This Is Us 10 Of The Best Randall Pearson Quotes

This Is Us: 10 Of The Best Randall Pearson Quotes


Randall Pearson from This Is Us is a perfectionist father of three girls, but which of his iconic quotes from the show are the best? Find out here!

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This Is Us 10 Of The Best Randall Pearson Quotes

Randall Pearson, it is safe to say, is the character on This Is Us who tugs on our heart-strings the most. He is an incredible husband, a wonderful father, a dedicated son, and a loving brother, but that does not come without its own trials and tribulations.

Randall struggles with anxiety and perfectionism and he’s been known to crack under the pressure, but he always seems to pick himself up from a rock bottom and do better. Randall is such a rock for his family and always knows just what to say in any situation, even the most difficult ones.

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10 “My dad put on a tie every day because he had to. I put one on every day because I want to.”

This Is Us 10 Of The Best Randall Pearson Quotes

Randall shows a lot of promise from a very early age. He studies a lot and works hard in school and even gets into a private elementary school for gifted children. All of that hard work pays off for Randall in adulthood where he lands a very well-paying job, which allows him to take care of his own family.

For the first two seasons of This Is Us, it’s hard to pinpoint what exactly it is that Randall does for a living, as is made evident in the “Career Days” episode in season one when Randall is asked to speak to his daughter’s class about his job.

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9 “How do I honor my father’s legacy? …by taking what I learned from the way he lived his life and use it to shape the way I live mine.”

This Is Us 10 Of The Best Randall Pearson Quotes

Randall has a very special relationship with his father Jack, right from the start. After Jack and Rebecca adopt Randall, who was abandoned at a fire station by his birth father, Jack makes it his life’s mission to ensure that Randall always feels like his son and a member of the Pearson family.

When Randall adopts his own child, a teenager name Deja, he applies those things his father inadvertently taught him during his childhood and vows to raise Deja the same way he was raised, with a lot of love.

8 “All you can do as a parent is try to pack the days with as much good stuff as possible and hope that it outweighs the bad.”

This Is Us 10 Of The Best Randall Pearson Quotes

Raising three girls can’t be easy, but Randall does his best to make it look and feel as easy as possible. Randall is surprisingly fun and one of the characters who always seems to be up for an adventure, especially when it involves his family.

Some of the best bonding moments Randall has with his wife and kids is during moments of spontaneity, which always seem to be packed with “good stuff”. He knows he can’t always protect his kids from the bad, but he can always try to outweigh it.

7 “When you lose someone suddenly and unexpectedly, it hurts differently.”

This Is Us 10 Of The Best Randall Pearson Quotes

When Jack Pearson dies from a heart attack due to smoke inhalation after the Pearson house catches fire, the family is incredibly and understandably devastated. At the time of Jack’s death, Randall, Kate, and Kevin are sixteen-years-old.

Losing a parent is hard, but losing a parent at such a young age and to such horrible circumstances is especially difficult, which is something Randall comes to realize as an adult. Here, Randall understands that the death of his father was a specific and different kind of pain.

6 “I promise to spend the rest of my life earning your love, because you are the only thing, the only thing I’m ever gonna need.”

This Is Us 10 Of The Best Randall Pearson Quotes

Randall and his wife Beth seem to have the perfect marriage. They laugh with and tease each other, they’re romantic, they have that spark, and they’re raising a beautiful family. As is the case with every marriage, nothing is ever as perfect as it seems. Randall and Beth’s relationship is tested a lot as the series moves through its seasons.

After a particularly hard test, one where it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, Randall makes Beth this promise and he works really hard to keep it.

5 “That’s the first time in thirty-six years you said, ‘He’s my brother’.”

This Is Us 10 Of The Best Randall Pearson Quotes

Randall’s relationship with his brother, Kevin is full of ups and downs. From day one, these boys seem to always be in competition with one another and they carry that tension into adulthood. Very rarely does Kevin acknowledge Randall as a true member of the Pearson family.

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In fact, it takes thirty-six years for Kevin to publicly claim that Randall is his brother, during a fight on a New York City street, no less. Even so, Randall is overcome with emotion and that moment strengthens the relationship between these brothers.

4 “Life feels like Pac-Man sometimes, I guess. Same board. Same ghosts. Sometimes, you get a bunch of cherries but eventually, those ghosts catch up to you.”

This Is Us 10 Of The Best Randall Pearson Quotes

Randall has dealt with a lot of trauma in his life, even more so than his siblings. He was abandoned as an infant, then adopted by a family where he felt very different, and then he loses his adopted father. That’s a lot for any one person to carry. Randall tries to carry it and he tries to do so alone, but it all catches up to him eventually.

When it starts to feel like too much, Randall reaches out to his wife, Beth for help and does his best to articulate what he’s going through and how he’s feeling.

3 “I hate going to Grandma and Grandpa’s! Whenever we take pictures, they always say, ‘Okay, okay, now one with just the twins.’”

This Is Us 10 Of The Best Randall Pearson Quotes

Randall knows he’s different from his siblings and he definitely doesn’t need it pointed out as often as it is, especially from members of his own family. It’s moments like these, where Randall’s family seems blissfully unaware how the affect him, that will build up over time and eventually cause some of Randall’s anxiety and panic attacks.

Randall’s self and situational awareness at such a young age is actually quite impressive and his ability to speak up for himself does not go unnoticed.

2 “It is perfectly normal for a mommy to go to work and a daddy to stay home. Women can do anything.”

This Is Us 10 Of The Best Randall Pearson Quotes

Randall as a father, is very progressive. He is raising three young daughters who are all going through their own stuff and figuring out their own lives. His youngest, Annie, questions her dad after he loses his job and it’s Beth who goes back to work to support the family.

Randall uses this as the perfect teaching moment to let his daughter know that women, including her and her sisters, are capable of doing anything and everything, just like any man.

1 “Miguel, I would love to come out here for nothing, but I know my mother. What I don’t understand is why you don’t see it?”

Randall’s relationship with his mother, Rebecca, is a very special one. It’s also the cause for a lot of tension between Randall and other members of his family. Kate and Kevin frequently question Rebecca’s favoritism toward Randall and Miguel seems to get jealous very easily of Randall’s relationship with his mother once he’s an adult.

When Rebecca begins show signs of early Alzheimer’s, it’s Randall who raises concern and insists on coming to her rescue, and unfortunately, Randall’s concerns appear to be justified.

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