The Vampire Diaries 6 People Who Wouldve Been A More Interesting Protagonist Than Elena (And 4 That Wouldnt Have)

The Vampire Diaries: 6 People Who Would’ve Been A More Interesting Protagonist Than Elena (And 4 That Wouldn’t Have)


Elena Gilbert was the main heroine of The Vampire Diaries, but who would or wouldn’t have made a better main character?

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The Vampire Diaries 6 People Who Wouldve Been A More Interesting Protagonist Than Elena (And 4 That Wouldnt Have)

For the first six seasons of The Vampire Diaries, Elena Gilbert was the protagonist of the series. Due to a magical coma link between Elena and Bonnie Bennett, put in place by Kai Parker, Elena was meant to sleep until the moment Bonnie died. While Elena was human, or even as a vampire, she was the center of attention for all of Mystic Falls’ antagonists. Elena was at the core of everything, whether it be doppelgänger blood or for some other storyline.

Even when Elena was in the coma, she still found a way to be at the heart of significant events. Elena’s character was substantial, but she wasn’t the most compelling or exciting character in the series. Fans tended to either love Elena or hate her, choosing to care for other supporting roles instead. While some characters would have been more exciting protagonists than Elena, others would not have.

10 More Interesting: Stefan Salvatore

The Vampire Diaries 6 People Who Wouldve Been A More Interesting Protagonist Than Elena (And 4 That Wouldnt Have)

Stefan is a vital character from the beginning of the series. The opening narration follows Stefan, saying that this is his story. The younger Salvatore brother is always essential to the plot, but the conflict of each season tended to revolve around Elena Gilbert.

Stefan does have storylines that revolve around him as well, but the spotlight does not truly move to him until Kai places Elena in a magical coma. Stefan’s demons are always a contributing factor to his life, but if the series focused more on him, rather than how his life is affected by Elena’s, than Stefan could have developed in other ways as well.

9 Wouldn’t Have: Tyler Lockwood

The Vampire Diaries 6 People Who Wouldve Been A More Interesting Protagonist Than Elena (And 4 That Wouldnt Have)

Tyler doesn’t become an intriguing character until he activates his werewolf curse. He is a typical bad boy athlete until Tyler finally understands there are repercussions to his actions. Then, Tyler’s arc changes as he adjusts to being a werewolf, and later a hybrid. While those were impressive attributes, Tyler allows his drive for revenge against Klaus to overwhelm him for far too long.

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Single-minded determination for vengeance is not an amusing central storyline, and as that was the center of Tyler’s mind for so long, it would have eventually lost its spark.

8 More Interesting: Rebekah Mikaelson

The Vampire Diaries 6 People Who Wouldve Been A More Interesting Protagonist Than Elena (And 4 That Wouldnt Have)

Rebekah acts as a supporting character in The Vampire Diaries and The Originals. Although her role is explored in both shows, she doesn’t get the same screen time as several others on each series. But, Rebekah has one of the most exciting qualities shown in any vampire.

Rebekah Mikaelson, more than anything else, wants to be human. Her drive and motivation, while also being attached to her family, also comes from her valuing humanity. Viewers see that during season four of The Vampire Diaries and the series finale of The Originals. Had Rebekah been a central character, her life and dreams, as well as her actions, could have been more heavily explored.

7 Wouldn’t Have: Jeremy Gilbert

The Vampire Diaries 6 People Who Wouldve Been A More Interesting Protagonist Than Elena (And 4 That Wouldnt Have)

As a part of the Gilbert family, Jeremy is a relevant part of the group. While Jeremy is not a doppelgänger, he is from the same family as Elena. Thus several family secrets would be Jeremy’s to inherit also.

In season four, Jeremy gains abilities as a vampire hunter, becoming a member of the Brotherhood of the Five. Watching Jeremy slay vampires as the central plot may be amusing for a while. Still, as so many notable and fan-favorite characters are vampires, that storyline may not have worked in Jeremy’s favor as the central protagonist.

6 More Interesting: Klaus Mikaelson

The Vampire Diaries 6 People Who Wouldve Been A More Interesting Protagonist Than Elena (And 4 That Wouldnt Have)

In The Vampire Diaries, Klaus is the antagonist. He is one of the most dangerous villains the Mystic Falls gang ever come across. But, The Originals proves how Klaus can also lead a show. Viewing Klaus’ desire to break his curse and transform into a werewolf through his eyes gives another layer to who Klaus is.

While turning an antagonist into a protagonist may not make them more likable, it does develop them further.

5 Wouldn’t Have: Damon Salvatore

The Vampire Diaries 6 People Who Wouldve Been A More Interesting Protagonist Than Elena (And 4 That Wouldnt Have)

Damon is one of the most compelling characters in the series, as he is willing to do whatever it takes to win. But, such characteristics also make him dangerous, a threat, and in season one, a very problematic antagonist.

Damon’s actions against Caroline and Stefan in the early days of the show are just part of what makes it difficult to root for him as the main character. Although Damon was later written to have a redemption arc, his previous choices have made it hard for all fans to like him.

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4 More Interesting: Caroline Forbes

The Vampire Diaries 6 People Who Wouldve Been A More Interesting Protagonist Than Elena (And 4 That Wouldnt Have)

Caroline and Elena share one significant storyline. Both started the series as humans, and they each eventually transition into a vampire. But, while Elena fights against being a vampire, wishing to return to her human form, Caroline relishes in her transformation.

Caroline is faster and stronger as a vampire, and her most enormous character development happens after turning into a vampire. Watching someone fully embrace such a drastic lifestyle change could have been a more dynamic angle for the series.

3 Wouldn’t Have: Matt Donovan

The Vampire Diaries 6 People Who Wouldve Been A More Interesting Protagonist Than Elena (And 4 That Wouldnt Have)

On a show about vampires where the audience is meant to love and root for the supernatural characters, Matt Donovan would be the worst possible protagonist. Matt, in later seasons, becomes the opposing force to vampires, wishing to run them out of town to prevent them from hurting humans.

Matt doesn’t understand what it means to be a vampire because he’s never been one, and his outlook on life is vastly different. Regardless of if fans agreed or disagreed with Matt’s beliefs and actions, his character would not have worked as the lead.

2 More Interesting: Bonnie Bennett

The Vampire Diaries 6 People Who Wouldve Been A More Interesting Protagonist Than Elena (And 4 That Wouldnt Have)

Perhaps the most self-sacrificing on the show, Bonnie deserved a lot more than what The Vampire Diaries gave her. Bonnie was expected continuously to help the rest of her friends.

Although Bonnie may not have minded helping frequently, she lost someone significant to her because of those choices. Often, Bonnie lost someone because of Elena, and then Bonnie was expected to continue sacrificing for Elena’s sake.

1 More Interesting: Katherine Pierce

Katherine Pierce was the epitome of exciting on The Vampire Diaries. Katherine may not have been a good person, but she was much more interesting than Elena. Fans never knew what Katherine was planning, whose side she was on, or what to expect from her. Katherine was always a mystery and master manipulator.

Unlike Elena, Katherine was not a hypocrite. Katherine knew who she was and what she was willing to do to survive. Previous to appearing in Mystic Falls for the moonstone, Katherine had five-hundred years of life experience, and viewing her as the protagonist would add more layers to her character.

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