Thor vs Superman Who Would Win in a Fight

Thor vs Superman: Who Would Win in a Fight?


Superman and Thor are two of the strongest heroes in any superhero universe, but which hero would really win the ultimate Marvel vs DC showdown?

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Thor vs Superman Who Would Win in a Fight

While fans have argued about which superheroes could defeat each other for generations, the gold standard of superhero strength in these friendly arguments is Superman. With a seemingly endless array of abilities and bottomless power reserve, it’s difficult to think of a character who could reasonably give the Man of Steel a serious challenge in a fair fight. However, Thor, one of Marvel’s strongest Avengers, might just be powerful enough to take on Superman.

With his Asgardian abilities and mystically-enchanted hammer Mjolnir, Thor is a god who fights and defeats adversaries far stronger than him on a regular basis. While Thor might be mighty and Superman might be faster than a speeding bullet, we’re taking a closer look at this Justice Leaguer and Avengers hero to see which hero would ultimately come out on top.


Thor vs Superman Who Would Win in a Fight

By most accounts, Superman seemingly outclasses Thor in terms of raw strength, especially in earlier versions of the DC Universe. He’s pulled planets, punched people into orbit and performed all sorts of wild feats of strength. In the DC Universe, Superman’s powers are effectively unmatched, and they increase with his proximity to Earth’s sun.

However, Thor has displayed a considerable amount of strength, too. After all, Thor’s raw strength was able to destroy an entire planet during his fight with Beta-Ray Bill. He’s punched down Galactus and the Phoenix Force, entities of universal cosmic strength. He held up Asgard, resisted a black hole’s gravity, and leg-pressed one million tons. While Superman is still probably a touch stronger, the divide between Post-Crisis Superman and Thor is not nearly as wide as one might suspect.

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Thor vs Superman Who Would Win in a Fight

In regard to superpowers, Superman has a far more versatile set of abilities. With moves like freeze breath and heat vision alongside his super-strength, Superman has a wider arsenal of tools to choose from. However, Thor regularly fights Frost Giants and has endured energy blasts from god-like Celestials. While Superman’s abilities might hurt Thor, they wouldn’t necessarily put him down.

Besides his strength and other Asgardian abilities, Thor has mastery over lightning. As the God of Thunder, he can control and manipulate magical bolts of lightning and manipulate other weather conditions. While these are nothing to sneeze at for any opponent, Thor’s lightning powers could prove to be especially effective against Superman.


Thor vs Superman Who Would Win in a Fight

Superman has an often-forgotten weakness to magic. which could be the key to his defeat at the hands of Thor. That weakness is one of the main reasons that Shazam, a mystical hero who relies on magical abilities, has been able to take down Superman in the past. Thor is imbued with magical power. This power allows him to spin Mjolnir, his hammer, at speeds that have surpassed light speed. His mystical abilities allow him to maintain his strength under any circumstances.

In the end, Superman’s strength might not matter when he’s faced with one of his weaknesses. While Superman could overpower Thor, Thor’s blows would leave Kal-El seriously injured. With his super-speed, Superman could probably get a few hits in on Thor before the Asgardian had a chance to summon a bolt of lightning. However, Superman rarely goes all-out against opponents, especially in friendly fights. But even when fighting for sport, Thor wants to win. Combined with his mystical abilities, that mindset could give Thor the chance to unleash all his magic against Superman before he can prepare for it in most circumstances.

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Despite all evidence to the contrary, Superman soundly defeated Thor when the two heroes actually fought. Their most meaningful interaction came when the Marvel and DC Universes collided in Kurt Busiek and George Perez’s JLA/Avengers in 2003. At the end of that crossover’s first issue, Thor hurled his hammer Mjolnir into Superman’s face, as the League and the Avengers confronted each other.

As a full-on battle between the two teams erupted in the following issue, the fight between Superman and Thor took center stage. Both heroes pushed themselves to the limit as their teams fought over a Cosmic Cube in the Savage Land as part of a multiversal contest. Impressively, Thor withstood the full might of Superman’s heat vision, as the pair traded blows at full strength. But when Thor tried to knock Superman out with his hammer, Superman knocked Thor out with one final punch. Shortly before the Avengers’ Iron Man, Hercules, Wonder Man, Vision and She-Hulk piled on Superman for taking out their teammate, Superman ended the fight by saying that Thor was the single toughest opponent he had ever faced in battle. While Thor may be one of the mightiest gods in the Marvel Universe, he was no match for the Man of Steel when it really mattered.

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