The Umbrella Academy Theory Why Luther Was REALLY On The Moon

The Umbrella Academy Theory: Why Luther Was REALLY On The Moon

The Umbrella Academy’s Reginald Hargreeves supposedly sent Luther to the moon to give him a focus… but is there another reason not yet revealed?

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The Umbrella Academy Theory Why Luther Was REALLY On The Moon

Did Sir Reginald Hargreeves have a hidden agenda in sending Luther to the moon in The Umbrella Academy? When Netflix’s live-action adaptation of the Gerard Way and Gabriel Ba comic begins, the audience are introduced to the various Academy members, including Tom Hopper’s Luther, designated “Number 1” by his adopted father. Unlike his siblings, Luther is the only one of the Hargreeves children still loyal to Reginald and his Academy, and claims to have been sent to the moon by his father to watch out for any unknown threats that might be heading Earth’s way.

Eventually, Luther discovers that all of the reports he sent from the moon were never even opened, proving that the entire mission was a fabrication, and a betrayal of Luther’s unerring trust in Reginald. Pogo claims that Reginald’s intention was to give Luther a sense of purpose and a focus after the accident that resulted in his physical abnormalities, and sending him to the moon for four years was a way of providing this. Later, the deceased patriarch tells Klaus that he wished he had burned the unread reports, instead of leaving them for Luther to find. As a result of the revelation, Luther goes on a downward spiral and loses faith in what he previously held dear.

However, it’s impossible to escape the feeling that a piece of the moon mission puzzle is still missing, and Reginald’s true intentions in sending Luther there haven’t yet been revealed. Putting together all the clues in The Umbrella Academy’s first season, it could be argued that the real reason Reginald sent Luther to the moon was to make Number 1 hate his father as much as the rest of the Academy.

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Viewers already know that Reginald’s overall goal in The Umbrella Academy was bringing the Hargreeves siblings back together so they could save the world, presumably from the apocalypse that transpires in the season finale. The old man even sacrifices his own life to reunite the Umbrella Academy back at the Hargreeves mansion. While it’s not yet clear how the siblings will save the world, they’ll almost certainly need a leader while doing so, and that role is traditionally taken by Luther. As things were in episode 1, however, Luther was incapable of being that leading hero.

And this is where the moon mission comes in. Luther can’t be the leader the Umbrella Academy need because he’s the only one who doesn’t hate their father. Vanya wrote her book, Number 5 rebelled, Klaus became an addict, etc. For various reasons, every one of the Hargreeves siblings holds a grudge against their father apart from Luther, and this disconnect means the others could never respect Luther as a leader. Number 1’s blind faith in Reginald frustrated the other members of the Academy, and because of that, there’s no way they’d follow him.

Therefore, the moon mission lie might’ve been Reginald’s way of making Luther hate him, so that the big man could relate to his siblings and lead them more effectively, while removing the animosity they felt towards their brother and his unbreakable loyalty. This explanation doesn’t just tie in with Reginald’s overall agenda in The Umbrella Academy, but also explains why such a diligent and cautious man carelessly left the unread reports lying around the house – he expected Luther to find them. Of course, telling Klaus this would’ve given the plot away, so Reginald feigns annoyance during their seance, pretending he regretted not burning the reports when, in truth, his grand design to make Luther the Umbrella Academy’s leader again was going swimmingly.

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