Thor 4 Can Finally Payoff SpiderMan Homecomings Magic Belt Reference

Thor 4 Can Finally Payoff Spider-Man: Homecoming’s Magic Belt Reference

Thor: Love and Thunder could finally payoff Spider-Man: Homecoming’s reference to Thor’s magic belt by having him use it to fight Gorr.

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Thor’s magic belt reference in Spider-Man: Homecoming can finally be paid off when the former Asgardian king returns in Thor: Love and Thunder. The fourth solo film for Chris Hemsworth’s God of Thunder appears positioned to be heavily connected to the wider Marvel Cinematic Universe. The Guardians of the Galaxy are appearing in a supporting capacity, but Thor: Love and Thunder is also bringing back Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) to turn her into the character Mighty Thor. Marvel Studios might then be able to pay off several dropped storylines from the franchise’s past.

Marvel Studios has also forgotten about explaining a Thor reference in Spider-Man: Homecoming. The Phase 3 movie included a subplot about Tony Stark moving out of Avengers Tower and moving all of their belongings to the upstate Avengers Compound. There is a scene where Happy Hogan is going through the inventory of what still needs to be moved, and one of the items mentioned is referred to as “Thor’s magic belt”. Even though Happy didn’t know how to pronounce the name, fans quickly discovered that this Spider-Man: Homecoming Easter Egg was a reference to Megingjörð. The powerful belt is part of Thor’s comic history and even Norse mythology, but the MCU hasn’t mentioned it since.

Now that Thor: Love and Thunder is on the horizon, it could be the movie to finally payoff the aforementioned magic belt reference. As long as Happy was able to successfully transfer everything to the Avengers Compound, that means that Megingjörð would have been at the base when Thor came back to Earth. He spent some time there following Avengers: Infinity War and as the team planned their Time Heist in Avengers: Endgame. Thor easily could’ve obtained the magic belt during this time, even if he didn’t use it to take on Thanos. Megingjörð might have even been moved to New Asgard without Thor really knowing about it.

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The idea of Thor’s magic belt appearing in Thor: Love and Thunder wouldn’t just be a chance for Marvel to randomly payoff this Easter egg. There’s an argument to be made that Megingjörð could be exactly what the God of Thunder needs in Thor 4. It is confirmed that he will battle Gorr the God Butcher in the movie. While he’ll do so with Stormbreaker in hand, adding the magic belt would go a long way in helping Thor defeat this new MCU villain. What makes Megingjörð so special is that it doubles Thor’s strength when he is wearing it. If he’s going to be fighting someone known for slaying gods, then having twice his normal strength could help even the playing field.

If the MCU does use Thor’s magic belt in Thor: Love and Thunder, it could help give the movie even greater action sequences. Thor has been at the focus of plenty of memorable MCU fight scenes in the past, especially in Thor: Ragnarok. Those moments were incredible with Thor’s standard power levels, so Thor: Love and Thunder can take things to the next level with the inclusion of his magic belt.

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