Thor Lover And Thunder Production Hat Reveals An Updated Logo

Thor: Lover And Thunder Production Hat Reveals An Updated Logo

Marvel Studios’ Thor: Love and Thunder has a new logo and fans can get a glimpse at it courtesy of a production hat given to the crew.

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Fans got a quick glimpse at the logo for the upcoming sequel movie Thor: Love and Thunder, which will be a follow-up to both Thor: Ragnarok and Avengers: Endgame. The logo comes from a production crew member hat posted on social media.

The new Thor: Love and Thunder logo uses two different color schemes, with the title on the back and the logo on the front. The logo consists of a heart with a lightning bolt breaking through to represent love and thunder. This will be Thor’s fourth solo movie and as far as fan reception goes, this may be on par with the last film, which has done very with fans and critics alike. The first two Thor films weren’t received as well, specifically Thor: The Dark World, which many consider one of the worst films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).

The first two Thor films were criticized for numerous reasons, including writing and lack of character depth. However, the one thing that seemed to help was no longer having Thor being taken seriously. Thor: Ragnarok, which was the third film in the series, had a more lighthearted tone to it in comparison to the other movies. It was very much in the same tone as the Guardians of the Galaxy movies directed by James Gunn. Many fans attribute this to Taika Waititi being hired as the director for Thor: Ragnarok. Waititi is also very creative, which is reflected in the hat’s design.

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The “love” element in the title may be a reference to Thor’s feelings for Jane Foster, as Waititi has confirmed that Love and Thunder will incorporate the comic storyline in which Foster becomes the Mighty Thor. Waititi returning to direct is good for fans who have been enjoying the tone that Thor has been taking in recent movies. The God of Thunder now has more interesting conversations as opposed to the previous version of the character, who said very little and came off as slightly ‘one-note.’ Having Thor provide the comedic relief helps in many scenes, as they still kept his personality but just tweaked it a tiny bit.

A big point of conversation for Marvel is what fans think of the humor. Many fans point to how the character Drax was treated in both the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy movies, as the character has often been seen as comedic relief rather than a deadly combative warrior, like in the comics. Not only was Drax technically ‘Nerfed’, but he’s no longer the scary threat that many hardcore fans know him to be. However, fans have really seen him fight effectively as of late.

Nothing is wrong with making a character provide humor, however, creators should keep in mind that when it goes too far, they run the risk of taking away what makes the character their own individual self. A character shouldn’t have to be nerfed to be funny. Regardless, Marvel fans are loving it, so something is clearly working, it would just be nice to find that perfect balance.

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Thor: Love and Thunder is slated for a May 6, 2022, theatrical release.

Source: TheJimmyV/Twitter

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