The Witcher Why Season 2’s Major Villain May Be The Ladies of The Wood

The Witcher: Why Season 2’s Major Villain May Be The Ladies of The Wood

An image from the first preview pictures of The Witcher season 2 has some fans convinced the main villains will be the Ladies of the Wood.

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The Witcher Why Season 2’s Major Villain May Be The Ladies of The Wood

Some fans of The Witcher think a teaser image has given away the identity of the main villains of season 2. The popular Netflix series is expected to return in late 2021, but an exact air date has yet to be announced. Based on the novels by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski, The Witcher has grown into a global multimedia phenomenon.

Sapkowski’s novels were originally licensed by CD Projekt Red as the setting for a popular series of action role-playing video games that put the players in the boots of Geralt of Rivia; a medieval monster-hunter for hire. The games attracted the attention of Netflix, who produced a series drawing upon the games and books with Henry Cavill playing a younger version of Geralt. The show proved to be more popular than the games and introduced the world of The Witcher to an enthusiastic audience of fantasy fans.

That fandom has been awaiting any news regarding The Witcher season 2 and that hunger was recently satisfied by a number of preview images taken from the set. One image, depicting three skeletons in women’s clothing, has earned special attention from Witcher fans. It is their belief the skeletons are a nod to a trio of villains from The Witcher 3; three witches known as the Ladies in the Wood.

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Also known as The Crones of Crookback Bog and The Good Ladies, the Ladies in the Wood tie into several quests in The Witcher 3. Not much is known for certain about the Crones beyond their not being human and that they practice magic unlike any known to any mage. Some say they are fond of children and will look after any innocent that is brought to them. Others say they will offer boons to those who show them respect and curse anyone who offends them. All the stories are true in a way, though in typical Witcher fashion the Crones are only fond of children in the sense they enjoy feasting upon them and often trade children (whom they fatten up in the grand old fairy tale tradition) in exchange for favors. They aren’t picky and have also made a meal of many a man who entered the woods to investigate rumors of the Ladies in the Wood being young, beautiful and lustful.

Depicting the Ladies in the Wood as they appeared in the game would be difficult, so having them be represented by a trio of skeletons seems a valid substitution. Certainly, they would be a formidable foe for The Witcher’s Geralt and their activities could serve as the basis for an entire season. Geralt could easily spend some time investigating rumors of missing children while learning the truth of the Ladies or even be called upon by the Ladies themselves to perform a service. He could also, as in the game, be called into action by a nobleman whose wife disappeared, having sworn herself to a year of servitude to the Crones in exchange for a wish without her husband’s knowledge. The only certainty is that fans will have an uneasy time waiting patiently for The Witcher season 2 to air on Netflix.

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