This Is Us 5 Reasons Kevin Should Marry Madison (& 5 Reasons He Shouldnt)

This Is Us: 5 Reasons Kevin Should Marry Madison (& 5 Reasons He Shouldn’t)


Kevin and Madison have had their ups and downs on This Is Us, but with everything going on between them, should they just get married?

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This Is Us 5 Reasons Kevin Should Marry Madison (& 5 Reasons He Shouldnt)

So much has changed through the four seasons to date, but one of the big reveals at the end of season four of This Is Us was that Madison is the mother of Kevin’s kids. After a one-night stand of passion with her best friend’s brother, Madison discovers that she’s not only pregnant, but having twins.

As Kevin and Madison agree to be in this together, the question looms: will they just be co-parenting or actually be romantically linked? After a second bedroom tryst, a shared kiss, and an awkward marriage proposal, it seems they are heading in the latter direction. But is it the right move?

10 Should: They Are Having Twins Together

This Is Us 5 Reasons Kevin Should Marry Madison (& 5 Reasons He Shouldnt)

They are, after all, having not one but two babies together. It’s difficult enough for a woman to handle one new baby on her own, but two of the same age? It would be a nightmare.

So, it’s a given that Kevin, a genuinely sympathetic person, and a man who is in desperate need of taking his responsibilities head on, should be there to support her no matter what. Considering that it would require around the clock care, why not just take the leap of faith and see where it goes?

9 Shouldn’t: They Aren’t In Love

This Is Us 5 Reasons Kevin Should Marry Madison (& 5 Reasons He Shouldnt)

Marriage should be about love, about finding your soulmate, the one person you can truly be yourself with. While Madison and Kevin have known one another for years since she’s his twin sister’s best friend, they hadn’t done more than share a few words and pleasantries before.

Deciding to get married just because they are having kids together seems like it would be a recipe for disaster, and they would only be setting themselves up to fail.

8 Should: She’s Already Like Part Of The Family

This Is Us 5 Reasons Kevin Should Marry Madison (& 5 Reasons He Shouldnt)

Madison is Kevin’s twin sister’s best friend and confidante. She is often present at different Pearson family gatherings, especially when it’s something centered around Kate, like her wedding, birthday, the birth of her son, her son’s birthday, and so on.

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She fits in and already has the approval of arguably the most important person in Kevin’s life, his twin sis. So, it would be an easy transition to have her become an official part of the family.

7 Shouldn’t: They Don’t Really Know One Another

This Is Us 5 Reasons Kevin Should Marry Madison (& 5 Reasons He Shouldnt)

As noted, they have shared words with one another but don’t really know each other. Madison knows who Kevin is as a famous actor, and she knows who he is based on what Kate has told her about him and what she has observed from a distance. But she hasn’t really spent time alone with him, talking intimately.

Meanwhile, Kevin barely knew Madison’s name or even gave her a second look. She was just his sister’s best friend who was sort of always around. It seems like a giant leap from being distant acquaintances to husband and wife.

6 Should: She’s A Genuinely Good Person

This Is Us 5 Reasons Kevin Should Marry Madison (& 5 Reasons He Shouldnt)

Madison met Kate in their overeaters anonymous group and while Kate at first resented the skinny Madison for being there when she felt she shouldn’t be, she soon discovered that people who emotionally eat and have a serious problem with it come in all shapes and sizes. And her judging Madison was exactly what she hated people doing to her.

They became great friends and support systems for one another. On more than one occasion, Madison has shown how much she cares for Kate, and how she is a genuinely good and decent person and a fabulous friend.

5 Shouldn’t: He Still Holds A Candle For Sophie

This Is Us 5 Reasons Kevin Should Marry Madison (& 5 Reasons He Shouldnt)

Kevin still holds a candle for his first and only one true love, Sophie. They dated since they were kids, he went through his father’s death with her, his rise to fame, and every other pivotal moment of his life. They even got married though it didn’t work out.

They had another go at it but the timing was always off. Nonetheless, the last time they met it was clear they still have feelings for one another, but Sophie was engaged to someone else. It seems like Kevin might not be fully ready to give up on her, and fans have been clamoring for them to get back together, too. Not to mention that Madison hasn’t exactly been a liked character up to this point, viewed mostly as the perky, annoying friend.

4 Should: They Could Fall In Love

This Is Us 5 Reasons Kevin Should Marry Madison (& 5 Reasons He Shouldnt)

Arranged marriages are customary in many cultures, so it’s not an entirely foreign concept to imagine two people getting married who aren’t actually in love with one another. Love, like a flower, can grow. Especially when Madison gives Kevin something he has wanted so badly, which is to have a family and be a father.

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And so, it’s very possible that they could learn to love one another, and slowly fall in love with one another, after they get married. And it wouldn’t be so bad to give that a chance.

3 Shouldn’t: It Would Be Awkward For Kate

This Is Us 5 Reasons Kevin Should Marry Madison (& 5 Reasons He Shouldnt)

It was already awkward when Madison revealed not only that she slept with Kevin but that she was pregnant. While Kate seems to have accepted the fact that her brother and best friend are having kids together and will forever be linked to one another, it would still be awkward for her if they were to get married, too.

Sure, it would be amazing to have her best friend become her sister-in-law. But it all happened too quickly. Perhaps they should stick to co-parenting, decide if they want to pursue dating, and consider marriage down the line once everyone has gotten used to the dynamic.

2 Should: They Could Be Good For One Another

This Is Us 5 Reasons Kevin Should Marry Madison (& 5 Reasons He Shouldnt)

Madison is, as noted, a good person. She helps bring out the good in Kate, always with a joyful smile on her face. And she’s a bit quirky. She’s sort of the opposite of Kevin and could be good for him. She could be the ray of sunshine he needs when he’s down.

Meanwhile, he might also help bring her down to earth a bit. And while they have both suffered from addiction, Kevin once hitting rock bottom and driving drunk with his niece in the car, they can also be there for one another and help each other through tough times.

1 Shouldn’t: It Could Be Bad For Both If It Doesn’t Work Out

Both Madison and Kevin have struggled with addiction and mental illness, so if they pressure themselves into a marriage and trying to manufacture love because of the fact that they have twins on the way, and things don’t work out, it could cause harm to both of them.

Kevin has shown that he can be a really selfish person, and he could resort to drinking again and Madison might start binge eating, both seriously unhealthy habits. Dating through the pregnancy, and even doing a trial run living together after the babies are born, is a great idea. But there’s no need to jump right into marriage.

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