker special effects in the films. So long as you keep in mind we mean no disrespect when we mention the lesser, then here are 5 of the best and 5 of the worst special effects in The Rise of Skywalker.

10 Leia CGI (best)

The Rise Of Skywalker 5 Best & 5 Worst Special Effects Moments

One of the biggest and most talked about visual effects in The Rise of Skywalker is our beloved princess Leia Organa. Actress Carrie Fisher passed away towards the end of filming The Last Jedi, leaving the world heartbroken over such an untimely loss.

The visual team for episode IX had their work cut out for them. Leia was meant to be one of the shining stars for the film and that plan never changed. They took un-used footage from The Force Awakens and used some series CGI to create Leia, and it certainly did not disappoint. The authenticity of the character was so carefully crafted that the fans could not tell the difference between a physical person on screen and something computer generated.

9 Dark Rey lightsaber (worst)

The Rise Of Skywalker 5 Best & 5 Worst Special Effects Moments

One of the oddities in the film involve the movement with Reys alter ego weapon. It was fascinating to witness Rey as a Sith, no matter how brief the scene was, it gave a little tease to an alternate reality where Rey may have taken Kylo Rens hand in The Last Jedi.

However, the one thing that stands out the most is the weapon Dark Rey wields. It’s pretty neat that her lightsaber can bend together and pull apart into a staff, but the transition between the two looked not only fake, but awkward like the hilt couldn’t handle the strain. We understand having a hinged lightsaber adds a little flair to the scene, but a simple staffed lightsaber would have gotten the point across just fine. It certainly did with Darth Maul.

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8 Luke/Leia flashback (best)

The Rise Of Skywalker 5 Best & 5 Worst Special Effects Moments

Another wonderful scene happened during a flashback. Luke was explaining to Rey the reason Leia quit her training as a Jedi, and the scene shows a young Luke and Leia sparring with lightsabers, looking just as they did in Return of the Jedi.

The scene involves Mark Hamill, who was digitally de-aged to look like his young-self again, and Billie Lourd who stood in place of her mother Carrie Fisher. It took a bit more to recreate Leia than it did Luke considering the digital team had to play around with old footage of Leia and make what they had fit the scene. Having Lourd stand in for her mother is a fitting detail that makes the tone more nostalgic. Both characters were done beautifully and realistically.

7 Rey on the skimmer (worst)

The Rise Of Skywalker 5 Best & 5 Worst Special Effects Moments

In the epic search for the Sith Wayfinder, our favorite team of protagonists find it’s on the remains of the Death Star. What was left of the massive space station is in the ocean of a moon in Endor, and it’s not easy to get to it.

The special effects for the ocean were impressive, however, the skimmer Rey uses to reach the wreckage is a bit lacking. The strength lied with how Rey operated the mechanism and the way the ocean moves around it. Looking at the skimmer itself was a little disappointing.

6 Babu Frik (best)

The Rise Of Skywalker 5 Best & 5 Worst Special Effects Moments

Babu Frik is one of the many stunning visual aspects in episode IX. One could suspect he was created through CGI and CGI only, but he was actually a rod-operated puppet with some killer animatronics.

The character stole the hearts of millions–some even call him the new baby Yoda! That alone shows how the character captures the true essence of Star Wars, because let’s be honest, it takes a lot to rival baby Yoda.

5 Force healing (worst)

The Rise Of Skywalker 5 Best & 5 Worst Special Effects Moments

There are a few occasions in the film where Force healing is used, and only two of which we see happen physically. The first is when Rey heals the Vexis snake on Pasaana, and the second time she heals Kylo Ren after stabbing him with his own lightsaber.

Healing the Vexis snake worked pretty well. Instead of watching the physical wound dissolve into nothing, the audience could see the wound actually close up three-dimensionally which creates that realistic feel to it. Kylo Rens wound healed more dissolve-like, but perhaps it’s because the CGI was done on a person instead of another CGI character (like the snake).

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4 Aki-Aki village (best)

The Rise Of Skywalker 5 Best & 5 Worst Special Effects Moments

The Festival of the Ancestors is one of the more impressive parts in the film considering how much went into the entire scene. There were hundreds of extras used, and each of them had to be choreographed and dressed for the part.

The Aki-Aki held the celebration and made up most of the attendees. The creation of the Aki-Aki were people operating animatronic prosthetic masks, and just like Babu Frik, it really helped capture that other world feeling audiences have when immersed in the Star Wars universe.

3 Destroying Kijimi (worst)

The Rise Of Skywalker 5 Best & 5 Worst Special Effects Moments

We’ve seen our fair share of destroyed planets in Star Wars, and they haven’t always been the best. However, watching Kijimi blow up was a little bit painful from a special effects side of things.

The planet cracked, it didn’t blow up, it full-on cracked. It cracked like an egg falling to the floor instead of a full explosion like we’ve seen in previous films. Granted, all planets have different compositions and that’s important to take into consideration, but this planet broke apart like there was no atmosphere, it broke apart like it was a solid rock. Kijimi may be a mountainous planet but even a standard explosion would’ve been far more realistic.

2 Removing the Force bond (best)

The Rise Of Skywalker 5 Best & 5 Worst Special Effects Moments

We first see the Force bond between Ben and Rey in The Last Jedi, when on occasion, they can both see each other and communicate through the Force. Later it is discovered that Supreme Leader Snoke created this bond between them.

In The Rise of Skywalker, Palpatine feeds off of their Force bond which gives him his strength back. We see this happen physically, the strength of their bond is sucked out of their bodies and into Palpatine, restoring his shrivel body to full capacity. That opaque bridge we see from Rey and Ben leading into Palpatine is a nice touch to authenticate the moment, and thanks to good CGI it didn’t ruin the scene.

1 Force holding the ship (worst)

There is something to be said about the spaceships in Star Wars, and that’s how absolutely impressive they can be. It would be really unfortunate for a film about space to not have a decent grip on spaceships.

And speaking of grips on spaceships, Rey seems to take one into her own hands so to speak. The effects were going really well on Pasaana until Rey stopped the ship from leaving with Chewie through the Force. Somewhere between taking off and Rey thrusting out her hand to stop the ship, the image transitioned from good to bad in the matter of seconds. Lukes Force ghost pulling his X-wing out from under water had stronger CGI than Reys attempt to hold the ship with the Force.

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