Tom Cruise His 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Films According To IMDb

Tom Cruise: His 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Films According To IMDb


Tom Cruise is the definition of a blockbuster star – but he’s been in a few stinkers too, according to IMDb.

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Tom Cruise His 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Films According To IMDb

Tom Cruise might be a controversial man in real life, what with being the world’s most famous Scientologist and all, but you can’t argue with his film career and status in the world of cinema. He has starred in some incredible films, but a few missteps have made their way in there at the same time.

The range between the lowest-ranked and highest-ranked on IMDb is really quite impressive, especially considering Tom Cruise is one of the most highly-respected and well-loved actors of all time.

10 BEST: A Few Good Men (7.7)

Tom Cruise His 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Films According To IMDb

Landing a role opposite Jack Nicholson is almost impossible to be anything other than a brilliant move for your acting career.

Tom Cruise’s co-starring role in A Few Good Men has been praised across the board, with the direction of Rob Reiner being cited as one of the main reasons such a convincing story was able to be told.

9 WORST: All The Right Moves (5.9)

Tom Cruise His 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Films According To IMDb

One of Tom Cruise’s first films ever actually placed him straight in the lead role. Fresh-faced and taking on a role much less hard-hitting than many of those to follow, this sports drama was not well-received. Just the most basic outline of the film (Stef Djordjevic is gifted at both football and academia and dreams of success) is full of clichés.

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8 BEST: Mission: Impossible – Fallout (7.7)

Tom Cruise His 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Films According To IMDb

Known for performing his own stunts, Tom Cruise has had a long history of close calls while playing Ethan Hunt in the long-running Mission: Impossible franchise. In a very strange turn of events, it is the sixth installment of the series that is considered to be its high point.

Everything from the action to the direction to the acting was praised, and it became the highest-grossing film of Cruise’s career.

7 WORST: Cocktail (5.9)

Tom Cruise His 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Films According To IMDb

Take a look at the promotional poster for Cocktail and you’ll start to see exactly why this film is the proud winner of a Golden Raspberry award for Worst Film. Cruise plays Brian Flanagan, a bartender who ends up rather gifted in his job, while trying to win the heart of Jordan (Elisabeth Shue). Somehow, it managed to inspire some actual real-life cocktail bars. Who wants to go there?

6 BEST: Edge Of Tomorrow (7.9)

Tom Cruise His 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Films According To IMDb

It might be the most cliched-filled over-the-top worst-named film of all time, but you just can’t argue with results. Edge Of Tomorrow is a festival of explosions and death, with Tom Cruise forced into a position that sees him relive the same murder-filled day forever, Groundhog Day style.

Unexpectedly, the film was a box office hit and received overwhelmingly positive reviews.

5 WORST: Rock Of Ages (5.9)

Tom Cruise His 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Films According To IMDb

Despite being a big-screen adaptation of a very successful and well-loved musical, Rock Of Ages didn’t really hit the mark. It boasts an impressive cast that includes the likes of Russell Brand and Alec Baldwin alongside Tom Cruise’s minor role as Stacee Jaxx (a role you’d never expect him to play) and the music is brilliant, but the reception was poor.

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4 BEST: Rain Man (8.0)

Tom Cruise His 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Films According To IMDb

One of Cruise’s most emotionally charged performances comes from his co-starring role in Rain Man, with Dustin Hoffman. It is considered to be one of the greatest films of all time, and one of the best on-screen partnerships.

It might have been Hoffman who ended up winning the Oscar for Best Actor In A Leading Role, but Cruise is brilliant as the selfish (and then very caring) Charlie Babbit.

3 WORST: The Mummy (5.4)

Tom Cruise His 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Films According To IMDb

It was always a strange and controversial move to try and make a cinematic universe that took all of the classic monsters of old and mash them together. As expected, it didn’t work. Cruise stars in the 2017 reboot of The Mummy, which had an incredible budget pumped into it that was pretty much always destined for a loss. In fact, the terrible response to this film led to the cancellation of the entire ‘Monsters’ universe.

2 BEST: Magnolia (8.0)

Tom Cruise His 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Films According To IMDb

Magnolia might well be three-hours long, but it deserves every minute. Cruise plays Frank Mackey in the sprawling drama, which takes an artistic approach to various interconnected stories of searching for something around San Fernando Valley.

The film was a huge critical success, with Cruise winning a Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor for his role in the film.

1 WORST: Losin’ It (4.9)

Another of Cruise’s first roles has made it into his list of worst films according to IMDb, with Losin’ It working its way to the very top. He is one of the four teenagers the film focuses on who are trying to lose their virginity. The crass, bland comedy is a huge distance from the action epics Cruise would eventually become known for.

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