The Vampire Diaries 10 People Bonnie Should Have Been With Other Than Enzo

The Vampire Diaries: 10 People Bonnie Should Have Been With Other Than Enzo


While Bonnie Bennett and Enzo St. Jean were totally in love on The Vampire Diaries, we can think of some better matches for the Mystic Falls witch.

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The Vampire Diaries 10 People Bonnie Should Have Been With Other Than Enzo

Bonnie Bennett sacrifices everything to help her friends and protect Mystic Falls throughout The Vampire Diaries. The heroic witch falls in love with vampire Enzo St. John in the show’s seventh season, and briefly finds the happiness she deserves. However, their romance ends tragically when Stefan kills Enzo, and the lovers are separated again.

Bonnie had a passionate and loving relationship with Enzo that flourishes during their time hiding from the Armory. However, many fans felt as though their relationship was forced, and were upset when Bonnie was denied happiness again in the finale. In hindsight, Bonnie should have been with one of these characters instead…

10 Kol Mikaelson

The Vampire Diaries 10 People Bonnie Should Have Been With Other Than Enzo

Kol and Bonnie shared a flirty glance in Season 4 of The Vampire Diaries that inspired many fans to become shippers of “Kennett.” The Original claimed to hold witches in high regard as a former witch himself. In The Originals, Kol falls in love with the witch Davina, and reunites with her after they are resurrected.

Bonnie needed an exciting and passionate romance, and a relationship with Kol could have brought out a wild side to the Bennett witch. Kol and Bonnie could have been an impressive power couple who ruled Mystic Falls.

9 Klaus Mikaelson

The Vampire Diaries 10 People Bonnie Should Have Been With Other Than Enzo

Bonnie was one of the few characters in The Vampire Diaries with the courage and power to stand up to Klaus. In Season 2, she channels the power of a hundred dead witches, and almost kills the Original. Bonnie wasn’t spared from Klaus’ toxic behavior, but it appeared as though the hybrid genuinely respected the Bennett witch.

Bonnie’s friends often take advantage of her throughout the series, and rely on her to use magic to solve their problems. It would have been great to see a rebellious Bonnie break away from her friends and pursue an alliance with Klaus.

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8 Damon Salvatore

The Vampire Diaries 10 People Bonnie Should Have Been With Other Than Enzo

Bonnie initially detests Damon, and with good reason. The vampire has killed countless innocent people, tried to kill Bonnie, and turned her mother, Abby, into a vampire. However, Bonnie and Damon grow close in Season 6 after they are trapped in the 1994 prison world, and their friendship is at the forefront of the show’s later seasons.

Kai tries to make Damon choose between Bonnie and Elena when he traps Elena in a cursed coma tied to Bonnie’s life. Damon refuses to kill his best friend, however, and Bonnie accompanies him and Alaric on a tour around the world in Season 7.

7 Elena Gilbert

The Vampire Diaries 10 People Bonnie Should Have Been With Other Than Enzo

Elena is one of Bonnie’s best friends, and the two girls have been inseparable since childhood. Bonnie sacrificed her life more than once to save Elena, and continuously helped her friend despite facing tragic repercussions. Elena is devastated when Kai ties her life to Bonnie’s but, luckily, the curse is broken and the friends are reunited in the series finale.

Bonnie and Elena always who stuck by each other despite falling out occasionally. Bonnie arguably protected Elena more than the Salvatores, who brought a score of drama into the doppelganger’s life.

6 Jamie

The Vampire Diaries 10 People Bonnie Should Have Been With Other Than Enzo

Jamie first appears in the third season of The Vampire Diaries. He is the adopted son of Bonnie’s mother, and gradually grows closer to Bonnie as she reconnects with Abby. Bonnie and Jamie had a brief fling before his character left the show.

Bonnie and Jamie, despite being step-siblings, seemed to genuinely like each other, and they shared significant chemistry. Bonnie may have been a lot happier if she had also abandoned the supernatural world and pursued a normal life with Jamie.

5 Jeremy Gilbert

The Vampire Diaries 10 People Bonnie Should Have Been With Other Than Enzo

Bonnie and Jeremy began dating in Season 2, and their relationship was on-again, off-again throughout the series. Bonnie is distraught when Jeremy is killed by Silas in Season 4, and gives her life to bring him back from the dead. But their relationship suffers during Bonnie’s time as the Anchor to the Other Side, and they eventually go their separate ways in Season 6.

Jeremy and Bonnie loved each other deeply, and their relationship could have worked if Bonnie hadn’t died. As with Jamie, Bonnie may have been happier if she had led a human life with Jeremy instead of falling in love with Enzo.

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4 Caroline Forbes

The Vampire Diaries 10 People Bonnie Should Have Been With Other Than Enzo

Caroline is Bonnie’s other best friend who has also known her since they were children. The two grew up together in Mystic Falls and were friends throughout school. Caroline stops at nothing to resurrect Bonnie in Season 6, and is arguably a better friend to her than Elena.

Caroline cares about Bonnie deeply and continuously defends her friend. Their love was potentially more pure than Bonnie’s other relationships, as the two helped and supported each other through several struggles.

3 Elijah Mikaelson

The Vampire Diaries 10 People Bonnie Should Have Been With Other Than Enzo

Bonnie shared few scenes with Elijah, yet he is arguably the Mikaelson sibling with whom she shares the most similarities. Both characters have a strong sense of honor, and Elijah is far more compassionate than his brothers. Like Kol, Elijah also had a fondness for witches, and he and Bonnie could have put a stop to Klaus once and for all.

Elijah perished in the series finale of The Originals, scuppering his chances of romance with the Bennett witch. This unlikely pairing could have been one of the most popular relationships in the show.

2 Matt Donovan

The Vampire Diaries 10 People Bonnie Should Have Been With Other Than Enzo

Matt is another of Bonnie’s oldest and truest friends. In Season 3, she saves his life after he purposely drowns himself to make contact with his ghostly sister, Vicki. Matt and Bonnie both dislike vampires, and want to protect their town. Together, they could have been the new protectors of Mystic Falls.

Matt and Bonnie bond over their mutual animosity towards vampires, particularly Damon. The older Salvatore brother turned Vicki into a vampire in Season 1 and turned Bonnie’s mother Abby in Season 3. Matt and Bonnie’s lives were ruined by vampires, and it would have been interesting to see them take a stand against the vampires in town together.

1 Nora Hildegard

The Vampire Diaries introduced one of its first LGBT couples in Season 7. Nora and the rest of the Heretics quickly take over Mystic Falls after being revived. She was in a relationship with Mary Louise, but shared a great deal of chemistry with Bonnie that encouraged some fans to ship the characters.

Nora believed that Bonnie had betrayed her when Stefan kidnapped Mary Louise, but the two reconciled and became friends again. Bonnie may have been happier had she ended up with Nora instead of Enzo at the end of the series.

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