Thor Trilogy The Main Characters Ranked By Fighting Ability

Thor Trilogy: The Main Characters Ranked By Fighting Ability


The Thor trilogy has some of the MCU’s most powerful and impressive characters. Here’s how they rank by their abilities in battle.

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Thor Trilogy The Main Characters Ranked By Fighting Ability

The Thor trilogy has some of the MCU’s most powerful and impressive characters, all of which bring their own abilities to the movies. While there are elements of romance, comedy, and family in the trilogy’s storylines, there is also a lot of action to be found within them as well.

Some of the main characters in these movies offer very little when it comes to fighting, whereas others have immense power and strength that can really have an impact. Whether it be great hand-to-hand combat skills or enhanced abilities, there’s a real array of fighting skills among them, which brings a nice balance to this section of the Marvel world.

10 Jane Foster

Thor Trilogy The Main Characters Ranked By Fighting Ability

While she may not have been involved in all of the Thor movies, Jane Foster has played a huge role within Thor’s story so far, which is going to continue moving forward. However, she is not really a fighter.

This trilogy typically focuses on powerful Asgardian characters who are all strong warriors. However, Jane is simply a human who has no interest in fighting others.

9 Korg

Thor Trilogy The Main Characters Ranked By Fighting Ability

Korg was added to the MCU in a bid to inject more humor into the Thor trilogy, and that’s exactly what he did, becoming one of the funniest characters of all in the process. However, Korg can still hold his own within a fight as well, especially with a gun in his hand.

While most characters in this trilogy are all about hand-to-hand combat or using weapons such as swords, for Korg, it is all about sheer firepower. With a huge gun in his hand, Korg will happily stand and just mow down his enemies, making him an impressive fighter in some respects.

8 Skurge

Thor Trilogy The Main Characters Ranked By Fighting Ability

While Korg is quite a nice and pleasant person, Skurge is the opposite, as he’s often angry and aggressive. While that doesn’t make him as likable of a character, it does make him fantastic in the fight. He brings a lot of power to the table when he attacks someone, using brute force to get his way.

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Skurge is all about firepower, using anything possible to take down his enemies. He often can be found with the biggest weapon possible, including going akimbo with his guns, which allows him to attack multiple enemies simultaneously.

7 Loki

Thor Trilogy The Main Characters Ranked By Fighting Ability

Loki is often seen as the joker and the mischievous one, and typically he lets his mouth do all of his work rather than fighting. However, when Loki is needed in action, he is more than capable of handling himself, especially since his abilities allow him to hide and surprise enemies.

Loki can be quite fast when punching, especially if he’s able to use a weapon, and he has proven himself to be helpful on multiple occasions throughout the trilogy. While he might lack his brother’s strength, he is certainly cunning, which comes into play within fight scenes.

6 Heimdall

Thor Trilogy The Main Characters Ranked By Fighting Ability

Heimdall is one of the most important characters in the Thor trilogy, as he is the guardian of the rainbow bridge and is highly trusted and respected. He has many different powers, but Heimdall can stand tall on his own when it comes to fighting.

He is strong and quick, which allows him to get out of the way of any possible danger. With a sword in his hand, Heimdall can tackle any enemy, and he doesn’t back down from any fights, no matter the size. Heimdall isn’t easy to defeat.

5 Sif

Thor Trilogy The Main Characters Ranked By Fighting Ability

Sif may have disappeared when it came to the third installment to the trilogy, but there’s no denying she is one of the greatest fighters around. She’s incredibly confident when it comes to brawling with enemies, and she is always ready with a weapon in hand.

Using her sword to great effect, Sif can battle against anybody while also using her shield for protection consistently. She is difficult to get the best of, and her nimble movements often allow her to gain the upper hand.

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4 Valkyrie

Thor Trilogy The Main Characters Ranked By Fighting Ability

Another strong female character that the Thor trilogy introduced was Valkyrie. She is a born fighter, coming from a group of trained warriors. She’s agile and quick on the attack, using a variety of moves to take down her enemies.

She’s someone who can surprise her enemies at any point, work without weapons, and use her supreme strength to take down an opponent. Valkyrie quickly made an impact on the franchise and certainly established her fighting abilities.

3 Hulk

Thor Trilogy The Main Characters Ranked By Fighting Ability

When people think about Hulk, the Thor trilogy might not be the first thing that comes to mind. However, Thor: Ragnarok remains Hulk’s most impressive outing in the MCU.

Hulk is built up as a true fighting champion, which is clear within this movie. His power and strength are obviously a major factor, and that is showcased heavily as he battles throughout the story, destroying everything in his path.

2 Hela

Thor Trilogy The Main Characters Ranked By Fighting Ability

Thor’s sister joins the franchise in the third movie, and she immediately makes her presence known. Hela has immense strength and speed, which is something that few can cope with. She can take Thor right to his limits, and that is something that few characters can do.

Hela is extremely agile, and that is what makes her so much fun to watch when fighting against others. She causes complete havoc within Asgard, and the fact that she can draw in different weapons from out of nowhere gives her an advantage against others.

1 Thor

While there are moments where he shows weakness and vulnerability within this trilogy, there’s no denying that Thor is the most powerful and gifted fighter overall. Right from the start, his aggression and strength are clear, and he continues to be that way throughout.

Whether he is fighting Hulk in an arena or battling against his own siblings, Thor is always able to bring his best. He is strong without any weapons, but when Mjolnir is brought into the situation, or his ability to summon lightning, he immediately goes to another level, which is why few stand a chance fighting against him.

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