The Vampire Diaries 10 Worst Things That Happened To Damon

The Vampire Diaries: 10 Worst Things That Happened To Damon


Damon Salvatore went from villain to hero over the course of The Vampire Diaries – and experienced plenty of trauma along the way.

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The Vampire Diaries 10 Worst Things That Happened To Damon

Of everyone in The Vampire Diaries, Damon Salvatore underwent the biggest transformation. At the start of the show, he is selfish, vindictive, and dangerous, marred by the events of his life as both a human and vampire. He’s still all those things by the show’s finale, but his experiences have made him softer, more understanding, and a hero.

That’s in spite of all the extra trauma he experiences along the way. Death, grief, and loss are all parts of the supernatural package. Damon might react to these events more violently than others, but it’s somewhat understandable considering just how much he suffers.

10 Elena Choosing Stefan

The Vampire Diaries 10 Worst Things That Happened To Damon

History repeats itself when Damon and Stefan fall into a love triangle with Elena, just as they did Katherine a century and a half earlier. Unlike Katherine, Elena doesn’t play both brothers (at least not intentionally). Instead, she gradually finds herself falling in love with Damon until they eventually end up together in season 4.

Damon puts up with a lot of heartache until that point. Elena repeatedly chooses Stefan over him, Damon is rejected multiple times and deals with each blow with varying amounts of grace. He might get the girl in the end, but he persevered through years of upset before that point.

9 Finding Out Katherine Isn’t In The Tomb

The Vampire Diaries 10 Worst Things That Happened To Damon

For 150 years, all of Damon’s efforts are focused on saving Katherine from the tomb in which he believes she was imprisoned. He loves passionately and is willing to hurt anyone that stands between him and their reunion.

Ultimately, this proves to be pointless. Katherine not only isn’t in the tomb, but she knew he was searching for her and didn’t care. The emotional blow is devastating to Damon. He’s wasted his entire life as a vampire pining over someone who only loves his brother – and because Damon is a man of extremes, his feelings go from obsession to hate almost overnight.

8 Alaric’s Death

The Vampire Diaries 10 Worst Things That Happened To Damon

Damon’s antagonistic nature doesn’t make him a lot of friends. Somehow, despite killing Alaric twice, the pair end up becoming close friends, teaming up for everything from a dramatic supernatural mission, to a hardcore bourbon drinking session. Damon spends most of his time surrounded by teenagers, so it’s a nice reprieve with someone closer to his (human) age.

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That’s what makes his death so devastating. As Damon admits to Alaric’s grave in season 4, he feels like he’s been left alone to look after the kids. He has to watch his friend die not once, but twice, and is even forced to fight him in the lead-up to his second death. Thankfully, the pair are reunited in the end – it just takes a lot of grief to reach that point.

7 ‘Elena’ Breaking Up With Him

The Vampire Diaries 10 Worst Things That Happened To Damon

To say Damon and Elena’s relationship is bumpy would be an understatement. It reaches its lowest point in season 5 when ‘Elena’ – who is actually just Katherine possessing Elena’s body – breaks up with him.

In truth, Elena is Damon’s soulmate and makes him want to be a better man so without her, he spirals. Together with Enzo, he goes on a murderous rampage that includes him killing her friend, Aaron Whitmore. This is all Damon’s fault – not Elena’s – but the emotional blow is just too much for him and his vampire instincts to handle, especially considering his troubled history with the Whitmores.

6 Becoming An Augustine Vampire

The Vampire Diaries 10 Worst Things That Happened To Damon

There are huge stretches of Damon’s lengthy lifespan that aren’t explored in the show, but season 5 helped fill in one gap. A classic flashback episode of The Vampire Diaries reveals that, in the 1950s, he spent several years as a test subject for Dr. Whitmore, who wanted to study and experiment on vampires.

As if this isn’t traumatic enough, Damon is later forced to turn off his humanity and abandon his only friend, Enzo, in his efforts to escape. This weighs on his conscience for decades, and leads to even more drama when he’s later recaptured – and temporarily turned into a Ripper – by Wes.

5 Elena’s Death

The Vampire Diaries 10 Worst Things That Happened To Damon

Shortlived though it may be, Elena’s death in the season 3 finale is Damon’s worst nightmare come true. When Alaric passes away in his arms, Damon immediately realizes that Elena must also have died as their lives were tied together by Esther.

Damon rarely cries in TVD, but this is an exception. His expression and voice are heartbreaking when he arrives at the hospital to learn that Elena drowned on Wickery Bridge. Fortunately, she had vampire blood in her system, so her death is temporary. However, this isn’t the kind of experience someone forgets too easily.

4 Stefan Forcing Him To Live As A Vampire

The Vampire Diaries 10 Worst Things That Happened To Damon

It’s hard to tell from their attitudes towards vampirism in season 1, but Damon was originally the brother reluctant to complete the transition. In his eyes, becoming a vampire was just about Katherine. With her gone, he sees no point in living forever.

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Pre-vegetarian Stefan has a very different opinion. When he can’t convince Damon with his words, he shows him a girl’s blood to force him to feed. Furious, Damon promises Stefan an “eternity of misery” – a threat that drives a wedge between the once-close brothers. The double blow of losing both his brother and his humanity defines Damon’s life for over 100 years, totally changing him as a person (and not necessarily for the better).

3 Elena’s Sleeping Curse

The Vampire Diaries 10 Worst Things That Happened To Damon

From day one, Damon is all in on his relationship with Elena. As he proves on multiple occasions, he’d die to keep her safe – and without her, he’d also gladly die.

He’s forced to grapple with both facts when Kai places a sleeping curse on Elena in season 6. After a romantic, wistful goodbye, he has to spend five years without the love of his life by his side. He’s driven to plenty of dark deeds in her absence and even tries to desiccate to pass the time until she awakes, making this one of the hardest things he ever has to do.

2 Getting Trapped On The Other Side

The Vampire Diaries 10 Worst Things That Happened To Damon

Any kind of separation from Elena is tough for Damon, especially when it’s as seemingly permanent as getting stuck on the Other Side. When Luke calls off the spell that should allow him to return, he has to say goodbye to an Elena who can’t even see him. It’s one of the most upsetting couple scenes in The Vampire Diaries, especially when Elena begs him to come back.

What makes this especially heartbreaking is that the pair are just finally in a good place, having overcome their issues to reunite stronger than ever. Without Damon, Elena ends up erasing her memories to make her grief easier. Damon eventually finds his way home, only to find a girlfriend who’s totally forgotten the love they shared. They do eventually find their way back to each other, but it’s completely devastating for Damon in the meantime.

1 Stefan’s Death

Try though they might, nothing can break the bond between the Salvatore brothers. Even in their worst times, they’re both willing to go to the ends of the earth to save the other. Elena might be the love of Damon’s life, but he himself admits that a life with her means “a lot less” without his brother in it.

But that’s exactly what he has to do in the end. After trying to sacrifice himself, Damon is given the Cure and Stefan willingly dies to kill Katherine and save Mystic Falls. Damon lives a long, happy, human life with Elena, but is devastated at the prospect of never seeing Stefan again – making their eventual afterlife reunion in the finale’s last scenes painfully bittersweet.

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