The Walking Dead 5 Most Selfless Things Negan Has Done (& Rick’s 5 Most Selfish)

The Walking Dead: 5 Most Selfless Things Negan Has Done (& Rick’s 5 Most Selfish)


Negan is the bad guy of The Walking Dead, and Rick opposes him — but sometimes, they reverse. Rick isn’t always perfect, and Negan isn’t always evil.

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The Walking Dead 5 Most Selfless Things Negan Has Done (& Rick’s 5 Most Selfish)

The show The Walking Dead has no shortage of good and bad leadership, with every shade of gray in between – Gareth helped the cannibals at Terminus, Deanna governed Alexandria, and King Ezekiel ruled The Kingdom. Two great, vastly different leaders of the show are Rick Grimes and Negan. The sheriff’s deputy and the bat-wielding baddie have gone to head-to-head throughout the series, battling for everything from land and supplies, to all out revenge.

When it comes to Rick and Negan, it’s obvious which one of them is morally superior, but there have been times where the tables have turned and the hero turns into the villain, and the villain shows genuine humanity.

10 Selfless: Negan Brought Carl Back To Alexandria

The Walking Dead 5 Most Selfless Things Negan Has Done (& Rick’s 5 Most Selfish)

Back in the days of the Saviors and the Sanctuary, Carls sneaks into Negan’s domain to kill him. He nearly succeeds, and at one point, he has a huge gun pointed straight at the man. Negan would have been well within the realms of logic to kill Carl, but he doesn’t.

He takes him in and treats him fairly (for somebody who tends to burn people’s faces off with irons). He brings him home to Alexandria, and while Rick is out, he sticks around and cooks Carl and Judith spaghetti. It’s a show of power, but it’s still much more than he needed to do.

9 Selfish: Rick Ignored Carl’s Dying Wishes

The Walking Dead 5 Most Selfless Things Negan Has Done (& Rick’s 5 Most Selfish)

Carl is bitten trying to save a stranger’s life, but before he dies, he writes letters to Rick and to Negan. He begs them to stop the fighting, and make peace. Hearing what it is in the letter shakes Negan up, but true to character, he chooses to move ahead with plans.

Rick also blatantly ignores (or maybe willfully misunderstands) his son’s dying wishes. He is blinded by his grief and need for revenge, and disregards how this fight might negatively affect his own people. He goes ahead with the attack, and later, slits Negan’s throat.

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8 Selfless: Negan Infiltrated The Whisperers

The Walking Dead 5 Most Selfless Things Negan Has Done (& Rick’s 5 Most Selfish)

Negan is imprisoned in Alexandria for years after the fall of the Sanctuary, and during that time, he goes through a significant transformation. Eager to have a second chance in the real world, Negan “escapes” and joins the Whisperers. He earns the trust of their leader and helps her to plot against Alexandria.

In a shocking twist, it is revealed that Negan was working as a double agent, and his escape was a calculated plan that he devised with Carol to take down Alpha in exchange for Alexandrian acceptance and freedom.

7 Selfish: Rick Went Crazy On The People Of Alexandria

The Walking Dead 5 Most Selfless Things Negan Has Done (& Rick’s 5 Most Selfish)

Rick is a good man with good intentions, but sometimes he lets his emotions get the best of him and does the opposite of what is best for everyone. After Lori’s death, Rick’s mental stability is sporadic, and that carries over into Alexandria.

He tries to kill Jessie’s abusive husband, Pete, in front of the entire town, and then goes on the rant of a man who is less than in touch with his own sanity. Covered in blood, he screams and waves his gun wildly around men, women, and children. Michonne is forced to knock him out so he doesn’t hurt anybody (or get hurt himself).

6 Selfless: Negan Risked His Life To Save Judith (And Dog)

The Walking Dead 5 Most Selfless Things Negan Has Done (& Rick’s 5 Most Selfish)

The development of the unexpected friendship between Judith and Negan culminates during a blinding snowstorm, when Judith runs away to look for Dog. Negan immediately goes after her, and finds her huddled up, scared and nearly frozen to the bone.

He tears off his jacket and wraps it around her, while gently teasing her that she must have run off just to get some extra time with him before he gets locked up again. Negan carries her back to safety, and though he isn’t very happy with Dog, he makes sure that Daryl’s pet makes it home too.

5 Selfish: Rick Declared Himself Dictator

The Walking Dead 5 Most Selfless Things Negan Has Done (& Rick’s 5 Most Selfish)

One of the most memorable lines of season 2 is Rick’s famous, fireside “this isn’t a democracy anymore” speech. Shane is dead. They’ve lost Sophia. His people doubt him. No one is certain what comes next for them.

Rick declares himself dictator out of pure frustration. He is grieving and angry when he tells them that they can do exactly what he tells them to do from now on, or they can leave, even though that’s hardly his decision.

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4 Selfless: Negan Saved Daryl From The Whisperers

The Walking Dead 5 Most Selfless Things Negan Has Done (& Rick’s 5 Most Selfish)

Negan is found out. The Whisperers know that Alpha is dead, and they know that he is the one that did it. Things look grim for Daryl and Negan as they surround them…until they kneel and declare Negan their leader.

It would be easy for him to accept his newfound position, kill Daryl, and enjoy the freedom and privileges of his new life, but he doesn’t. He turns on the Whisperers and saves Daryl’s life. He’s been locked up a long time. Negan craves a community and a life in Alexandria, not a life with people who would kill their own children.

3 Selfish: Rick Hid What He Learned About The Virus

The Walking Dead 5 Most Selfless Things Negan Has Done (& Rick’s 5 Most Selfish)

The group enjoys a few hours of relaxation and pampering when they reach the CDC back in season one. They indulge in luxuries like big meals, hot showers, and more than a few bottles of wine.

Things go downhill when Rick learns from Dr. Jenner that the virus is airborne. It will not take effect while they are alive, but after they die, they will all turn – bitten or not. Instead of being honest with the group, Rick withholds that information, even though not knowing it could easily get somebody killed.

2 Selfless: Negan Protected Lydia

The Walking Dead 5 Most Selfless Things Negan Has Done (& Rick’s 5 Most Selfish)

Negan has a soft spot for kids. He genuinely liked Carl, he forms a bond with Judith, and he can’t help but get involved when Lydia is being bullied. She left her life with the Whisperers and attempts to make a new one in Alexandria, but she is still viewed as an outsider.

A group of rowdy teenagers who regularly torment her take their bullying to the next level one night in a planned attack. Negan jumps to her rescue, which results in the death of one of her attackers. This puts his life in danger with the group, and leads to his “escape”.

1 Selfish: Rick Killed The Saviors That Surrendered

Aside from a few hiccups with mental instability, grief, and declaring the end of democracy, Rick is usually fair and level-headed. He gives people chances. When it comes to the Saviors, Rick sees red – and for good reason.

Trapped with walkers closing in on them, Rick gives the Saviors his word that if they work together to get out of this, they can come to Hilltop and work something out. The two factions actually fight together, but after the danger has passed, Rick and Morgan slaughter the surrendered Saviors, with Rick declaring “I lied” as they lay dying.

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