The Vampire Diaries Elena’s 10 Best Kisses With Stefan & Damon

The Vampire Diaries: Elena’s 10 Best Kisses With Stefan & Damon


Elena had plenty of passionate moments with both Stefan and Damon on The Vampire Diaries, but these are by far their best kisses!

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The Vampire Diaries Elena’s 10 Best Kisses With Stefan & Damon

If there’s one thing fans loved about The Vampire Diaries it was the steamy and romantic relationships between Elena and the Salvatore brothers. At first fans were rooting for Stefan and Elena as their love blossomed and had fans hooked. As the show progressed, some fans went over to the other side as Elena was battling her feelings for Damon.

One thing is certain, both relationships had some jaw-dropping and memorable kisses that made the entire episode. There are too many to count but some really took the cake and can be titled as the best ones. Who wouldn’t dream of sharing a smooch with two handsome vampires? Elena was surely lucky in that regard.

10 Stefan: The Kiss In Front Of Damon

The Vampire Diaries Elena’s 10 Best Kisses With Stefan & Damon

This kiss is one of the more comical ones that jabbed at Damon before Elena even had feelings for him. It occurs in season two, episode three. The best part about this kiss is that Elena purposely did it to make Damon jealous. She was holding a grudge again him for events that occurred in episodes prior. For example, Damon almost killing Jeremy.

Damon tells Stefan he’s sorry he can’t go and says he’ll take really good care of Elena. The kiss is one of Stelena’s best because Elena grabs Stefan by the neck while looking at Damon and kisses him. To which Stefan is more than happy to oblige and relish in. Damon looks a little peeved.

9 Damon: The Last Dance

The Vampire Diaries Elena’s 10 Best Kisses With Stefan & Damon

This is unarguably one of the more rememberable and pivotal scenes that Elena and Damon had together. Mostly because it marked a shift in the series regarding the Elena character. Elena is asleep and has her final goodbye with Damon in another in-between state. Damon asks Elena to share a dance because why not.

At the end of their romantic dance, Damon dips Elena and gives her an emotional kiss. This scene broke fans hearts seeing that Damon has to let Elena go for possibly years.

8 Stefan: The Steamy Bedroom Kiss

The Vampire Diaries Elena’s 10 Best Kisses With Stefan & Damon

Elena and Stefan have had more than a handful of intense kisses in her bedroom. There’s the one in the first season where Stefan throws away her textbook. There’s even the one in episode 18 of the first season. Stefan is self detoxing from drinking Elena’s and human blood. When Stefan goes to see her in her bedroom to calm her nerves, they share a kiss.

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One that had the television screen fogging up with how steamy it was. It got so intense that even Stefan lashed out and had to stop himself from possibly biting Elena. There are many more of these types of scenes that it’s hard to pick a favorite.

7 Damon: “A Worse Way To Die” Kiss

The Vampire Diaries Elena’s 10 Best Kisses With Stefan & Damon

By season five, Elena and Damon are an item. The group is trying to outrun a group of witches or travelers lead by Markos. Stefan and Elena manage to escape from his control and regroup with Matt and Damon. Elena sees Damon with this look of ferocity and leaps to kiss him. Damon smirks and asks what the kiss was for.

Elena’s response is that she had a crappy day and really needed it. Totally justifiable, especially when it comes to Damon. It only gets better when Elena tells him she was afraid of loosing him and couldn’t think of a worse way to die. Damon is all smiles at that line.

6 Stefan: First Kiss As A Turned Vampire

The Vampire Diaries Elena’s 10 Best Kisses With Stefan & Damon

Elena became the one thing she thought she’d never be. In season four she becomes a vampire. Being a new vampire comes with some perks when your in a relationship with Stefan. Elena is trying to learn how to use her super speed but can’t concentrate. All she feels in Stefan’s touch.

Things get hot quick and Elena turns to Stefan and kisses him. They end up against a tree in a full-blown make out. It’s an intense scene that’s memorable when it comes to their shared kisses. Clothes are coming off in the middle of a forest. Talk about an opportune location. That’s before Elena stops and gets ill.

5 Damon: Elena Wakes Up

The Vampire Diaries Elena’s 10 Best Kisses With Stefan & Damon

One of Elena and Damon’s sweetest and most heartfelt kisses come from the very last episode of the show. The finale of the eigth season had fans weeping for multiple reasons. One of them was when Elena wakes up from her slumber after everything that has occured. She goes to the Salvatore tombs and sees Caroline.

Things go slow-mo when Damon sets his eyes on Elena. They run towards each other with outstretched arms. They share a loving kiss as they embrace each other. This is a moment that had fans emotional for the couple seeing as Damon didn’t know when he’d see Elena again, especially after suffering the loss of Stefan.

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4 Stefan: Their First Kiss

The Vampire Diaries Elena’s 10 Best Kisses With Stefan & Damon

Stefan and Elena’s first kiss is surely one to remember it happens early in the first season. Stefan was the new student with a dark allure to him that was intoxicating. He had his eyes set on Elena. Elena goes to see Stefan at his home near the end of episode two. Elena feels safe with Stefan and tells her how she feels.

She still dealing with her parent’s death and is afraid of being happy. Stefan has some words of consolation about meeting a girl and it putting his reality in perspective. That speech led the to the first kiss between the main characters of the show. The kiss had hearts leaping in joy and set forth the series.

3 Damon: Elena & Damon’s First Time Together

The Vampire Diaries Elena’s 10 Best Kisses With Stefan & Damon

In season four, Elena becomes a vampire but her prior feelings for Damon only magnified. This forces Stefan to break things off. Elena confronting her feelings talks to Damon and the share a dance to Ed Sheeran. This dance leads to their first real kiss without any inhibitions.

No inhibitions also leads to their first sexual time together. They get into it and it had fans blushing at every scene. The very final scene is of them in bed together. Delena shippers rejoiced at this. It meant the possible beginning of their relationship. The steamy morning after scenes also didn’t disappoint.

2 Stefan: Elena Accepts Stefan

The Vampire Diaries Elena’s 10 Best Kisses With Stefan & Damon

Season one will always hold a special place in fan’s hearts. It was the beginning of an epic love story between Stefan and Elena. The one scene fans will always remember is in episode 10 when Elena accepts Stefan for being a vampire. Stefan was ready to let Elena go until she tells him she loves him. This causes tears in Stefan’s eyes and returns to kiss her.

In the house, Stefan stops himself as his vampire nature arises. Elena looks him in his vampire eyes and says it’s okay. Then comes the yellow romantic lighting, music and their most intimate moment to occur in the show.

1 Damon: The Motel

All TVD fans will agree that the motel kiss was one of the most epic to occur in the season regardless of what team you’re on. It was mostly due the fact that the show was in a constant battle with Elena choosing a brother to love. In season three, Elena and Damon feed into their desires for one another at the motel.

Elena leaves the room feeling overwhelmed with her feelings for Damon. Damon soon follows with his shirt open none less. Elena warns him to not to but Damon thinks they should. They have a heated and passionate kiss before Jeremy interrupts.

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