The Vampire Diaries Every Relationship Ranked By How Long It Lasted

The Vampire Diaries: Every Relationship Ranked By How Long It Lasted


There are many, many love stories in The Vampire Diaries, but while some of these relationships stood the test of time, others met a tragic end.

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The Vampire Diaries Every Relationship Ranked By How Long It Lasted

The Vampire Diaries became loved by fans for so much more than its supernatural storyline. What kept fans enthralled for the show’s 8 seasons were its countless romances. Beyond Elena, Damon, and Stefan’s riveting love triangle, fans got to see Bonnie find love more than once and Caroline get her fairytale wedding.

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Not all couples in the show lasted for long. Some couples stood the test of time and went through the worst possible situations together. Other relationships were just simply not meant to be or fate had other ideas. Taking a look at the show’s most memorable couples, fans might be surprised at how long they really lasted.

11 Jeremy & Anna (3 Months)

The Vampire Diaries Every Relationship Ranked By How Long It Lasted

Jeremy and Anna first met in season 1 of the show. Anna originally used Jeremy for his blood in order to get her mother back. Fans can recall when Anna flirts with Jeremy and later meets with her actual vampire partner. As Anna’s plan progresses, she starts to feel guilty about her actions and has feelings for Jeremy.

Things take a turn when Anna is killed and Jeremy has a drug overdose from taking Elena’s pills. When he wakes up, he can see Anna as a ghost and feel her. Jeremy and Anna still have undeniable chemistry and Jeremy cheats on Bonnie by kissing Anna. In the end, Jeremy and Anna realize they can’t be together and Jeremy can’t live his life loving a ghost.

10 Caroline & Matt (5 Months)

The Vampire Diaries Every Relationship Ranked By How Long It Lasted

Caroline and Matt’s relationship was short-lived and a bit of surprise for fans. Matt and Caroline have been friends since the first grade. As season 1 progressed, they start to have feelings for one another. Matt was always there when Caroline needed someone the most.

Over time, they start to bond over shared frustrations. Their relationship turns rocky when Caroline is turned into a vampire. Caroline knows Matt wouldn’t accept her as a vampire, despite him confessing his love for her. After compulsing Matt, he’s the one who breaks it off. Caroline makes a grand gesture of apology and they were back on – that is until Matt sees her as a vampire and can’t bear to be with her.

9 Bonnie & Jeremy (Roughly 11 Months)

The Vampire Diaries Every Relationship Ranked By How Long It Lasted

Bonnie and Jeremy’s relationship time period is a bit rocky to figure out. This is because they broke up for a short period of time before getting back together. Their relationship blossomed in season 2 of the show, but Bonnie was hesitant to pursue her feelings because Jeremy is Elena’s younger brother. The relationship hits a stop when Jeremy kisses Anna.

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In season 4, their relationship starts again, but this time, Bonnie’s a ghost. She’s unable to physically be with Jeremy until Qetsiyah makes the anchor to the Other Side and can be in both places at once. With the complex story of the Other Side being destroyed, Bonnie is brought back and parts on good terms with Jeremy.

8 Alaric & Jo (Roughly 1 Year)

The Vampire Diaries Every Relationship Ranked By How Long It Lasted

Fans couldn’t help but feel bad for Alaric when it came to his love story. Alaric has had his fair share of romance, but none stuck like his relationship with Jo. They first get together in “I’ll Remember” and start dating, despite Jo’s complex family story with the Gemini Coven. Months later into their relationship, Jo is pregnant with twins.

Jo’s pregnancy proved complicated over the Coven’s tradition regarding twins. Alaric asks Jo to marry him and chaos ensues at their wedding. Kai makes his grand appearance to kill Jo, her babies, and his family. Jo is stabbed by Kai and dies in Alaric’s arms. It’s revealed the Gemini Coven performed a spell to house Jo’s twins in Caroline’s womb in season seven.

7 Caroline & Tyler (1 Year)

The Vampire Diaries Every Relationship Ranked By How Long It Lasted

Caroline and Tyler started dating in “The Birthday” episode of season 3. The start of their love story is chaotic but heartwarming. Caroline is the first to realize that Tyler activated his curse. Tyler also knows that Caroline’s a vampire. After Caroline sacrifices herself to help Tyler with his transition, Tyler kisses her.

