The Simpsons 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Edna Krabappel

The Simpsons: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Edna Krabappel


Miss Krabappel was one of The Simpsons’ most iconic characters on the show. Here are some things you never knew about her.

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The Simpsons 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Edna Krabappel

Edna Krabappel was one of the biggest personalities in The Simpsons. Her apparent hatred of her life, her bleak outlook on everything she does and her derision of everyone around her meant she made the worst teacher possible. However, she was frequently painted as a sympathetic, kind-hearted character deep down.

After the death of her voice actor Marcia Wallace in 2013, the character was retired and we’ll probably never hear her voice again. We’ve found ten interesting facts about the character that you probably didn’t know.

10 She Was Fired From Her Previous Job

The Simpsons 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Edna Krabappel

Not a great deal is known about the background of Edna Krabappel. We learn that she has a master’s degree and had a previous job in teaching, but that’s about it. One of the most interesting tidbits about her pre-Simpsons life is that she was actually fired from her first teaching job after taking up drinking in response to her first husband marrying their marriage counselor.

9 She Was A Fan Of Barbarella

The Simpsons 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Edna Krabappel

Smoking, drinking and attempting to lure men back to her bedroom are pretty much the only hobbies it seems Edna Krabappel actually has.

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However, during Bi-Mon-Sci-Fi-Con, we see her dressed up as comic book character Barbarella, suggesting that she has at least one hobby.

8 She Has Her Own Edition Of Monopoly

The Simpsons 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Edna Krabappel

This is a pretty strange one, and it’s based on a fantastic joke that may or may not be canon. When the Simpson family are trying to choose a game to play, they take a look through all of the different editions of Monopoly they own, which includes Edna Krabappoly. How she ended up being licensed by Monopoly and what locations you can possibly buy in that game are two things we just don’t want to know.

7 She Was In Marge’s Book Club

The Simpsons 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Edna Krabappel

They met incredibly rarely and didn’t seem to care much about the books they were supposed to read, but Edna was a member of Marge’s book club.

Alongside the likes of Agnes Skinner and Denise Van Houten, the group was supposed to read Bridget Jones’ Diary, but Edna just angrily sat smoking.

6 She Tried To Pick Up The Drummer Of Aerosmith

The Simpsons 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Edna Krabappel

One of Edna’s main personality traits was her seeming obsession with not being alone, and as such, aggressively following men and attempting to have them pick up her up. She tried this when Aerosmith came to town to play a show in Moe’s Tavern. Her interaction with Joey Kramer was pretty uncomfortable from every angle, and it’s safe to say it was rather unsuccessful.

5 And Almost Married Comic Book Guy

The Simpsons 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Edna Krabappel

Following on from her apparently love of the comic book character Barbarella, it doesn’t seem overly surprising that Edna once had a powerful romance with Comic Book Guy that took place in the fifteenth season.

The two very nearly got married after her marriage to Seymour Skinner broke down, but she eventually decides that she doesn’t want to marry either.

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4 Not To Mentioned The Fact That She Actually Did Marry Ned

The Simpsons 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Edna Krabappel

This might be a fact that has slipped past Simpsons views who have trailed away from the show as its Golden Age got further and further away, but Edna and Ned eventually got married. Edna was able to move away from Skinner and wound up finding true love and happiness with Ned Flanders (now also a teacher) during the 25th and 26th seasons.

3 But You Only Get One Chance With Edna Krabappel

The Simpsons 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Edna Krabappel

One thing that all the men of Springfield seem to be aware of is that Edna is, despite the fact that all we see of her love life is a failure, that she is a catch. In the words of Sideshow Bob himself: “that was Edna Krabappel. You only get once chance with Edna Krabappel”.

2 She Had To Be Killed Off-Screen

The Simpsons 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Edna Krabappel

Despite being one of the greatest and funniest characters in the show’s history, Edna Krabappel wasn’t immortal, and neither was her voice actress Marcia Wallace.

Following her death in 2013, the character had to be killed off-screen. We never found out what happened to her, but our sympathy for Ned (now a double widower) knows no bounds.

1 And It Led To The Saddest Chalkboard Gag Ever

If there was one way to demonstrate how sad everyone involved in creating The Simpsons was when Marica Wallace died, it was via Bart’s reaction. The episode aired just nine days after her death had a chalkboard gag that departed from its usual format. Rather than Bart happily scrawling the same lines over and over again, he had simply written ‘we’ll really miss you, Mrs. K’ and hung his head in sadness.

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