This Is Us 10 Most Shocking Moments From The Season 5 Finale

This Is Us: 10 Most Shocking Moments From The Season 5 Finale


This is Us just wrapped its fifth and penultimate season, delivering on some shocking moments in that final episode.

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This Is Us 10 Most Shocking Moments From The Season 5 Finale

NBC’s This Is Us loves to throw curveballs each season and leave fans with cliffhangers, from Toby’s heart attack to the shocking reveal that Randall’s birth mother hadn’t died when he was a baby, Kevin and Madison’s surprise pregnancy, and, of course, that whole story about how and when Jack died.

The fifth season finale, which will be the penultimate season since the series is ending after season six, was no exception. The episode itself wasn’t full of drama, but the jaw-dropping reveal came in the final few seconds. Fans were shocked with yet another “didn’t see that coming” moment. There were subtleties that said a lot and will undoubtedly have fans talking for weeks as they await the final season. Along with the big reveal at the end, however, there were a few other shocking moments from the finale episode.

10 Kevin And Madison Didn’t Get Married

This Is Us 10 Most Shocking Moments From The Season 5 Finale

Perhaps some fans felt this one coming but not in the way that it did. There was no runaway bride nor cold feet from Kevin. Madison simply came to the realization that she was settling for a man who wasn’t truly in love with her.

While Kevin initially refused to accept that the wedding wasn’t going to happen, he also realized he couldn’t bring himself to tell Madison that he was in love with her. They ended amicably and based on the flash-forward, made amends in the years that followed – a necessity since they share twins. Nonetheless, the scene was shocking and devastating for fans who were hoping for Kevin to finally get the picture-perfect family he had dreamed of having for so long.

9 Kate And Toby Get Divorced

This Is Us 10 Most Shocking Moments From The Season 5 Finale

Fans suspected something happened between the two as in the flash-forward scene with an elderly and sick Rebecca, Toby arrived separately from Kate. Rumors flew that maybe Kate had died, or that they had separated.

Yet most people gravitated toward the idea that, if it was the latter scenario, it was Toby who strayed, ended things, or fell into a pit of depression. All of this could still be true. Whatever caused the dissolution of their marriage, many fans have pointed out that something never seemed right about the two together, though no one could put a finger on what.

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8 Kate Gets Married Again

This Is Us 10 Most Shocking Moments From The Season 5 Finale

When Kate first met Philip, he came across as a pompous jerk who felt he was too good for her and that she was under-qualified for the job. He seemingly played an insignificant role until that one scene when she called him to resign so Toby could take the job in San Francisco only for him to reveal that he had warmed to her despite his initial reservations and realized how talented she was.

Not only that, but he refused to accept her resignation, hanging up on her and telling her she was far too talented to give up on something that was so important to her. It didn’t seem like any sparks were flying but clearly, sometime within the next five years, their relationship took a romantic turn.

7 Uncle Nicky Eventually Gets Married

This Is Us 10 Most Shocking Moments From The Season 5 Finale

Blink and fans might have missed the one moment when Nicky rushed through the hotel hallway, blaming his wife for him not being dressed and ready yet for Kate’s second wedding.

In an earlier episode, he was seen looking up his one girlfriend from the past. Did he reconnect with her or find love somewhere else? Either way, it’s nice to know there’s a happy ending to his story. It also explains the ring on his finger in the flash-forward from the previous season where he’s holding Rebecca’s hand in her home hospital bed.

6 Rebecca Finally Apologized To Randall

This Is Us 10 Most Shocking Moments From The Season 5 Finale

In a heartfelt moment, Rebecca finally got to sit down with Randall and learn everything he discovered about his birth mother. The discussion over coffee was awkward at first until Rebecca let go of some tears and reached out to spill her guts to Randall.

She explained that she understood how much she took from him by not telling him the truth about his father nor ever giving him an open forum to discuss his feelings about his birth parents. The moment was filled with tears and forgiveness, and the potential for healing before Rebecca’s illness takes hold and she begins to forget.

5 Rebecca Asked Kevin To Build The House For Her

This Is Us 10 Most Shocking Moments From The Season 5 Finale

Fans know from the way-in-the-future flash-forward that Kevin was living in the house that Jack had dreamed of one day building for Rebecca on the property at their cabin. Now, the origins of that build are revealed.

After deciding that they wouldn’t get married, and the family worrying that Kevin would drink again if he wasn’t kept busy, Rebecca decided to give him a project. She asked him to build the house that Jack promised he would build for her one day. Clearly, he fulfilled that wish for her, though it’s unclear if Rebecca was well enough to enjoy the final project before her disease declined.

4 Toby Accepted A Job In San Francisco

This Is Us 10 Most Shocking Moments From The Season 5 Finale

Toby was seen in the penultimate episode making a phone call to indicate his interest in a job offer in San Francisco. In the finale, he revealed to Kate that he received an official offer and really wanted to take the gig.

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While her emotions were up and down, Kate decided it was best for them to both keep their jobs and figure out a way to manage the kids with him being away three days a week. Nonetheless, some fans were disappointed that Toby didn’t continue to search for a job closer to home before taking the first offer that came his way and threatened to tear his family apart.

3 Tess Apologized To Her Mother

This Is Us 10 Most Shocking Moments From The Season 5 Finale

It’s never easy raising a teenage girl and Beth had been struggling all season with trying to communicate with her eldest daughter Tess and understand her life decisions. She tried her best but at every turn, like a typical teenager, Tess kept implying that Beth was doing everything wrong.

Finally, in this episode, the two made up and Tess admitted that she hadn’t been the best to her mother that entire year. She told her she loved her and, in a sweet scene, warned that she might not say it enough for the next 10 years but just wanted her mom to know she meant it.

2 Jack Taped Over The Dynasty Finale

This Is Us 10 Most Shocking Moments From The Season 5 Finale

This might seem like a trivial thing, but for any stressed-out mother, it was a pivotal scene. After caring for triplets on her own every day while Jack went to work, all Rebecca wanted to do was take a night off to curl up in front of the TV with a glass of wine and snacks to watch the finale of her favorite series. She had been waiting all week to watch.

When she discovered Jack taped over it, despite her block letters on the VHS label warning “do not tape over this,” she lost her cool. It was a moment of parental weakness that fans had yet to see from Rebecca at that time when the kids were still little. The scene made the couple relatable, even if it didn’t change the fact that Jack and Rebecca still come across as the perfect couple, despite their flaws.

1 Sophie Didn’t Show Up

After the phone call from Sophie congratulating Kevin on his upcoming nuptials, some fans wholeheartedly believed that Sophie would show up to declare that she still had feelings for Kevin, and/or he would realize the same. It’s clear both still feel an intense connection to one another, but the timing never worked in their favor.

So, arguably just as surprising as the things that happened in the finale were the things that didn’t. And that included Sophie not appearing in the episode at all. Is that chapter of Kevin’s closed? Fans will have to wait for the upcoming sixth and final season to find out.

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