Their feelings for each other aren’t simple as Caroline still had feelings for Matt. Tyler confronts Caroline about her jealousy at Elena’s party and kisses her and they sleep together. Their relationship never got to really blossom, though, as Tyler was sired to Klaus and later forced to go after him instead of being with Caroline.

6 Alaric & Caroline (1 – 3 Years)

The Vampire Diaries Every Relationship Ranked By How Long It Lasted

Fans may not have realized that Caroline and Alaric did have a relationship. Their bond grew since Caroline was pregnant with his and Jo’s twin daughters. Alaric developed deep romantic feelings for Caroline and both got engaged as seen in a flashforward in season 7.

Caroline didn’t reciprocate Alaric’s love, but said “yes” for the sake of their daughters. They even moved in together to make things easier. Alaric, being a good guy, broke it off, knowing full well that Caroline was still in love with Stefan.

5 Elena & Stefan (Roughly 2 Years)

The Vampire Diaries Every Relationship Ranked By How Long It Lasted

The biggest relationship in the show was between Stefan and Elena. It’s the first major relationship fans got to see develop in the first season. Elena forms a bond with Stefan that she can’t describe. They share their first kiss in “The Night of the Comet,” after a heartfelt conversation.

Their relationship is incredibly rocky. After learning that Stefan is a vampire, Elena comes to accept him, but it starts a slew of problems. She learns she’s a doppelganger, Damon wreaks havoc and Elena is constantly in danger. This leads to their on-again-off-again relationship that comes to an end when Elena realizes she loves Damon.

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4 Caroline & Stefan (2 & 1/2 Years)

The Vampire Diaries Every Relationship Ranked By How Long It Lasted

Many fans didn’t expect the pairing between Caroline and Stefan. Their first interaction led to Caroline being shot down by Stefan. As the show progressed, Stefan became friends with her and each other’s protectors in many ways. Every time Stefan was heartbroken, Caroline was always there for him.

In season 6, Stefan realizes Caroline’s deep love for him, but he struggled in accepting his feelings until the death of Caroline’s mother. The season led to one of Stefan’s more romantic moments with Caroline, where he says he’ll wait for her until she’s ready. In season 7, they’ve been apart for three years, but by the end, they get engaged. Their love story was met with tears, though, as Stefan sacrifices his life to save the others.

3 Bonnie & Enzo (Roughly 3 Years)

The Vampire Diaries Every Relationship Ranked By How Long It Lasted

Bonnie and Enzo’s relationship was well-loved by fans, but they were left heartbroken by its outcome. They start to develop a relationship when Enzo decided to protect Bonnie from the Armory. The relationship was full of love and devotion to one another.

It was clear that Enzo was the love of Bonnie’s life. Their relationship hit a rocky road when Enzo was put under the control of Sybil. Fans saw a silver lining when he breaks her control and returns to Bonnie. Fans were soon left in tears, though, as Bonnie once again didn’t get her happily ever after when Stefan kills Enzo.

2 Elena & Damon (Decades)

The Vampire Diaries Every Relationship Ranked By How Long It Lasted

Elena and Damon’s love stood the test of time. Many fans debate about whether or not Elena was meant to be with Stefan or Damon. Stefan started realizing that Elena was falling for his brother and gave her the choice between them. Elena was hesitant to accept her feelings for Damon, but their relationship was confirmed in “Graduation.”

Like other couples in the show, their love story wasn’t easy. It was especially hard when Elena was put to sleep for Bonnie to live her life freely. It was revealed that Damon was originally the brother to first meet Elena, cementing their fated love. By the end of the show, Elena is still human and Damon is turned human by Stefan. In the final montage, Elena and Damon live the rest of their lives together as humans until their deaths.

1 Nora & Mary Louise (136 Years)

Taking the spot for the longest relationship was between Nora and Mary Louise. The couple was one that fans rooted for due to its intense devotion and love. Nora and Louise started dating in the 1880s when their form of relationship was forbidden. Having returned to more modern times, they become more open about their relationship.

After being captured by the Armory for three years, they get engaged but are marked by Rayna Cruz. In a self-sacrificing effort to stop Rayna’s plan to kill more vampires, they kill themselves.

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